Answer all questions in complete English sentences and use proper APA citation when appropriate

1. Briefly state the general research question that motivates the study.  

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HINT: You must state an interrogative sentence to receive credit.

2. What type of experiment – laboratory or field – did Sherman et al. (1992) conduct?  Discuss the experimental procedure.  HINT:  Carefully review “Variations in Experimental Context,” (Dixon, Singleton, and Straits, 2019, p.188-193 and see figure 7.2, p. 193)   

3. What are the results?  Explain.

HINT: What role the background of an alleged DV offender may play in relation to the outcome variable?

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  • Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology
  • Volume 83
    Issue 1 Spring

    Article 5

    Spring 1992

    The Variable Effects of Arrest on Criminal Careers:
    The Milwaukee Domestic Violence Experiment
    Lawrence W. Sherman

    Janell D. Schmidt

    Dennis P. Rogan

    Douglas A. Smith

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    Recommended Citation
    Lawrence W. Sherman, Janell D. Schmidt, Dennis P. Rogan, Douglas A. Smith, The Variable Effects of Arrest on Criminal Careers: The
    Milwaukee Domestic Violence Experiment, 83 J. Crim. L. & Criminology 137 (1992-1993)

    Copyright 0 1992 by Northwestern University, School of Law Prinled in U.S.A.







    The jurisprudence of the criminal sanction has long recognized
    diverse objectives: deterrence, justly deserved punishment, incapac-

    This research was supported by grant 861JCXK043 to the Crime Control Institute
    from the National Institute ofJustice. The points of view or opinions stated herein are
    those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the U.S. De-
    partment of Justice or the Milwaukee Police Department. We are deeply indebted to
    former Milwaukee Police Chief Robert J. Ziarnik for his support of this research and to
    Chief Philip Arreola for continuing that support. We also thank Kathleen Stolpman and
    the staff of the Sojourner Truth House for their maintenance of hotline records of re-
    peat violence. This article also reflects the work of many Crime Control Institute staff
    members and interviewers and the advice of Drs.Joel Garner, AlbertJ. Reiss,jr., Robert
    Boruch, and Kinley Larntz, as well as Lucy Friedman and Allen Andrews. Most impor-
    tant were the officers who carried out the experiment, all of whom entered eligible cases
    into it: Joseph Vukovich, Zygmunt Lipski, Kenneth Jones, Michael Dubis, Lawrence
    Roberts, Thomas Skovera, Alan Singer, Frederick Birts, Thomas Bohl, Daniel Halbur,
    Peter Panasiuk, Scott Rinderle, Michael Braunreiter, Timothy Koceja, John Bogues, Ed-
    gar Bullock, Kim Stack, “Mick” Heinrich, Jerome Sims, John Wallace, Wayne Armon,
    Rosalie Gallegos, Edward Prah, Dean Schubert, Richard Thompson, Debra Glass,
    Cheryl Switzer, Robert Eckert, Daniel Kent, Tracy Becker, Steven Fyfe, Jeffery Watts,
    Gregory Blumenberg, Mark Hilt, and Kathleen Borkowski.

    * Lawrence W. Sherman is Professor of Criminology, University of Maryland and
    President, Crime Control Institute. Ph.D. Yale University, 1976. Janell D. Schmidt is
    Director, Milwaukee Office, Crime Control Institute. M.S., University of Wisconsin at
    Milwaukee, 1985. Dennis P. Rogan is Vice President, Crime Control Institute. Ph.D.,
    University of Maryland, 1988. Douglas A. Smith is Professor of Criminology, University
    of Maryland. Ph.D., Indiana University, 1982. Patrick R. Gartin is Associate in Crimi-
    nology, University of Florida. Ph.D., University of Maryland, 1992. Ellen G. Cohn is
    Visiting Assistant Professor of Criminal justice, Indiana University at Indianapolis.
    Ph.D., Cambridge University, 1991. DeanJ. Collins is Deputy Inspector, Milwaukee Po-
    lice Department. M.S., University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, 1973. Anthony R. Bacich
    is Captain, Milwaukee Police Department. M.S., University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee,


    itation and perhaps rehabilitation.’ Yet it has rarely recognized
    arrest as a form of sanctioning, despite the widely acknowledged use
    of arrest for that purpose. 2 While the Supreme Court has held that
    pre-trial detention does not legally constitute punishment, 3 the ju-
    risprudence of arrest must nonetheless confront problems of poten-
    tial conflict among the diverse objectives of arrest as a sanction.
    Perhaps the most perplexing problem involves empirical evidence
    of conditions under which arrests increase, rather than reduce, the
    frequency of repeat offending by arrested individuals. This problem
    is particularly challenging for misdemeanor offenses that rarely re-
    sult in prosecution and for which arrest may be the only criminal
    sanction ever applied.

    Mandatory arrest laws for misdemeanor domestic battery have
    become the leading example of this problem in the jurisprudence of
    arrest. Enacted by some fifteen state legislatures 4 despite implicit
    knowledge that few arrests are ever prosecuted, 5 mandatory arrest
    was widely viewed as a criminal sanction that produced a specific
    deterrent effect.6 This view was supported by the findings of the
    pioneering Minneapolis, Minnesota domestic violence arrest experi-
    ment (also called the Minneapolis Spouse Abuse Experiment), the
    first controlled experiment in the use of arrest for any offense,
    which found a substantial specific deterrent effect in a sample of 314
    cases. 7 But as the authors of that experiment pointed out, the sam-


    3 Bell v. Wolfish, 441 U.S. 520 (1979).

    CHART (1991). See ARIZ. REV. STAT. ANN. § 13-3601B (1991); CONN. GEN. STAT. ANN.
    § 466-386(a) (West 1990); D.C. CODE ANN. § 16-1031(a) (1991); HAW. REV. STAT. § 709-
    906(4) (1991); 1991 IOWA ACTS 2160; ME. REV. STAT. ANN. tit. 19, § 770 (West 1991);
    Mo. REV. STAT. § 455.085 (1990); NEV. REV. STAT. § 171.137 (1991); NJ. REV. STAT.
    § 2C:25-5a (1991); OR. REV. STAT. § 133.055 (1989); R.I. GEN. LAWS § 12-29-3(B)
    (1991); S.D. CODIFIED LAWS ANN. § 23A-3-21 (1989); UTAH CODE ANN. § 30-6-8(2)
    (1991); WASH. REV. CODE ANN. § 10.31.100(2) (West 1991); WIs. STAT. ANN.
    § 968.075(2) (West 1990).

    5 In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for example, the prosecution rate for misdemeanor do-
    mestic battery was about ten percent at the time the Wisconsin State legislature enacted
    mandatory arrest for probable cause cases of that offense. In the Milwaukee experiment
    reported in this article, the prosecution rate was under five percent of all arrests.

    rence W. Sherman & Ellen G. Cohn, The Impact of Research on Legal Policy: The Minneapolis
    Domestic Violence Experiment, 23 LAw & Soc’Y. REV. 117 (1989) [hereinafter Sherman &
    Cohn, The Impact of Research].

    7 See Richard A. Berk & Lawrence W. Sherman, Police Responses to Family Violence Inci-
    dents: An Analysis of An Experimental Design With Incomplete Randomization, 83 J. AM. STAT.
    ASS’N 70 (1988); Lawrence W. Sherman & Richard A. Berk, The Specific Deterrent Effects of
    Arrest for Domestic Assault, 49 AM. Soc. REV. 261 (1984).

    [Vol. 83



    ple size precluded thorough testing of an important possibility:
    “that for some kinds of people, arrest may only make matters
    worse.” They went on to recommend that “until subsequent re-
    search addresses that issue more thoroughly, it would be premature
    for state legislatures to pass laws requiring arrests in all misde-
    meanor domestic assaults.” s

    This article reports subsequent research that has now ad-
    dressed the issue more thoroughly. Just as the Minneapolis study’s
    authors feared, the Milwaukee, Wisconsin domestic violence arrest
    experiment provides substantial evidence that arrest makes some
    kinds of people more frequently violent against their cohabitants.
    This evidence creates a philosophical conflict between the objectives
    of punishment and deterrence, a problem with little previous com-
    mentary in the jurisprudence of sanctions. The evidence shows
    that, while arrest deters repeat domestic violence in the short run,
    arrests with brief custody increase the frequency of domestic vio-
    lence in the long run among offenders in general. The evidence
    also shows that, among cases predominantly reported from Milwau-
    kee’s black urban poverty ghetto, different kinds of offenders react
    differently to arrest: some become much more frequently violent,
    while others become somewhat less frequently violent.

    These variable effects of arrests on criminal careers raise impor-
    tant questions about whether crime prevention or just deserts is to
    be the paramount goal of the criminal sanction. 9 The longstanding
    jurisprudential premise that punishment always deters, or at least
    never backfires,10 can no longer be accepted. Such a serious claim
    requires substantial documentation. This article expands upon find-

    LENCE EXPERIMENT 7 (1984). See also Lawrence W. Sherman, Experiments in Police Discre-
    tion: Scientific Boon or Dangerous Knowledge? 47 LAw & CONTEMP. PROBS. 61 (1984)
    [hereinafter Sherman, Experiments in Police Discretion].

    9 This question is not new, even though it lacks systematic treatment in mode


    jurisprudence. In 1764, Cesare Beccaria argued that when the infliction of punishment
    produces no effect, then punishment is not morally justified and violates the social con-
    tract. CESARE BECCARIA, ON CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS 14 (Henry Paolucci trans., 1963).
    A century later, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle answered the question this way: “To revenge
    crime is important, but to prevent it is more so.” 2 THE ANNOTATED SHERLOCK HOLMES
    672 (William S. Baring-Gould ed., 1967).

    10 von Hirsch, for example, has observed that

    When one seeks to justify the criminal sanction by reference to its deterrent utility,
    desert is called for to explain why that utility mayjustly be pursued at the offenders’
    expense. When one seeks to justify punishment as deserved, deterrence is needed
    to deal with the countervailing concern about the suffering inflicted. The interde-
    pendence of these two concepts suggests that the criminal sanction rests, ultimately,
    on both.




    ings presented elsewhere, providing considerably more detail than
    has been previously reported”I about the results of the Milwaukee
    domestic violence experiment.


    The factual premise of mandatory arrest advocates has been
    that police discriminate against victims of domestic violence, largely
    because most police officers are men. 12 The indisputable evidence
    cited in support of this premise is that police often fail to make ar-
    rests in cases of misdemeanor domestic battery, a claim supported
    by repeated field observation studies of police decisionmaking. 13

    On occasion, police have even failed to make arrests for domestic
    violence felonies committed in their presence. For example, in
    1983, Torrington, Connecticut police officer Frederick Petrovits
    stood and watched as Charles Thurman, holding a bloody knife,
    kicked his wife Tracey in the head. ‘ 4 She was already bleeding from
    knife wounds in the chest, neck and throat. Petrovits did nothing as
    Mr. Thurman went into the house, grabbed his three-year old son,
    came back out and kicked his wife in the head again. Three other
    officers arrived and also did nothing but call for an ambulance while
    Mr. Thurman wandered around, continuing to threaten his wife.
    Only when he approached his wife again as she was lying on a
    stretcher did the police finally arrest Mr. Thurman, a short-order
    cook at a cafe frequented by local police officers.

    t 5

    The evidence for police discrimination against women domestic
    battery victims is bolstered by incidents of police officers commit-
    ting battery against their own wives. In the City of Chicago in 1988,

    LEMMAS (1992) [hereinafter SHERMAN, POLICING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE); Lawrence W.
    Sherman et al., From Initial Deterrence to Long-Term Escalation: Short-Custody Arrest for Poverty
    Ghetto Domestic Violence, 29 CRIMINOLOGY 821 (1991) [hereinafter Sherman, From Initial
    Deterrence]; Lawrence W. Sherman & Douglas A. Smith, Crime, Punishment and Stake in
    Conformity: Legal and Extralegal Control of Domestic Violence (forthcoming 1992 in AM. Soc.
    REV.) [hereinafter Sherman & Smith, Crime, Punishment and Stake in Conformity].

    12 SHERMAN, POLICING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, supra note 11, ch. 2.

    that in a 1966 study of high-crime area policing in Boston, Washington and Chicago,
    arrests were made in only forty-seven percent of all misdemeanors involving family
    members. Nan Oppenlander, Coping or Copping Out, 20 CRIMINOLOGY 449, 455 (1982),
    reports similar results from a 1977 observation study of policing in twenty-four agencies
    in three metropolitan areas (Tampa, Rochester, N.Y., and St. Louis): arrests were made
    in only twenty-two percent of all family assault cases. See also Delbert S. Elliott, Criminal
    Justice Procedures in Family Violence Crimes, in FAMILY VIOLENCE 427 (Lloyd F. Ohlin &
    Michael H. Tonry, eds. 1989).

    14 Thurman v. City of Torrington, 595 F. Supp. 1521, 1526 (1984).
    15 Id.

    140 [Vol. 83


    for example, at least four of the city’s 12,000 police officers killed
    their wives and then killed themselves.’ 6 A 1991 lawsuit filed
    against the Chicago Police Department claimed it had a continuing
    pattern of covering up police violence against spouses. 17 The plain-
    tiff, a police officer’s wife, claimed to have been beaten for years,
    with no help from police supervisors to whom she complained or
    from officers who responded after beating incidents. After the
    plaintiff obtained a court order of protection, her husband stopped
    her on the street while she was driving her son in her car. Her hus-
    band was in uniform, in a marked squad car, with his uniformed
    partner sitting in the car. The husband beat his wife in full view of
    both his partner and his son. The partner did nothing to intervene,
    even though he knew there was a valid order of protection being
    violated. The officer was later tried and convicted on battery
    charges but was not immediately dismissed from the police force.

    1 8

    The problem with the use of these facts as evidence of discrimi-
    nation against women victims of domestic violence is that they are
    silent about disparity. If one assumes full enforcement of laws
    against other offenses, then the evidence of under-enforcement of
    this offense is sufficient. But if full enforcement is only a myth, then
    the question becomes how much difference there is between the
    probability of arrest (given an opportunity) for domestic violence
    and that for other offenses. That this is the appropriate question is
    clear. Full enforcement is indeed a myth, and American police prac-
    tice “aggressive” under-enforcement of most offenses. 19 One study
    found that even with the suspect present and with legally sufficient
    evidence, police made arrests in only forty-four percent of all re-
    ported misdemeanors and fifty-eight percent of all reported felo-
    nies. 20 Other studies reach similar findings.2 1 For a wide variety of
    reasons, police ignore most opportunities to make arrests. 22

    Criminological study of police discretion has established little

    16 Jacob R. Clark, Policing’s Dirty Little Secret?, LAw ENFORCEMENT NEWS, April 15,
    1991, at 1, 10.

    17 Id at 1.
    18 Id.

    19 See Harold E. Pepinsky, Better Living Through Police Discretion, 47 LAw & CoNTEMP.
    PROBS. 249 (1984).

    20 BLACK, supra note 13, at 90.
    21 See Douglas A. Smith & Christy A. Visher, Street-Level Justice: Situational Determinants

    of Police Arrest Decisions, 29 Soc. PROBS. 167 (1981).
    22 This fact has stimulated extensive social science theorizing and commentary. See,




    consistent explanation of the causes of police behavior, 2 3 but one
    nearly universal finding is that police attend to the demeanor or
    overall “moral worth” of the suspect and victim. If police are clearly
    not blind “ministerial” agents automatically carrying out the legisla-
    ture’s commands, a more accurate description seems to be that they
    are judicial officials administering their own conceptions of just
    deserts.2 4 As sociologist William Westley observed in the first sys-
    tematic field study of an American police department (Gary, Indiana
    in 1949), police do not enforce the law so much as their own moral-
    ity. 2 5 Police routinely speak of suspects who “fail the attitude test,”
    or who are guilty of “contempt of cop,” or who are just plain bad
    people, denoted by the widespread police use of the label
    “asshole.” 2 6 The importance of police “gut” reactions to people
    and situations has so shaped our understanding of what police do
    that one scholar makes it part of the very definition of policing: “a
    mechanism for the distribution of non-negotiably coercive force em-
    ployed in accordance with the dictates of an intuitive grasp of situa-
    tional exigencies.” 2 7 Much of this intuition goes beyond the “craft”
    of how to accomplish a goal in a particular situation 28 to a moral
    judgment about what that goal should be.

    The “police justice” model of discretion has a clear conse-
    quence for domestic violence: leading police to arrest the “unem-
    ployed, unmarried, nonchurchgoing riffraff,” while letting the more
    respectable (and deferential) suspects they encounter go free.29

    This practice is clearly supported by a just deserts view of police as
    judicial officials and a free will conception of human behavior. It
    falls down, however, on a premise of deterrence and determinism.
    Criminological theory for the past half century has suggested that
    persons most likely to be arrested for domestic violence are the per-
    sons least likely to be deterred by an arrest.3 0 That was one reason
    why a controlled experiment was necessary to test the effects of
    arrest-even on people whom police would normally not arrest.
    The more important reason, though, was to determine how police

    23 See Lawrence W. Sherman, Cause of Police Behavior: The Current State of Quantitative
    Research, 17J. RES. CRIME & DELINQ. 69 (1980).

    24 See Sherman, Experiments in Police Discretion, supra note 8.
    26 SeeJohn Van Maanen, The Asshole, in POLICING: THE VIEW FROM THE STREET (Peter

    K. Manning &John Van Maanen eds. 1978).
    28 See WILSON, supra note 22.
    29 See Sherman, Experiments in Police Discretion, supra note 8, at 78.


    142 [Vol. 83


    could best prevent future domestic violence, regardless of any “in-
    tuitive” grasp of the justice of the situation.

    The results of the pioneering Minneapolis experiment helped
    proponents of mandatory arrest to try to eliminate the police justice
    model and restore the ministerial model, for that one offense.3 1 To
    our knowledge, no other type of offense has ever been subjected to
    an offense-specific mandatory arrest statute by any state legislature.
    While field research suggests that police may easily evade such man-
    dates, 2 the laws have at least increased substantially the chances of
    suspects’ being arrested for domestic violence.3 3 They may even
    have created the closest approximation of full enforcement ever
    achieved by American police. Whether or not this approach can
    ever eliminate discretion is less important than the content of the
    mandate: to arrest everyone, regardless of the likely effects of the
    arrest on future violence.

    An alternative to the ministerial approach is to take the likely
    consequences of arrest into account in exercising police discretion.
    The key criterion for deciding to arrest in any specific case would be
    the probable effect of the arrest on the suspect’s future conduct,
    based on predictions derived from controlled experiments in arrest.
    This “professional crime control” model poses enormous difficul-
    ties in finding legally and ethically acceptable guidelines for when
    arrests should and should not be made.3 4 Yet the difficulties may be
    no greater than the inequitable consequences resulting from a
    mandatory arrest policy. Equal protection for suspects may produce
    unequal protection for victims.

    The choice between “justice” and “crime control” models of
    police discretion, up to now, has been moot. As long as criminology
    merely raised questions ofjustice by documenting the inequities of
    police discretion, the choice was limited to legislative versus police
    conceptions of justice. This choice attracted relatively little public
    concern outside the scholarly community of criminal law and crimi-
    nology, allowing the jurisprudence of arrest to lie dormant in recent
    years. But if the evidence presented below is at all persuasive, it
    demonstrates the need for a new approach to police discretionary
    rule-making: one that confronts the variable effects of arrest on
    criminal careers.

    31 See Sherman & Cohn, The Impact of Research, supra note 6. See also James W. Meeker
    & Arnold Binder, Experiments as Reforms: The Impact of the ‘Minneapolis Experiment’on Police
    Policy, 17J. POLICE Sci. & ADMIN. 147 (1990).

    32 See KathleenJ. Ferraro, Policing Woman Battering, 36 Soc. PROBS. 61 (1989).
    34 Sherman, Experiments in Police Discretion, supra note 8, at 76.




    From April 7, 1987 to August 8, 1988, the Milwaukee Police
    Department conducted a controlled experiment in the use of arrest
    for misdemeanor domestic battery.3 5 A controlled experiment is a
    research design which attempts to isolate a cause and effect relation-
    ship between two variables;3 6 in this case, police decisions to arrest
    or not to arrest and subsequent domestic violence by the suspects.
    The essential logic of a controlled experiment is to make two or
    more groups virtually identical in all respects except one: the treat-
    ment to be evaluated (in this case, arrest). The elimination of rival
    hypotheses allows a very strong inference of cause and effect to be
    made about differences in the groups observed.

    The method by which pre-existing differences between the
    groups are minimized or almost eliminated is called random assign-
    ment, a lottery method giving each suspect an equal probability of
    receiving each treatment. 37 Thus, whether a suspect is arrested or
    not is purely a matter of chance, regardless of police officers’ intui-
    tive grasp of the circumstances. This method of evaluating legal
    practices has been endorsed by an advisory committee of the Chief
    Justice of the United States, 38 and it has not been subject to legal
    challenge in the arrest experiments conducted to date. The equal
    probability of arrest and no arrest in the Milwaukee experiment was
    produced by a computer-generated sequence of police responses
    (treatments) in advance of the experiment. This sequence was
    sealed and kept secret from all participants in the experiment until
    the actual occurence of each of the 1200 cases eligible for entry into
    the experiment.

    Unlike the earlier Minneapolis experiment (and all of its other
    replications), the Milwaukee experiment was conducted well after
    the May 1, 1986 implementation of a citywide policy of mandatory
    arrest. Thus it had the effect of reducing the severity of police re-
    sponse in the control group, rather than increasing it in the experi-
    mental group. While that effect improved the ethical posture of the
    experiment, 39 it is unclear what effect it may have had on the results.
    The effect of giving a “break” to the control group may be different
    from “cracking down” on the experimental group. The low level of

    35 See SHERMAN, POLICING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, supra note 11, at app. 2; Sherman,
    From Initial Deterrence, supra note 11, at 826.

    36 See SOCIAL EXPERIMENTATION (Henry W. Riecken & Robert F. Boruch, eds., 1974).

    PORT (1981).
    39 See Norval Morris, Impediments to Penal Reform, 33 U. CHI. L. REV. 627 (1966).

    [Vol. 83


    awareness of the mandatory arrest policy among the victims and
    suspects in the sample, however, suggests that the prior existence of
    mandatory arrest had little effect on the results.




    The experiment was conducted in four of the six police patrol
    districts in Milwaukee. While the districts were racially and econom-
    ically diverse, most of the cases in the experiment came from poor
    black neighborhoods. This is consistent with the often-observed
    pattern of greater frequency of requests for police intervention in
    domestic disturbances in such areas than in predominantly white
    working class and middle-class neighborhoods. 4 1 The resulting
    sample of suspects was ninety-one percent male, seventy-six percent
    black, sixty-four percent never married to the victim, fifty-five per-
    cent unemployed, thirty-one percent high school graduates, forty-
    two percent intoxicated at the time police arrived, and fifty percent
    with a prior arrest record, consisting of thirty-two percent with a
    prior arrest for domestic battery against anyone and twenty-six per-
    cent with a prior arrest for a battery against the same victim as in the
    presenting case. These characteristics of the 1200 eligible cases
    were not very different from the 854 ineligible cases encountered by
    the thirty-five specially selected officers who participated in the ex-
    periment; the most frequent reason for ineligibility was the absence
    of the offender from the scene (Table 1).

    40 Twenty-four percent of the victims and nineteen percent of the suspects inter-

    viewed correctly identified the city’s policy of mandatory arrest. Sherman, From Initial
    Deterrence, supra note 11, at 845.

    41 See BLACK, supra note 13, ch. 6; M. P. Baumgartner, Law and the Middle Class: Evi-
    dence From a Suburban Town, 9 LAw & HUM. BEHAV. 3 (1985).



    TABLE 1

    District Total
    2 3 5 7

    Number of Ineligible Cases 119 363 157 215 854
    Primary Ineligible Reason N % N % N % N %.

    Suspect Not On Scene 63 53 211 58 63 40 144 67 481
    Open Warrants, Commitments 12 10 36 10 24 15 11 5 83
    Imminent Danger To Victim 12 10 24 7 9 6 8 4 53
    Serious Injury To Victim 6 5 19 5 10 6 11 5 46
    Both Parties Arrested 2 2 13 4 5 3 5 2 25
    Officer Decision 6 5 6 2 7 4 4 2 23
    Valid Restraining Order 1 1 5 1 6 4 4 2 16
    Victim Insists On Arrest 13
    Officer Assaulted 9
    Victim Assaulted At Scene 7
    Other 98

    The 1200 eligible cases encountered by the thirty-five experi-
    menting officers constituted twenty-five percent of all domestic vio-
    lence incidents reported by all police in those four districts during
    the eight-hour shift (7:00 p.m to 3:00 a.m.) in which the experiment
    was conducted. There is good reason to believe that the experimen-
    tal cases were typical of all cases citywide, since all officers in those
    four districts in those eight hours produced forty percent of all do-
    mestic batteries citywide, twenty-four hours a day. Dispatchers were
    instructed to refer cases to the experimental officers whenever they
    were available, regardless of the area of the district in which the case
    was located. Other officers also frequently referred cases to the ex-
    perimental officers, especially when they judged the cases to be eli-
    gible: suspect and victim both present; probable cause to arrest;
    victim and suspect currently or formerly married, cohabiting, or
    parents of a child in common; no valid restraining order in effect; no
    outstanding arrest warrants against either party; one party only eli-
    gible for arrest; no serious injury; no apparent threat of immediate
    violence after police leave; and a victim who did not insist upon an
    arrest being made.

    These restrictions created some limitations on the general-
    izability of the results but apparently allowed about half of all
    mandatory arrest situations into the experiment (with fifty-eight per-
    cent of the cases the experimenting officers encountered). More-
    over, inspection of the cases deemed ineligible in each of the four
    districts shows a fairly high level of consistency (Table 1).


    If the case was deemed eligible, participating officers agreed to

    [Vol. 83


    radio headquarters for a warrant check. If no warrants were out-
    standing, they were to radio or phone the Crime Control Institute
    (CCI) office with the names and dates of birth of the suspect and
    victim, as well as the officer’s payroll number. The CCI staff would
    then open a wax-sealed envelope (prepared in Washington, D.C.) in
    a pre-arranged sequence, containing a piece of paper marked “1,”

    “2,2” or “3.” The numbers were codes for police actions

    Code 1: Standard arrest under mandatory arrest policy; suspect eli-
    gible for release on $250 bail, cash or credit card.

    Code 2: Suspect to be arrested in the same way, but to be released
    on personal recognizance as quickly as possible after arrival
    at central booking, preferably within two hours.

    Code 3: Suspect not to be arrested, but police to read a standard
    warning of arrest if police had to return that evening.

    The labels “‘ “,”‘2′ and “3’ as well as “Full Arrest,” “Short Arrest”
    and “Warning” are used below in both text and tables as shorthand
    for these three treatments.

    The purpose of comparing two lengths of time in custody was
    to determine whether differences across police agencies in average
    dosage of custody time affected the results of arrest. The earlier
    Minneapolis experiment had been conducted with a night in jail as
    the minimum dosage, while other agencies around the country were
    reportedly releasing arrested suspects within two hours. 4 2

    This screening process was to be undertaken regardless of prior
    contact with the experiment, just as the earlier Minneapolis experi-
    ment had done. The one exception was for prior Code 3 cases on
    the same night. If the officers had to return again, they were in-
    structed to abort the random assignment and make an arrest, consis-
    tent with the warning delivered on the first encounter. Handling
    each event as the unit of analysis for separate randomization-rather
    than consistent application of the same treatment once a suspect had
    been randomized as the unit of analysis-was a major difference be-
    tween Milwaukee and several of the other replications of the pio-
    neering Minneapolis experiment, such as in Omaha, Nebraska. 43

    An even greater difference between the Milwaukee and Minne-
    apolis experiments was the high degree of compliance with the ran-
    domized design achieved by the Milwaukee officers. As Table 2
    shows, in over ninety-eight percent of the cases, the treatments actu-

    42 Our own survey of fifteen Wisconsin police departments found that eight of them
    released domestic violence suspects in less than three hours. Sherman, From Initial Deter-
    rence, supra note 11, at 824.

    43 See Franklyn W. Dunford et al., The Role of Arrest in Domestic Assault: The Omaha Police
    Experiment, 28 CRIMINOLOGY 183 (1990).



    TABLE 2

    Treatments as Randomized
    Treatments as Delivered Arrest/Hold Arrest/Release Warn Total

    Arrest/Hold 400 13 1 414

    Arrest/Release 1 384 1 386
    Warn 3 1 396 400
    Total 404 398 398 1200

    ally delivered were the same as the randomly assigned treatments
    contained in the envelopes. This includes repeat randomization of
    some couples, for a total of 1,112 couples across the 1200 cases.


    Most of the twenty “treatment failures,” as we trained police to
    think of them, were cases randomly assigned to arrest and release
    which had to be misassigned to arrest and hold. Most of those, in
    turn, were due to failures of information systems supporting police
    in the field. The most common problem (6 of the 20) was incorrect
    field information about whether the suspect was wanted on a war-
    rant. When the arrest/release suspects were brought to headquar-
    ters for booking, they were subjected to a second warrant check.
    Three of those suspects were found to have given false names in the
    field, and three were found to have had a warrant that the original,
    radio-transmitted warrant check had not found. A seventh case was
    barred for early release by the booking officers because of outstand-
    ing municipal warrants, in violation of the official orders for the

    The remaining thirteen reasons for misassignments reveal the
    human limitations on random assignment in these circumstances.
    Seven of those cases were caused by unpredictable events after the
    envelope was opened. Two of those cases were changed from
    arrest/release to arrest/hold after the suspect became violent in the
    booking area. Two cases were changed because the suspects were
    hospitalized and could be neither booked nor released on recogni-
    zance. Two cases were changed to arrest and hold after evidence of
    additional crimes was discovered at the scene (theft in one case,
    drug possession in another). One case was changed to arrest and
    hold due to an escalation of danger at the scene after the envelope
    was opened. The last six misassignments were due to simple officer

    The three treatments produced substantially different exper-

    44 This means that 7.3 % (88 of 1200) of the randomized cases were repeat couples,
    almost identical to the 7.5% (25 of 330) in the earlier Minneapolis study.

    [Vol. 83


    iences for both victims and suspects. 4 5 Perhaps the most important
    difference was the special processing needed to get the short arrest
    suspects out of custody within the two-hour goal. The result of their
    being taken to the head of the line at most stages of the booking
    process was an average time in custody of about three hours, com-
    pared to an estimated eleven hours or more for the suspects ran-
    domly assigned to full arrest.4 6 Whether this experience is
    comparable to speedy booking for everyone in small6r police agen-
    cies remains an unanswered question.


    Four outcome measures were used to estimate the prevalence
    and frequency of repeat violence by the sample suspects. The most
    comprehensive and precise was the “hotline” reports called in by all
    police citywide to the battered women’s shelter whenever they en-
    countered a case of domestic battery, whether or not they could
    make an arrest. These reports encompassed most, but not all, of the
    second and third data sources: arrests of the suspects for repeat vio-
    lence (against any victim, including the same one as in the present-
    ing incident), and offense reports of repeat violence by the same
    suspect against the same victim. All three of these “official” sources
    were available for 100% of the cases.

    The fourth data source was up to two face-to-face interviews
    conducted with the victim in each randomized case. One interview
    was attempted shortly after the presenting incident, for the first 900
    of the 1200 cases. A separate interview was attempted in all 1200
    cases six to twelve months after the presenting incident. The initial
    interviews were suspended after 900 cases to test for any possible
    influence of the interviews on the rate of repeat violence. 4 7 Re-
    sponse rates for both interviews were fairly high, at seventy-eight
    percent for the initial interviews and seventy-seven percent for the
    long-term follow-ups.


    The analysis of the Milwaukee experiment proceeded in two
    stages. The first stage was the analysis of the “main effects” of the
    randomized experiments, or the differences (or lack of them) in out-
    come measures between the three treatment groups. The second

    45 Sherman, From Initial Deterrence, supra note 11, tbl. 2, at 831.
    46 Id.

    47 No differences in effects of arrest were found between the last 300 cases and the
    first 900 cases.



    stage analyzed differences in treatment effects within various
    subgroups of the sample. Of the two, the main effects are more sta-
    tistically powerful and more straightforwardly interpretable. Their
    analysis begins with an examination of the effects of the treatments
    on the amount of time each couple spent together during the
    follow-up period. Answering this question is a necessary first.step in
    determining whether any differential incapacitation effect has oc-
    curred which might obscure or falsely portray any deterrent



    One possibility is that making an arrest might be more likely
    than failing to make an arrest to break up a couple; the arrested
    suspect may simply never return home after the arrest, whereas the
    warned suspect was never taken away. This did not happen very
    often, however. Among the Milwaukee arrest group couples,
    seventy-four percent had been together again by the time of the ini-
    tial interview. By the time of the six month interview, forty-one per-
    cent of all victims said they were living with the suspect then, and
    another thirty-one percent said they had lived with the suspect for at
    least part of the time since the randomized police response. Among
    those who were living together, seventy-two percent had cohabited
    all of the time since the randomized response.

    The key question for our analysis is whether time-at-risk varied
    by treatment group. One way to answer that question is by analyz-
    ing the set of interviews that were done consistently near the six
    month anniversary of the randomized response, namely the 5


    follow-up interviews completed between case 473 and case 1200.
    These data have the least amount of error in estimating time-at-risk
    due to variations in the amount of time since the presenting inci-
    dent. They show that there were only slight differences in the ex-
    tent of cohabitation across the three treatment groups.

    Among those interviewed close to six months in all three treat-
    ment groups (N=563, see supra), the majority of couples were no
    longer cohabiting: only forty-five percent of the full arrest cases,
    forty-four percent of the short arrest cases, and thirty-eight percent
    of the warning cases were cohabiting at the time of the interview.
    Of those still cohabiting at six months, the proportions who had co-
    habited the entire time since the presenting incident were seventy

    48 See Albert J. Reiss, Some Failures in Designing Data Collection That Distort Results, in
    eds., 1985).

    [Vol. 83


    TABLE 3


    Treatment N of Mean Days to Mean Days Standard Cohabitation
    Group Interviews Interview Cohabitation Deviation Ratio

    Full Arrest 315 292 136 151 .47

    Short Arrest 280 279 115 139 .41

    Warning 287 295 121 147 .41

    t tests
    Full arrest vs. Short arrest t = 1.79, df = 593, p = .074
    Full arrest vs. Warning t = 1.27, df = 600, p = .205
    Short arrest vs. Warning t = – .49, df = 565, p = .623

    percent, seventy-one percent, and eighty-five percent, respectively.
    Among couples not cohabiting at the time of the interview, thirty-
    one percent, thirty-two percent and twenty percent, respectively,
    had cohabited for some portion of the six month follow-up period.
    Note that the differences between the arrest and warning groups are
    not always consistent in direction, although they do show lower
    prevalence of any cohabitation in the warning group compared to
    the arrest group.

    Another test for differences in time-at-risk is to estimate the to-
    tal number of days of cohabitation reported by the victims at all
    follow-up interviews, regardless of when the interviews were done
    (N= 882, Table 3). This procedure required distinguishing four
    categories from among the interview data: (1) those who cohabited
    continuously; (2) those who had not cohabited continuously but
    were cohabiting on the date of the interview; (3) those who were not
    cohabiting on the date of the interview but had cohabited some of
    the time since the presenting incident; and (4) those who had not
    cohabited at all since the presenting incident. Precise estimates of
    the number of days of cohabitation were available for the first and
    fourth categories from the dates of the presenting incident and the
    interview. The two middle categories, however, provide only victim
    recall, in days, weeks or months, to estimate the days of

    4 9

    Table 3 presents the results of our estimates (expressed as
    Mean Days Cohabitation) of actual days at risk, for each treatment

    49 Victim recall of the days of cohabitation is far from perfect. In five cases, for ex-
    ample, the victim’s estimates for groups 2 and 3 were in excess of the time between the
    presenting incident and the interview. In twenty-two other cases, the victim said they
    had lived together some of the time but provided no estimate for how much time. For
    reasons like this, we treated 39 of the 921 interviews as missing data, without examining
    their treatment groups. That left 882 interviews across all three treatment groups.



    group. It shows that there were no greater differences in time-at-
    risk than we would expect by chance variation (p =.05). It also
    shows that, on average, all three treatment groups were cohabiting
    less than half the time from the presenting incident to the interview.
    We do not know whether this represents a before-after decrease in
    the cohabitation ratio (days cohabiting divided by total days). The
    relationships could have been just as intermittent and variable in
    level of cohabitation in the period before the presenting incident as
    in the period after. We do know, however, that ninety percent of
    the 1200 police reports and seventy-four percent of the 900 initial
    victim interviews reported that the couples were cohabiting on the
    date of the presenting incident. This compares to only forty-one
    percent of the total follow-up interviews reporting cohabitation
    since the presenting incident. Moreover, thirty-six percent (114) of
    the full arrest group’s victims, forty-two percent (119) of the short
    arrest victims, and forty-seven percent (135) of the warning group’s
    vitim’s reported zero days of cohabitation since the presenting inci-
    dent. The evidence suggests, then, that there was a reduction in the
    prevalence of cohabitation (as a percentage of all couples), even if
    there might not have been an overall reduction in couple-days at

    We conclude two things from these findings. First, the differ-
    ences in contact across treatment groups are not great enough to
    affect the findings presented below about differences in repeat vio-
    lence between the groups. Whatever differences in recidivism we
    find are more likely attributable to deterrence or escalation than to
    differential time-at-risk. Second, the potential differences in deter-
    rence within the relationship are greatly attenuated by the low time-
    at-risk overall and by reduced prevalence of cohabitation. This is
    significant from a policy standpoint, since it suggests that no matter
    which of the three responses police provided, one major sequel was
    a tendency for the couple to split up. This fact alone may help ex-
    plain, for example, the finding that women who called police about
    domestic violence in the late 1970s (when police did not usually
    make arrests) were half as likely to suffer repeat violence as those
    who did not call police-an effect possibly due entirely to reduced
    time-at-risk. 50


    We have reported elsewhere a clear initial deterrent effect of


    152 [Vol. 83


    both short and full arrest treatments in comparison to the warning
    treatment. 51 For thirty days or more after the presenting incidents,
    the prevalence (proportion of cases with one or more instances of) of
    repeat violence reported in victim interviews is substantially lower
    for the arrest groups. For short arrest only, the frequency (average
    number of instances per case) of violence reported to the hotline is
    significantly lower than for the warning group. Other official meas-
    ures (arrest and offense reports) show no evidence of initial deter-
    rence, either in frequency or prevalence.

    FIGURE 1

    Survival Functions by Arrest or Warning

    2 4 6 8 10 12

    Number of Months

    14 16 18

    Here, we display the initial deterrent effect of both types of
    arrest combined, a procedure recommended by some commenta-
    tors. 52 Figure 1 shows the “survival” trend in the prevalence of re-
    peat violence over time, with an obviously clear advantage for the
    arrested suspects in the early days. At about seven to nine months
    after the presenting incidents, however, the arrest and non-arrest

    51 Sherman, From Initial Deterrence, supra note 11, at 836.
    52 See, e.g., Arnold Binder &James W. Meeker, Experiments as Reforms, 16J. GRIM. JUST.

    347 (1988).






    0) 0





    TABLE 4

    (during period up to follow-up interview date)


    Sample N = 921
    All Victim Interviews

    Repeat Violence N
    Prevalence Ratio

    Hotlines to Interview Date
    Repeat Violence N

    Arrests to Interview Date
    Repeat Violence N
    Prevalence Ratio

    Offenses to Interview Date
    Repeat Violence N
    Prevalence Ratio

    Any Measure to Interview Date
    Repeat Violence N
    Prevalence Ratio

    * P < .05, two tailed tests. n.s.



    Arrest Warning

    300 297

    113 89 92
    35% 30% 31%

    88 80
    27% 27%

    66 62
    20% 21%



    86 75 75
    27% 25% 25%

    148 131
    46% 44%


    P Value of
    Pair Differences*

    1&2 1&3

    n.s. n.s. n.s.

    n.s. n.s. n.s.
    n.s. n.s. n.s.
    n.s. n.s. n.s.
    n.s. n.s. n.s.

    means non-significant.

    curves cross over, and from there on out the

    arrest group does


    Whatever the initial effects may be, there is clearly no long-term
    deterrence from arrest in the Milwaukee experiment. Tables 4 and
    5 show no reductions in either the prevalence of same-victim vio-
    lence or the frequency of any-victim violence in the arrest groups
    compared to the non-arrest (warning) group. The only significant
    differences, in fact, are those showing arrest increasing the risk of vio-
    lence. These differences are not consistent enough across measures
    for us to draw a conclusion that arrest backfired, and the magnitude
    of the increased risk from arrest is generally small. But the direction
    of the difference is fairly consistent across measures in favor of
    warnings yielding lower long-term risks of repeat violence.

    The problem with Tables 4 and 5 is that they suffer from “trun-
    cation,” as statisticians call it, in their long term effects. The follow-
    up period is cut off arbitrarily, and the truncation is inconsistent
    across cases. This raises various problems of interpretation, and

    53 In order to make them comparable, Figures I and 2 are limited to the 1,133 cases
    for which employment data are available.


    [Vol. 83


    TABLE 5

    (unrestricted follow-up period)

    P Value of
    Measure Treatment Pair Differences*

    Full Short
    Arrest Arrest Warning 1&2

    1&3 2&3

    Sample N = 1200 404 398 398
    Hotlines n.s. .02 .00

    Repeat Violence N 296 301 261
    Mean Events Per Suspect .73 .76 .66

    Arrests n.s. n.s. n.s.
    Repeat Violence N 146 157 151
    Mean Events Per Suspect .36 .39 .38

    Offenses .04 n.s. n.s.
    Repeat Violence N 200 168 179
    Mean Events Per Suspect .49 .42 .45

    Offenses Without Arrests .00 .02 n.s.
    Repeat Violence N 134 84 101
    Mean Events Per Suspect .33 .21 .25

    * P < .05, two tailed tests. n.s. means non-significant.

    also violates important assumptions necessary to use the tests of sta-
    tistical significance we have employed here. In order to deal with
    the truncation problem and to take full advantage of the maximum
    period of observation completed after each randomized case, we
    computed the mean number of days to the first repeat incident of
    domestic violence among the thirty-six percent of all cases with any
    repeat violence at any time, during a period of up to twenty-two
    months after the randomized police response. 5 4 This comparison of
    arrest and warning yields a statistically significant escalation effect
    for the arrest treatment. At a mean of 124 days to first repeat vio-
    lence, the combined arrest group recidivated twenty-three percent
    sooner than the warning group, which averaged 160 days to first

    The time to failure measures, however, have great limitations
    for policy research on violence. Originally designed to analyze the
    permanent “failures” of light bulbs burning out or medical patients
    dying, the models lose the important information on what happens
    after the initial failure. The question of total repeat violence, and
    not just whether there has been any, is also an important one to the
    police officers who conducted the experiment. As they told us in
    our last meeting of the experiment, their primary concern was the
    reduction of calls to police about domestic violence citywide. This

    54 This computation is also restricted to the 1,133 cases used in Figures 1 and 2.



    concern requires that effects on high-rate offenders be weighted
    more heavily than effects on low rate offenders, with analyses that
    take total numbers of violent events into account.

    If that is the case, then the victim interview data must be cast
    aside, given the difficulty of obtaining a precise count of events in
    the victim interviews. (They were also set aside, of course, from the
    time-to-failure analyses in Minneapolis and Omaha because victims
    also have difficulty in giving a precise date for even one offense.)
    The hotline data, however, are ideally suited to the task of providing
    exact counts. And as reported elsewhere, the hotline data also show
    a statistically significant long-term escalation effect from arrest. 55

    The effect is limited to the short arrest treatment only, but that fact
    may have broad policy significance for the many police agencies re-
    leasing domestic violence arrestees within three hours of arrest.

    In sum, the main effects analysis shows some evidence of initial
    deterrent effects, no evidence of long-term deterrent effects, and
    some evidence of long-term escalation in both the timing and fre-
    quency of violence against any victim. While the large number of
    tests showing statistical nonsignificance may make some readers sus-
    pect that some of the effects occurred by chance, there is little doubt
    that the main effects of the Milwaukee experiment fail to replicate
    the strong specific deterrence showing of the earlier Minneapolis


    The large sample size of the Milwaukee experiment was explic-
    itly designed to go beyond the main effects and to explore the possi-
    bility that arrest may have different effects on different kinds of
    people. Four years before the experiment began, the central hy-
    pothesis was described at a Duke Law School conference on police
    discretion: that more socially marginal people, as indicated by such
    characteristics as unemployment and unmarried cohabitation,
    would be less deterrable than less marginal people. 56 The experi-
    ment collected data on both those indicators of marginality, as well
    as several others, including high school graduation, length of prior
    cohabitation, and race (because of its effect on employment rates).
    The hypothesis was not necessarily that arrest would backfire for the
    more marginal groups, although that is generally what was found
    with respect to frequency of repeat violence and less so with respect
    to its prevalence.

    55 Sherman, From Initial Deterrence, supra note 11, at 837.
    56 Sherman, Experiments in Police Discretion, supra note 8, at 78.

    [Vol. 83



    1. Experimental vs. Correlational Results

    The whole purpose of doing experiments is to reduce the un-
    certainty associated with correlational analysis. The endless number
    of possible correlations to test always leaves researchers uncertain
    whether the correlations found are true “causes” or mere coattails
    to a hidden truly causal factor. By randomizing, experimenters vir-
    tually eliminate such unknown rival hypotheses. That is why the
    main effects analysis is more straightforward.

    A problem arises when one begins to explore how different
    subgroups within an experiment react to the experimental treat-
    ment. The strongest way to examine that question is to plan those
    explorations in advance, building them into the design. By “block-
    ing,” or assigning police responses under a separate random sched-
    ule for each subgroup, one would still eliminate rival hypotheses for
    the apparent effects of the treatments within each group.5 7 If we
    had done that in Milwaukee, for example, we would have had a sepa-
    rate set of pre-randomized envelopes for black and white suspects,
    or for employed and unemployed suspects. We could even have
    used separate sets of envelopes for some combinations of such fac-
    tors (called factorial designs), such as employed unmarried suspects,
    unemployed mairried suspects, employed married suspects, etc.

    Just contemplating such a design, however, shows how compli-
    cated it can become. It can also raise major political problems in the
    selection of factors for blocking randomization within the separate
    lists. When this experiment was negotiated in 1986, the use of ran-
    domized experiments in arrest was still a very fragile idea, with only
    one precedent. Blocking randomization in advance on individual
    suspect or victim factors could have caused enough controversy to
    kill the whole venture and so was eschewed.

    Many analysts have advocated examining the underlying struc-
    ture of main effects in randomized experiments, much as surveys
    analyze demographic patterns in attitudes and reported behavior.
    These “post-hoc” analyses of experiments can strongly suggest
    causal relationships for some kinds of people. But what post-hoc anal-
    ysis cannot do is prove that there is a causal interaction effect between a ran-
    domized treatment and a correlated characteristic. The second stage
    analysis results of differences in treatment effects within subgroups,
    which are reported in this article, are couched in strong language
    because we believe the findings to be theoretically coherent and

    57 See PococK, supra note 37.



    very likely to represent truly causal relationships. But without a ran-
    domized design within each of the subgroups, we cannot be nearly
    as certain of the interaction effects as we are of the “main effects” of
    no difference across treatments.

    2. Replicated vs. Unreplicated Results

    A second caution is also in order. The earlier Minneapolis ex-
    periment had a broad-ranging policy impact long before any at-
    tempt was made to replicate it. This fact has been the subject of
    considerable discussion 58 and criticism. 5 9 While it is arguably better
    to make policy on an unreplicated finding than on no finding at all,
    it is important to know the difference.

    The Milwaukee findings are not unreplicated. At the time of
    this writing, they have been replicated on two out of two attempts,
    as reported below. But we must remind the reader that these three
    experiments are just snapshots of three cities at three times. Not
    enough is yet known about how social experiments generalize to
    other times and places to be certain the thrice-observed effects will
    hold true. This is true no matter how often a finding is replicated.
    Nonetheless, the replication of the findings increases our confidence
    about their generalizability.


    1. Prevalence of Repeat Violence

    Table 6 presents the differences in the prevalence rates of each
    treatment group within a uniform six month (183-day) period fol-
    lowing the presenting randomized incident, controlling for various
    indicators of individual characteristics. These rates show, in effect,
    the odds of any given individual suspect committing at least one new
    act of domestic violence. The relative (as distinct from absolute) per-
    centage differences in those odds, calculated using the warning
    group rate as the base of one hundred percent, all show that arrest
    versus non-arrest treatment has very different effects for different
    kinds of people.

    The most consistent prevalence effect is that those with high
    stakes in social conformity, experience a deterrent effect from both
    versions of arrest, while those with low stakes in conformity show no
    such effect. Those who are employed, high school graduates, white,
    or married and those who have cohabitated for over two years all

    58 See Sherman & Cohn, The Impact of Research, supra note 6.
    59 See Richard 0. Lempert, Humility is a Virtue: On the Publicization of Policy-Relevant

    Research, 23 LAw & Soc’Y REV. 145 (1989).

    158 [Vol. 83


    TABLE 6


    PER 10,000 SUSPECTS

    (during a six-month period)

    Individual Full Short
    Characteristic Arrest Arrest Warning

    Prior 3,341 3,950 3,846
    (137) (119) (130)

    No Prior 1,873 1,828 2,089
    (267) (279) (268)

    Blacks 2,656 2,721 2,633
    (305) (305) (300)

    Whites 1,481 1,538 2,436
    (81) (78) (78)

    Employed 2,011 1,702 2,766
    (189) (188) (141)

    Unemployed 2,775 3,140 2,629
    (209) (207) (251)

    High School 2,278 2,958 3,235
    (158) (142) (102)

    Less than H.S. 2,327 2,000 2,466
    (202) (220) (296)

    Married 1,700 1,509 2,5


    (147) (106) (117)

    Not Married 2,813 2,808 2,734
    (256) (292) (278)

    Yrs. Cohabit > 2 2,438 2,795 2,895
    (201) (161) (152)

    Yrs. Cohabit < 2 2,456 2,185 2,444 (114) (119) (135)

    N for each prevalence rate is shown in parentheses.

    % Difference

    1&3 2&3



    -10.3 -12.5

    00.8 03.3

    -39.2 -36.8

















    show substantially lower prevalence rates of repeat violence when
    randomly assigned to arrest than when warned. Yet their opposites
    (unemployed, dropouts, etc.) show little difference in prevalence of
    recidivism between being arrested or warned.

    Looking solely on rates of prevalence of repeat violence, there is
    apparently good reason to adopt a policy of mandatory arrest.
    Arrest has strong deterrent effects for some groups, with up to one-
    third fewer suspects repeating their violence in the next six months.
    Its failure to deter others does not, at least, cause any harm. This
    apparent conclusion, however, demonstrates the importance of
    looking beyond prevalence to a robust examination of the frequency
    of repeat violence. In the Milwaukee experiment, where frequency
    was well measured, prevalence alone as an outcome measure would
    be a very misleading basis for policy implications.




    2. Frequency of Repeat Violence

    More important from a policy standpoint are the frequency
    rates, which show the effects of a mandatory arrest policy on the
    total incidence of violence in the community. The group (not indi-
    vidual) frequency results per days at risk in the Milwaukee experi-
    ment are shown in Table 7. This table shows that over an
    unrestricted follow-up period, arrest not only deters some groups; it
    also escalates other groups into far higher frequency of domestic
    violence. The magnitude of the percentage differences (again using
    the warning group as the base of one hundred percent) in effects
    across subgroups is quite large by the normal standards of social
    research and statistics. The table consistently shows arrest to make
    those with less stake in conformity more violent, and those with
    more stake in conformity less violent.

    The difference in reaction to full arrest between blacks and
    whites is startling. The fact that 10,000 arrested whites produce
    2,504 (=5,212-2,708) fewer acts of domestic violence a year than
    warned whites, while 10,000 arrested blacks produce 1,803 (=
    7,296-5,493) more acts of violence per year than warned blacks, is
    a far larger magnitude than we ever expected. If three times as
    many blacks as whites are arrested in a city like Milwaukee, which is
    a fair approximation, then an across-the-board policy of mandatory
    arrests prevents 2,504 acts of violence against primarily white wo-
    men at the price of 5,409 acts of violence against primarily black
    women. While one explanation is that this effect is mostly due to
    racial differences in unemployment rates, the differential impact by
    race is just as morally troublesome whatever the underlying cause.

    There is even less reduced-violence benefit due to full arrest by
    employed suspects at the price of increased violence by unemployed
    suspects. With 958 (= 5,991-5,033) fewer acts of violence commit-
    ted against victims of 10,000 employed suspects who had been ar-
    rested than of those who had been warned, the price equals 2,274
    (= 7,504-5,230) more acts of violence per 10,000 unemployed sus-
    pects who had been arrested than if they had only been warned.
    Some might reason that since most people are employed, this policy
    seems to be reasonable as a utilitarian tradeoff. But wherever the
    majority of the domestic violence incidents police respond to in-
    volve unemployed suspects-as they do in Milwaukee-then
    mandatory arrest fails to produce the greatest good for the greatest
    number. The fact that this is not evident in the main effects reflects
    the relatively even splits of most of the three treatment groups on
    most of the characteristics presented in the table. Figure 2 displays

    [Vol. 83


    TABLE 7

    PER 10,000 SUSPECTS
    (unrestricted follow-up period)

    % Difference
    Individual Full Short
    Characteristic Arrest Arrest Warning 1 & 3 2 & 3
    Prior 10,771 11,318 8,403 28.2 340

    (137) (119) (130)
    No Prior 4,204 4,899 4,179 00.5 17.2

    (267) (279) (268)
    Blacks 7,296 7,410 5,493 32.8 34.9

    (305) (305) (300)
    Whites 2,708 4,942 5,212 -48.0 -05.2

    (81) (78) (78)
    Employed 5,033 4,842 5,991 -16.0 -19.2

    (189) (188) (141)
    Unemployed 7,504 8,428 5,230 43.5 61.1

    (209) (207) (251)
    High School 5,869 7,355 6,367 -07.8 15.5

    (158) (142) (102)
    Less than H.S. 6,360 6,211 5,106 24.6 21.6

    (202) (220) (296)
    Married 4,720 4,774 5,386 -12.3 -11.3

    (147) (106) (117)
    Not Married 7,222 7,441 5,545 30.2 34.2

    (256) (292) (278)
    Yrs. Cohabit > 2 7,048 4,774 5,386 30.9 -11.4

    (201) (161) (152)
    Yrs. Cohabit < 2 6,195 5,666 5,661 09.4 00.0

    (114) (119) (135)
    N for each mean is shown in parentheses.

    the differences in survival curves over time among the four groups
    divided by arrest and employment status.


    162 SHERMAN ET AL. [Vol. 83

    FIGURE 2

    Survival Functions by Arrest and Employment Status


    .. …. ……



    Warning/No Job
    — Arrest/No Job

    0 – – – Arrest/Employed

    00 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

    Number of Months

    It is particularly interesting that the worst escalation effect in
    Table 7 is found among unemployed suspects who received the
    short arrest treatment. While the unemployed have largest percent-
    age increase in violent acts per 10,000 of any group (61.1%), the
    employed have one of the largest deterrent effects from short arrest
    (-19.2%)-even slightly larger than the effects of full arrest
    (-16.0%). This may suggest that the employed react to getting a
    break, or to getting out early enough to go to work, by avoiding a
    second chance to lose their job.

    An important point about the employment data in an industrial
    town like Milwaukee is that the suspects’ jobs were primarily at
    lower levels of occupational prestige. The first ten most often listed
    occupations in the sample, for example, were general assistance (a
    part-time workfare program), factory maintenance, security guard,
    retail stock handler, grocery store meat wrapper, grocery cashier,
    car wash attendant, and valet shop clerk. A review of all of the sus-
    pects’ listed occupations shows a total of six mid-level prestige jobs:
    one teacher, one child’s counselor, one editor, one retail sales man-


    ager, one insurance salesman, and one bank executive. The differ-
    ence between the working class and the underclass is often
    forgotten by middle-class. The middle class is concerned with hav-
    ing any great job to lose or career to ruin, as opposed to the under-
    class, which is concerned with working at all.

    A high school education predicts a fairly weak deterrent effect
    of arrest, but lack of a high school education predicts a fairly strong
    criminogenic effect of arrest. Marriage is more powerful than edu-
    cation, with a marriage license enhancing the deterrent effect and its
    absence aggravating the adverse reaction to arrest. Contrary to our
    expectations, length of cohabitation goes the other way, although it
    is not inversely correlated with marriage. Arrest appears to make
    suspects more violent if they have lived with the victim for over two
    years than if they have not.

    3. Are the Interactions Significant?

    The next question is whether these differences are due to
    chance. Table 8 presents the results of a Poisson regression model
    for both main effects and two-way interactions. Only prior domestic
    hotline reports show a main effect that is not due to chance, and
    strongly predicts the number of after-treatment incidents. But the
    interaction effects are generally significant and are all in the theoret-
    ically predicted direction. Our interpretation of the model is that
    being black rather than white increases the recidivism frequency
    rate for the arrest group by sixty-two percent, while having a job
    reduces it by fifty-eight percent and being a high school graduate
    reduces it by forty-three percent. The interaction effects with mar-
    riage and length of cohabitation are weaker and not significant.

    The key indicators of marginal social status, then, fairly consist-
    ently show that arrest increases the frequency of violence among
    marginal suspects. The deterrent effects of arrest on persons with
    higher stakes in conformity are not consistently strong, possibly be-
    cause there are so few middle class persons in the sample. The de-
    terrent effects could, for example, become stronger as the value of
    the suspect’s stake in conformity increased. The most startling in-
    teraction effect is the strongly opposite directions of the effects of
    arrest for whites and blacks.

    4. Why Do Prevalence and Frequency Results Conflict?

    Accounting for the differences between Tables 6 and 7 is an
    important policy question. They differ both in follow-up period
    covered and in treatment effects. In order to ensure that the differ-

    1992] 163


    TABLE 8




    Main Effects
    High School
    Cohabit. > 2

    Two-Way Interactions
    Arrest & Black
    Arrest & Employed
    Arrest & High School
    Arrest & Married
    Arrest & Cohabit.

    * P < .05 T - ratio Prob Itl > x

    Coefficient Std. Error T-ratio Prob >x








    -. 326





    -. 305











    ence in treatment effects was not due simply
    tween the six-month restriction in Table 6

    to the difference be-
    and the individually

    varying, longer-term follow-up (up to twenty-two months) in Table
    7, we recalculated Table 7 with a six-month (183-day) restriction. 60

    The results reveal little difference. We can therefore disregard an
    assertion that prevalence and frequency results differ due to differ-
    ences in follow-up periods.

    Given a clear difference between frequency and prevalence
    rates, the next question is how the higher frequency rates are dis-
    tributed across individuals. The two extreme alternatives would be:

    1) similar frequency rates for most offenders, with a small
    number of extremely arrest-reactive offenders driving the
    overall group frequency rate upward, and

    2) generally higher frequency rates among all subgrouping of
    the arrest-reactive offenders, such as greater percentages of
    suspects with two events regardless of subgroup

    These alternatives have major policy significance, since a mandatory
    arrest policy with a few exceptions might become an alternative to a

    60 The results are available on request; ask the first author for Table 8-12.

    [Vol. 83


    more generally discretionary policy. Table 9 examines the frequency
    distribution of repeat events by treatment group and the three key
    individual predictors of treatment effects: employment, education,
    and race. It shows that between two-thirds and three-quarters of all
    recidivist events in the first six months are concentrated among of-
    fenders who had only one repeat event. Only whites randomized to
    full arrest pose an exception to that pattern, with ninety-two percent
    of the recidivism committed by offenders with only one repeat
    event. Similarly, the concentrations of offenders with three or more
    subsequent events in six months vary little, with the exception of

    These data falsify the hypothesis that the difference in fre-
    quency rates by subgroup characteristics is due to a small number of
    highly arrest “allergic” offenders. Rather, the data are consistent
    with the conclusion that arrest produces generally higher frequency
    rates among more socially marginal persons.


    The generalizability of these findings is greatly enhanced by
    their having been replicated in experiments in two other cities:
    Omaha, Nebraska and Colorado Springs, Colorado. 6 1 Statistically
    significant interaction effects might be obtained within any one ex-
    periment just by chance, if enough tests are performed. It is highly
    unlikely, however, that similar interaction effects in three independ-
    ent experiments are due merely to chance.

    The most complete replication is found in Omaha. Our own re-
    analysis of the Omaha data allowed us to examine both the preva-
    lence and frequency data among different subgroups within that
    sample. Both results are consistent with the Milwaukee results.
    Consistent with the less severe concentration of urban problems in
    Omaha, the benefits of mandatory arrest there appear to outweigh
    the risks. The frequency data, reported elsewhere, 62 show a
    stronger deterrent effect among the employed, and a weaker escala-
    tion effect among the unemployed, than in Milwaukee. Nonethe-
    less, the directions of the interactions are consistent with the
    Milwaukee results.

    The same is generally true for the Omaha prevalence data re-

    61 The interactions for Colorado Springs are reported in this issue. Richard A. Berk

    et al., A Bayesian Analysis of the Colorado Springs Spouse Abuse Experiment, 83 J. CRIM. L. &
    CRIMINOLOGY 170 (1992). The interactions for Omaha are reported in SHERMAN, POLIC-
    ING DOMESIC VIOLENCE, supra note 11, and in Sherman & Smith, Crime, Punishment and
    Stake in Conformity, supra note 11.

    62 Sherman & Smith, Crime, Punishment and Stake in Conformity, supra note 11.



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    TABLE 10


    (401 day maximum follow-up period)

    Social Status Arrested Not Arrested

    Employed 19% 28%
    Unemployed 57% 53%

    Married 29% 18%
    Unmarried 35% 48%

    High School Graduate 24% 34%
    High School Dropout 48% 32%

    Whites 17% 27%
    Blacks 55% 47%

    ported here in Table 10. With the exception of marriage, the differ-
    ences in prevalence of officially measured repeat violence (any
    rearrest or new complaint, combined) go in the same directions as
    in Milwaukee. Three out of four indicators of marginality are associ-
    ated with less deterrence and generally with some escalation.

    The Bayesian analysis of the Colorado Springs experiment is
    confined to prevalence only. Absent a mandatory arrest policy and a
    strong custom of reporting all domestic battery misdemeanors, the
    Colorado Springs experiment does not offer a very robust test of
    differences in frequency. The prevalence results, however, are con-
    sistent with the Milwaukee results, showing clear deterrence of per-
    sons with higher stakes in conformity and much weaker evidence of
    escalation effects of arrest for less marginal people. As the Milwau-
    kee results suggest-but with only Omaha as a replication-the
    analysis of prevalence as the only outcome may obscure important
    consequences of mandatory arrest policies on the total amount of
    domestic violence in a community. Frequently rates more dearly
    show the escalation effects of arrest.


    The Milwaukee domestic violence experiment finds no evidence
    of an overall long-term deterrent effect of arrest. The initial deter-
    rent effects observed for up to thirty days quickly disappear. By one
    year later, short arrest alone, and short and full arrest combined,
    produce an escalation effect. The first reported act of repeat vio-
    lence following combined arrest treatments occurs an average of
    twenty percent sooner than it does following the warning treatment.

    The Milwaukee experiment does find strong evidence that


    arrest has different effects on different kinds of people. Employed,
    married, high school graduate and white suspects are all less likely
    to have any incident of repeat violence reported to the domestic vio-
    lence hotline if they are arrested than if they are not. Unemployed,
    unmarried, high school dropouts and black suspects, on average,
    are reported much more frequently to the domestic violence hotline
    if they are arrested than if they are not. The magnitudes of the in-
    creased domestic violence associated with arrest of the latter groups
    are substantial, ranging up to sixty percent. The Milwaukee findings
    are replicated clearly in Omaha, as well as by a more limited data set
    in Colorado Springs.

    These results strongly suggest that arrest has variable effects on
    criminal careers, depending upon the social marginality of the of-
    fenders. At least for the offense of misdemeanor domestic battery-
    or harassment, in the case of Colorado Springs-arrest appears to
    deter less marginal persons and to escalate the frequency of vio-
    lence among more marginal persons. Whether this pattern applies
    to other types of offenses is still unknown, but it is certainly plausi-
    ble. As one leading labeling theorist observed two decades ago,
    arrest probably serves to keep the large majority of people in line,
    even while it causes a small group of social outcasts to become more


    The accumulating empirical support for the proposition of vari-
    able effects of arrest on criminal careers raises major questions for
    criminology, jurisprudence, and public policy. The question for
    criminology is how theory can clearly account for these differential
    reactions to a relatively minor application of the criminal sanction.
    Competing theoretical perspectives, such as shaming, control, and
    power, might all account for these facts. Future experiments can
    now be more closely focused on comparative tests of competing the-
    oretical perspectives.

    The question for jurisprudence is whether the ministerial ap-
    proach to police discretion is proper, especially with a mandatory
    arrest statute. Previous jurisprudence has rejected the proposition
    that punishment should be made more severe than just deserts al-
    low in order to increase a deterrent effect. But it has never before
    considered the proposition that punishment should be made less se-
    vere in order to reduce an escalation effect. Indeed, jurisprudence
    seems to have hardly considered the problem of escalation effects at
    all. Andrew von Hirsch, for example, suggests that

    the disposition of convicted offenders should be commensurate with

    63 LOFLAND, supra note 30.

    [Vol. 83


    the seriousness of their offenses, even if greater or lesser severity
    would promote other goals. For the principle, we have argued, is a
    requirement ofjustice, whereas deterrence, incapacitation and rehabil-
    itation are essentially strategies for controlling crime. The priority of
    the principle follows from the assumptions we stated at the outset: the
    requirement of justice ought to constrain the pursuit of crime


    Yet, he concedes elsewhere that all punishment depends upon the
    assumption of deterrence for its moral justification. 65 How punish-
    ment can be justified when it escalates violence is not at all clear.
    Yet how the punishment of some, and the failure to punish others,
    could be justified is equally unclear. The conflict between justice
    and crime control seems never to have been framed so baldly.

    The short-term implications of this dilemma for public policy
    are daunting. At the least, it suggests a need for other approaches
    to the control of domestic violence among marginal persons, such
    as greater investment in battered women’s shelters. At best, it sug-
    gests a serious and thoughtful debate about the effects of domestic
    violence on our society, as well as the current inequities in police
    discretion that have been tolerated for years. The price of reduced
    violence may be changing the nature of the inequities and making
    the fact of inequity explicit. Whether we are willing to pay that price
    is a matter for every citizen to consider.

    64 VON HIRSCH, supra note 10, at 74-75.
    65 Id. at 55.


      Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology
      Spring 1992

    • The Variable Effects of Arrest on Criminal Careers: The Milwaukee Domestic Violence Experiment
    • Lawrence W. Sherman
      Janell D. Schmidt
      Dennis P. Rogan
      Douglas A. Smith
      Recommended Citation

    • Variable Effects of Arrest on Criminal Careers: The Milwaukee Domestic Violence Experiment, The

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