Community Nursing Research Paper 2


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Research Paper


Choose any of the recent emerging / reemerging infectious disease discussed in your textbook (for example: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS – 2002-2003), Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV)- 2015-2018), Avian influenza, H1N1 Influenza (Swine Flu) Pandemic – 2009-2010, Novel Avian influenza A (H7N9) Virus 2013-2017, West Nile Virus, Lyme Disease, Escherichia Coli, Tuberculosis, Ebola virus disease, Zika virus disease).

1. Introduce the disease 

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2. Mention signs, symptoms and diagnosis of the disease.

3. Outline the factors that may have contributed to the emergence or reemergence of this infectious diseases.

4. How would you prevent similar occurrence? Mention the goals of Health People 2020 to reduce this infection / Prevention and control of the disease / Infection Control Guidelines.

5. Is there a CDC priority for public health response to this specific infectious disease?

6. What is your thought about emerging antibiotic -resistant microorganisms?

7. What is your role as a community health nurse?


8. Mention research studies related with the topics discussed in your paper (mention at least 3 research studies in paper).

Research Assignment # 2


The student will choose (1) of the recent emerging / reemerging infectious disease (some examples were provided) to develop the research project. Also, the student will use given questions to guide the paper. 

General directions

1. You will submit one (1) paper as part of this assignment (individual assignment).

2. Your research paper must follow APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (6th ed.). Include a cover page and headings per 6th edition APA guidelines. 

3. The research paper should be minimum of 3 pages (not including the title or reference pages) – maximum of 6 pages (not including the title or reference pages), single spaced, Times New Roman, Size 12, and 5 references about the topic (3 must be peer-reviewed journal articles).

Research Paper

Include the following components:

1. Introduction of the disease

2. Mention signs and symptoms of the disease. How do you diagnose this infectious disease? 

3. Outline the factors that may have contributed to the emergence or reemergence of this infectious diseases.
4. How would you prevent similar occurrence? Mention the goals of Health People 2020 to reduce this infection / Prevention and control of the disease / Infection Control Guidelines.
5. Is there a CDC priority for public health response to this specific infectious disease?
6. What is your thought about emerging antibiotic -resistant microorganisms?
7. What is your role as a community health nurse?
8. Mention research studies related with the topics discussed in your paper (mention at least 3 research studies in paper).

9. Conclusion

10. References Page


It accounts for 25% of your final grade

nursingresearch paperNo PlagiarismOriginal work

Florida National University

Research Assignment #2


The student will read and understand the different emerging / reemerging infectious diseases discussed in the textbook (chapter 15) and will choose one to develop this project. The student will follow the given questions (1 through 8) that will serve as a guide for this project. Also, the student will explain key concepts and search and evaluate literature relevant to the topic / evidence of literature that supports arguments.

General directions


You will submit one (1) paper as part of this assignment (individual assignment).

2. Your research paper must follow APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (6th ed.). Include a cover page and headings per 6th edition APA guidelines.

3. The research paper should be minimum of 3 pages (not including the title or reference pages) – maximum of 6 pages (not including the title or reference pages), single spaced, Times New Roman, Size 12, and 5 references related to the topic (3 must be peer-reviewed journal articles).

Research Paper

4. Include the following components in your research paper:


Title Page

b. Introduction (general)

c. Introduction of the disease / problem

d. Signs and symptoms and diagnosis of the disease

e. Factors that may have contributed to the emergence or reemergence of this infectious diseases

f. Mention the goals of Healthy People 2020 to reduce this infection / Prevention and control of the disease / Infection Control Guidelines.

g. CDC (priority for public health) response to this specific infectious disease

h. Thought about emerging antibiotic -resistant microorganisms

i. Role as a community health nurse

j. Research studies (at least 3 peer-reviewed journal articles)

k. Conclusion

l. References Page

5. All Florida National University policies related to plagiarism must be observed.

Directions and Grading Criteria: Research paper #2






The introduction must be clear and concise and be inclusive of brief summary of the intent of your paper.

Introduction of the disease / problem


1. Fully describe the disease / problem you are addressing (explain most recent outbreak – answer the questions where, when, how, consequences).

Signs and symptoms and diagnosis of the disease


Describe signs and symptoms of the disease as well as how to diagnose it (diagnostic tests).

Contributing Factors


Mention and explain factors that may have contributed to the emergence or reemergence of this infectious disease.

Goals of Health People 2020 / Prevention and Control of Disease


2. Mention the goals of Healthy People 2020 to reduce this infection / Prevention and control of the disease / Infection control recommendation / guidelines.

3. CDC Response


Mention and describe the CDC priority for public health response to this specific infectious disease.

Emerging Antibiotic -Resistant Microorganisms


Identify antimicrobial-resistant threats in the United States (support your answer with evidence-based research literature (no more than 7 years old). Describe your thought about emerging antibiotic -resistant microorganisms.

4. Community Health Nurse’s Role


Describe your role as a community health nurse. Integrate community-level intervention(s) / program (s). Explain its importance.

5. Research studies


6. Mention at least 3 peer-reviewed journal articles relevant to the topic of your paper.



Summarize the key points you made within your paper. Avoid introducing any new information in this section.

APA formatting, scholarly writing


Follow APA formatting guidelines. Present a scholarly paper without grammatical or sentence structure errors, spelling errors, etc.



A quality paper will exceed all of the above requirements.

Grading Rubric: Research Paper #2

Assignment Criteria

Outstanding or highest level of performance

Very good or high level of performance

Competent or satisfactory level of performance

Poor or failing or unsatisfactory level of performance


5 points

Introduction is clearly conveyed and summarizes the primary intent of the paper. A formal purpose statement is included.

5 points

Introduction is conveyed and outlines the primary intent of the paper. A formal purpose statement is included.

4 points

Introduction includes the primary intent of the paper. A formal purpose statement is included.

3 points

Introduction is vague and/or not included. The primary intent of the paper is not conveyed. There is no purpose statement included; purpose is unclear.
0-2 points

Introduction of the disease / problem

5 points

The disease / problem being addressed is fully described (most recent outbreak is fully explained – answering the questions where, when, how, consequences). Includes strong support of scholarly evidence.
5 points

The disease / problem being addressed is partially described (explain most recent outbreak – answer the questions where, when, how, consequences. Includes support of evidence.

4 points

The disease / problem being addressed is partially described (partially explain most recent outbreak – answer the questions where, when, how, consequences. Includes support of evidence.

3 points

The disease / problem being addressed is unclear or difficult to ascertain. The answer to questions where, when, how, consequences) is unclear or incomplete. Does not include support of evidence.

0-2 points

Signs & symptoms / Diagnosis of the disease

10 points

Signs and symptoms of the disease as well as how to diagnose it (diagnostic tests) are fully describe

8-10 points

Signs and symptoms of the disease and / or how to diagnose it (diagnostic tests) are partially describe

6-7 points

Signs and symptoms of the disease as well as how to diagnose it (diagnostic tests) are partially describe

4-5 points

Signs and symptoms of the disease as well as how to diagnose it (diagnostic tests) are unclear or difficult to ascertain

0-3 points

Contributing Factors

10 points

Mention and explain in details factors (at least 3) that may have contributed to the emergence or reemergence of this infectious disease

8-10 points

Mention and explain in details factors (at least 2) that may have contributed to the emergence or reemergence of this infectious disease

6-7 points

Mention and explain factors (at least 2) that may have contributed to the emergence or reemergence of this infectious disease

4-5 points

Fails to mention / explain factors (or explain only 1) that may have contributed to the emergence or reemergence of this infectious disease. Information is unclear or difficult to ascertain

0-3 points

Goals of Healthy People 2020 / Prevention and Control of Disease

10 points

Provides a detailed description of goals of Healthy People 2020 to reduce this infection / Prevention and control of the disease / Infection control recommendation / guidelines.

8-10 points

Generally, provides description of goals of Healthy People 2020 to reduce this infection / Prevention and control of the disease / Infection control recommendation / guidelines.

6-7 points

Provides partial description of goals of Healthy People 2020 to reduce this infection / Prevention and control of the disease / Infection control recommendation / guidelines.

4-5 points

Fails to provide goals/ description of healthy People 2020 to reduce this infection / Prevention and control of the disease / Infection control recommendation / guidelines. Information is unclear or difficult to ascertain

0-3 points

7. CDC Response

10 points

Mention and describe the CDC priority for public health response to this specific infectious disease.
8-10 points

Mention and partially describe the CDC priority for public health response to this specific infectious disease.
6-7 points

Mention, but not describes the CDC priority for public health response to this specific infectious disease.
4-5 points

Fail to mention and describe the CDC priority for public health response to this specific infectious disease.
0-3 points

Emerging Antibiotic -Resistant Microorganisms

10 points

Correctly and concisely identify antimicrobial-resistant threats in the United States (answer was supported with evidence-based research literature (within last 7 years). . Describe your thought about it. Provides details.
8-10 points

Identify antimicrobial-resistant threats in the United States,but fails to be concise (answer was supported with evidence-based research literature (within last 7 years). Describe your thought, but not in details.

6-7 points

Identify antimicrobial-resistant threats in the United States, but fails to be concise. Did not describe your thought or provides details.

4-5 points

Fails to identify antimicrobial-resistant threats in the United States. Did not describe your thought or provides details.
Information is unclear or difficult to ascertain

0-3 points

Community Health Nurse’s Role

10 points

Describe your role as a community health nurse. Integrate community-level intervention(s) / program (s). Explain its importance. Provide details.

8-10 points

Describe your role as a community health nurse. Integrate community-level intervention(s) / program (s). Explain its importance, but fails to be concise / do not provide details.

6-7 points

Describe your role as a community health nurse. Integrate community-level intervention(s) / program (s), but may have one or two elements incorrect / or missing elements.

4-5 points

Fails to state your role as a community health nurse / Integrate community-level intervention(s) / program (s), and/or may have three or more elements incorrect / or missing.
Information is unclear or difficult to ascertain

0-3 points

Research studies

15 points

Provides at least 3 research studies that support your paper.
(peer-reviewed journal articles)

12-15 points

Provides 2 research studies that support your paper.
(peer-reviewed journal articles)

8-11 points

Provides 1 research study that supports your paper.
(peer-reviewed journal articles)

4-7 points

Fails to provide research studies that supports your paper. (No peer-reviewed journal article)

0–3 points


5 points

Concisely summarizes key points made within the paper.

5 points

Includes summarization of points made in paper, but might not be concise.

4 points

Provides conclusion with brief overview of primary points made in the paper. Does not remain concise.

3 points

Fails to summarize key points made in the paper. Might include new information or conclusion that is unclear/unfocused.
0-2 points

APA formatting, scholarly writing

10 points

Writes in a scholarly manner with no grammar, spelling, or syntax errors. Follows the rules of APA formatting.

9-10 points

Writes in a scholarly manner with minimal grammar, spelling, or syntax errors. Follows the rules of APA formatting.

8 points

Writes in a scholarly manner with several grammar, spelling, or syntax errors. Breaks minor rules of APA formatting.

7 points

Does not write in a scholarly manner. Commits many errors in grammar, spelling, and syntax. Does not follow APA format.

0–6 points

Total Points Possible = 100 points


Research Paper #2

Choose any of the recent emerging / reemerging infectious disease discussed in your textbook (for example: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS – 2002-2003), Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV)- 2015-2018), Avian influenza, H1N1 Influenza (Swine Flu) Pandemic – 2009-2010, Novel Avian influenza A (H7N9) Virus 2013-2017, West Nile Virus, Lyme Disease, Escherichia Coli, Tuberculosis, Ebola virus disease, Zika virus disease).

1. Introduce the disease

2. Mention signs, symptoms and diagnosis of the disease.


Outline the factors that may have contributed to the emergence or reemergence of this infectious diseases.

4. How would you prevent similar occurrence? Mention the goals of Health People 2020 to reduce this infection / Prevention and control of the disease / Infection Control Guidelines.

5. Is there a CDC priority for public health response to this specific infectious disease?

6. What is your thought about emerging antibiotic -resistant microorganisms?

7. What is your role as a community health nurse?

8. Mention research studies related with the topics discussed in your paper (mention at least 3 research studies in paper).

Research Assignment # 2


The student will choose (1) of the recent emerging / reemerging infectious disease (some examples were provided) to develop the research project. Also, the student will use given questions to guide the paper.

General directions

1. You will submit one (1) paper as part of this assignment (individual assignment).

2. Your research paper must follow APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (6th ed.). Include a cover page and headings per 6th edition APA guidelines.


The research paper should be minimum of 3 pages (not including the title or reference pages) – maximum of 6 pages (not including the title or reference pages), single spaced, Times New Roman, Size 12, and 5 references about the topic (3 must be peer-reviewed journal articles).

Research Paper

Include the following components:

1. Introduction of the disease

2. Mention signs and symptoms of the disease. How do you diagnose this infectious disease?

3. Outline the factors that may have contributed to the emergence or reemergence of this infectious diseases.

4. How would you prevent similar occurrence? Mention the goals of Health People 2020 to reduce this infection / Prevention and control of the disease / Infection Control Guidelines.
5. Is there a CDC priority for public health response to this specific infectious disease?
6. What is your thought about emerging antibiotic -resistant microorganisms?
7. What is your role as a community health nurse?
8. Mention research studies related with the topics discussed in your paper (mention at least 3 research studies in paper).

9. Conclusion

10. References Page


It accounts for 25% of your final grade

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