week 11

Importance of Social Media in the Workplace
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Benefits of Social Media to the Workplace
Contrary to popular opinion, permitting employees to scroll through Twitter, Instagram photos or Facebook news feed while on duty might actually benefit the business (Dreher, 2014). This sounds absurd because social media is normally categorized as a source of distraction and individual interest in communities of all kind.
Many businesses impose strict policies which forbid workers from accessing social media while on duty, even though this is a crucial marketing tool for businesses everywhere. Social media can however be a crucial component of social media strategies and the workplace.

Improves Workplace Collaboration and Communication
Social media in the business offers an amazing solution to the urgency of concise and clear communication.
Workplace can make use of applications such as Facebook and Slack which are developed for resource sharing and group chatting.
Applications such as Trello can assist employees share timelines, accomplish tasks and get organized.

Facebook in the workplace can enable users create public and private groups. Users can upload images, links, documents, and other multimedia in any group, and direct messages through private messages.
An application such as Workplace can encourage clear, frequent, and immediate communication between worker. The group channel feature can ensure all the employees are on the same page and boost collaboration skills.
Social media can reduce the stream of mails between employees and fasten up communication. It can further foster a sense of freedom and innovation which are critical contributors to effective communication.

Employees get a Crucial Resource
Social media in the business can offer employees an important resource for meeting workplace objectives and accomplishing tasks.
Social media offers a massive funnel of news and information with channels such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter principally conveying information to big audiences.
Social media allows employees to search for work-connected information which saves the need for in-office discussion, meeting or emails.

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Workers who use social media will be able to monitor the customer base and audience which is vital for development and marketing teams.
Social media is vital to the rest of the workers who need to be acquainted with the world and the effect the business has on the outside world.
Social media in the business offers workers the resource of social knowledge which can impact product development and the form of customer care.

Improves the business’ marketing strategies
Social media is a crucial component of any business’ digital marketing strategy.
Businesses boost their competitive edge by regularly sharing rich and relevant content across social media applications.
Social media is cost-effective and maximizes the company’s ROI and one of the best methods to reach out to customers.

The business can stay on top of the mind of consumers by offering consumers valuable information.
Social media offers workers an informal lesson in marketing which will inform them on a tool that is critical to business success in this digital age.
Improving workers’ social media knowledge might result in greater understanding of the market and offer knowledge on the branding.

Improves Job Efficiency and Performance
Social media technology and platforms offer a great way for improving workplace efficiency by reducing administrative inefficiencies.
Social media offers remedy for inefficiency in the workplace with emphasis on knowledge and communication
This can result in employee camaraderie and collaboration.

Social media offers necessary break from stressful workloads which isn’t necessarily disrupting and might lead to enhanced job performance.
Social media enables workers to get moments of relief from a demanding workday.
Most people mistakenly that mental breakdown implies distraction, but physical and mental breaks are psychologically critical to efficiency and great job performance in general.
Permitting employees to utilize this critical resource as means of relieving stress further conveys the employer’s concern for the mental health and well-being of patients.

Emphasizes Company Values
It is critical to develop a workplace community which champions particular values that offers authority and purpose to tasks and unite workers in a shared ethic.
Social media offers the business a great opportunity to market their values (Eliane Bucher, 2013). Permitting workers to access social media while working stresses a value of transparency and trust.
Social media can help the employers show their workers that they encourage technological savvy and social skills. Communication channels such as Workplace or Slack can emphasize the employer’s value of dialogue and desire to listen to everyone.

Strengthens and develops personal relationship with coworkers
Employers can use social media to interact with each other and develop better work relationships. A stronger work relationship among workers results in more productive and cohesive work teams.
Social media offers an easy manner to encourage communication between workers and help share thoughts and increases engagement both at home and work.
Social media enables workers to interact when off duty which boosts worker engagement and morale.

Social media offers an incredible resource to business, particularly if used in the correct manner. It is essential to identify the benefits social media has on all aspects of life, especially the workforce.
Permitting access to social media in the workplace might emphasize the value of the business and foster effective and clear communication. It can hone the current digital marketing tactics, boost worker morale, and improve job performance.
Social media can further offer employees with the much-needed break from demanding work. Social media offers a manner for permitting workers to professionally relate and recognizing worker successes.

Dreher, S. (2014). Social media and the world of work: A strategic approach to employees’ participation in social media . Corporate Communications: An International Journal , 344-356.
Eliane Bucher, C. F. (2013). THE STRESS POTENTIAL OF SOCIAL MEDIA IN THE WORKPLACE . Information, Communication & Society, 1639-1667.

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