Transferable Skills Exemplary Assignment and Reflection


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Throughout your education, you have been asked to research topics and write papers, engage in thought-provoking discussions, consider diverse perspectives, and a host of other challenges that have required you to use both your discipline-specific skills as well as your soft skills. These are called transferable skills, and are skills that you develop that can be transferred and applied within your chosen career. Transferable skills are highly valuable and essential for career success.

Throughout this course, you have been working on a project that allowed you to demonstrate your understanding of the transferable skills. It is now time to submit your project/assignment and add a transferable skills reflection.

To complete this assignment, you will need to do the following:

Part I: Compiling Your Exemplar Project

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  • Compile all of your completed course project assignment deliverables. Place them in the proper order, and save them in a single Microsoft Word document.

Part II: Transferable Skills Self Reflection

  1. In a minimum of 1 full page, using Microsoft Word, write an essay (full introduction and conclusion), which includes the following:

    Describe the knowledge, skills and/or attitudes regarding each of the transferable skills that you’ve gained as a result of completing this particular project/assignment.
    Discuss the ways that you are going to incorporate the transferable skills (the transferable skills that you showcased in your exemplary project) into your work within your chosen career field. My chosen career field is production manager. 
    Describe your future goals based on the transferable skills that you’ve chosen to showcase.
    Write your paper utilizing proper tone, spelling and grammar.

  2. Once you have completed your reflection assignment, add it to the end of the document you compiled in part I. The self-reflection should be the last few pages of your exemplar project. If done correctly, everything will be one document!


B280 Winter 2021 Term 2 Live Class Week 4 – YouTube

 you can fast forward to see what the expectation is for module 06. 

The assignments are numbered in order. 

Running Head: Business Problem



Case Study Analysis

Mika Vandaveer

Rasmussen College



In the following case study analysis, the company Rasmussen Consulting was hired by MovieFlix which is a company that provides services based on subscription for on-demand internet streaming media and DVD by mails within the United States region. The discussion section of the analysis will contribute to stating one of the major problems that will be faced by the company (Al-Emadi, Schwabenland & Wei, 2015). The growing issue of the business firm can be a fear of hiring the right type of candidate and techniques to retain them within the business for the long term and ensuring that they are satisfied within the workplace. The paper is divided into two parts where the first part will address the problem faced by the business firm and the second part will state a letter regarding the latest developments surrounding the issue.


What is the Problem?

As there is a huge competition in the market, it becomes a challenging job for the leaders to recruit the right candidate for the right type of job in the organization (Singh, 2019). As the organization is based on supplying DVDs based on subscription through mails it would require employees who can handle the internet and can communicate with the target audience. This suggests that there is still a considerable amount of responsibility from the human resource point of view for the company to retain the most sustainable profitability and go to them for the best challenges in the medium-haul for the betterment of the community. An HR’s challenging problem is to preserve the right resources in proper jobs even while understanding that staff is capitalist as well (Nasir & Mahmood, 2016). However, on the other hand, retention of the employees is also a challenging job as some of the employees can be dissatisfied with their salary, the job opportunity can be cut-throat along with the unrealistic expectation of the employees.

Why is it a problem for the business?

As per the above-mentioned problem, it can be stated that it can affect the business firm in various ways. However, in the situation of hiring wrong candidates, it will not only lead to the creation of unemployment but will also lead to the wrong system of delegation of work (Aruna & Anitha, 2015). Recruitment, which would be the future of every enterprise, plays a vital role. Correct employee recruitment will also have a good outcome and poor futures will be provided by false applicant recruitment. At the time of recruitment, applicants talk about all sorts of excuses to get a job (Bibi, Ahmad & Majid, 2018). It is only afterward that participants know that a discrepancy has emerged and then seek a modification.

Consequences of the problem:

Some of the consequences of the problem of retention of an employee can be stated as:

· Customers receive another good career path that dictates whether the company should remain with them through a prolonged period.

· Over a span of years, staff establishes a courteous relationship with the employees gradually. This is like a convenience factor that can ensure employee commitment, this collaborative partnership is important.

· Every workforce wants a good rate of pay from his or her work. These standards are moving progressively higher day by day. Therefore, payment is one of the significant impacts on employee satisfaction in any industry.

Consequences of the problem if it is not solved:

If the problem of retaining the employees is not solved then it might occur that the employees are leaving their job without any further notice. It can influence a large pool of employees and might cause harm to the functioning of the management (Nasir & Mahmood, 2018). Retaining staff does not involve recruiting an individual who will remain in the very same position until they decide to retire. Staff members have challenges to keep them engaged, so longevity should not be problematic if the company pays work that is constantly challenging the expertise and abilities of staff.


Hence it can be concluded that the issue of retaining staff is one of the major concerns of the human resource management or for the hiring and recruiting department. As MovieFlix’s issues are highlighted in the above section of the paper it will not take up necessary steps that will lead to solve the problem and find alternative ways of retaining the candidates. The further developments will be stated in the next section of the case study analysis which is the letter addressing the same organization. As a consultant, it is important to retain the workforce by the process of implementing a different technique and thinking about the benefit of the employees.


Al-Emadi, A. A. Q., Schwabenland, C., & Wei, Q. (2015). The vital role of employee retention in human resource management: A literature review. IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior, 14(3), 7.

Aruna, M., & Anitha, J. (2015). Employee retention enablers: Generation Y employees. SCMS Journal of Indian Management, 12(3), 94.

Bibi, P., Ahmad, A., & Majid, A. H. (2018). HRM practices and employee retention: The moderating effect of work environment. In Applying partial least squares in tourism and hospitality research. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Nasir, S. Z., & Mahmood, N. (2016). Determinants of employee retention: An evidence from Pakistan. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 6(9), 182-194.

Nasir, S. Z., & Mahmood, N. (2018). A study of effect of employee retention on organizational competence. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(4), 408-415.

Singh, D. (2019). A literature review on employee retention with focus on recent trends. International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 6(1), 425-431.

Running head:





Mika Vandaveer

Rasmussen College

Author Note

SWOT Analysis of MovieFlix





This company has a valuable great brand name and reputation.

The audience or clients need high internet speed to get the best quality.

Huge opportunity to rise in the mobile internet segment.

Every other competition in the market have started their ow original content.

The list of content is diversified with large collection.

Sometimes the collections are repeated and unnecessary.

Chances of advertisement channels on online platform is immense such as in Facebook, Instagram and others.

The competitors at present are decreasing the price.

The market share of the company is huge with comparison to its competitors.

The issue with copyright management is stumbled.

Because of additional contents available, using of technologies can enhance the process of conversion.

Existence of substitute content in the market.

(gruel & Tat, 2017)


MovieFlix has strengths which involves large content collection this states that the company has many product s in which the audience or the clients can choose according to their preference. Another strength could be the company’s possession in the huge share market which allows them to generate revenue and advantage that allows more sales than other companies in the market. These strengths mean that people generally prefer this company’s product as compared to its competitors. to be precise with strength it could be considered that movie flicks have a good brand name and high reputation which brings in the market with greater profits (Mohamed & Smarandache, 2018). Along with the strength movie flakes also has its share of weakness which includes lack of a proper strategic plan to manage the market and sell more of its product, existence of weak management system results in fall of the profit margin. Many times, the collection that movie flicks have are repeated and unnecessary. The management system being weak cannot apply a proper amount of distribution with all the products to all the clients hence decreasing the income.

On the other hand, the company also has its share of opportunities and threats. Beginning with opportunities it revolves around the availability of the platform in online market, these days online market have transformed to be very crucial for every market place, significantly increases or generates the company’s revenue. The online market also provides the client to choose from the variety of products which are displayed online and not available in shops particularly lacks with some products. The opportunity of rising in the mobile segment can benefit the company to reach every corner of the world with digital platforms because nowadays technologies have turned to be advanced and if accessible to every mobile device the process of conversion gets higher along with the chance to get high return of investments which indirectly means generating higher revenue (Dalton, 2019).

MovieFlix have a chance to expand internationally along with certain external threats these threats can be considered as the intense competition from other companies in the marketplace. The survival of existence of other companies in the sharing market makes the MovieFlix pose a huge threat to maintain its high-quality service and good will to clients. Another can be considered which is the violation of cost other companies are dropping down the prices in order to gain clients. These factors can be huge threat as MovieFlix has a critical planning for situations of cost of the product the process of planning makes the planning delay and poor which effects the company in a negative way. The last threat which could be considered is the availability of the substitute goods MovieFlix competitions offer the clients substitute goods in the marketplace to take up control of the market.


The major problem in MovieFlix is the problem of competition, to turn this problem and get a solution for this particular challenge the organisation has to first rebuild it system and make certain efforts to make the system stronger. The very first recommendation that I would like to state is that the employees and managers of the company should go under a two-training phase. This particular training will provide the staff about the vision of the objectives of the organisation that cares motivational thoughts and strength to the system to make the chain established well and elaborate. introducing a good system for communication could lead to be a great key strategy of strengthening the organisations system, can enhance the feedback strategy. The competition problem can be sorted by adding an intelligent department in the organisation which would be responsible for identifying the market parameters and enabling the company to beat their competition (Bolisani &Bratianu, 2017).

Leadership team building

Being the company’s consultant, I would request the team leaders and the manager of movie snakes to be questions about feelings which are unspoken of the employees. This could be implemented only by avoiding things that actually demoralize the employee. the leadership team building requires a leader to be more open and freer to its employees and also ensuring that the sensitive parts of the employee’s sentiments are kept under consideration. The delegation that plays a vital role in building team when the manager delegates or deliveries and activity of solving a specific issue of the company the team has the opportunity to work together honoured by generating a developing new thought towards the solution of the problem. As a consultant I would make sure that the communication in the organisation is facilitated as it plays the most crucial role in successful teamwork. I would also ensure that the company e can be free to the concerns questions suggestions and other factors that influence sizes help to individuals (Pollcak & Matous, 2019).


Abdel-Basset, M., Mohamed, M., & Smarandache, F. (2018). An extension of neutrosophic AHP–SWOT analysis for strategic planning and decision-making. Symmetry, 10(4), 116.

Bolisani, E., & Bratianu, C. (2017). Knowledge strategy planning: an integrated approach to manage uncertainty, turbulence, and dynamics. Journal of Knowledge Management.

Dalton, J. (2019). SWOT analysis (Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats). In Great Big Agile (pp. 249-252). Apress, Berkeley, CA.

Gürel, E., & Tat, M. (2017). SWOT analysis: a theoretical review. Journal of International Social Research, 10(51).

Pollack, J., & Matous, P. (2019). Testing the impact of targeted team building on project team communication using social network analysis. International Journal of Project Management, 37(3), 473-484.

Running head: MovieFlix – Management Information System 1

MovieFlix – Management Information System 8

MovieFlix – Management Information System


Mika Vandaveer

March 14, 2021

To enhance the information management system, MovieFlix will have to look at the company’s specific needs. To meet the changing needs of the market and increase customer expectations, the intervention of modernization is crucial. To solve business problems and ensure that the business is running smoothly, integrating the IMB DB2 database is vital. IBM DB2 is a database designed to deliver actionable insights, deliver high performance, data reliability, availability, and perfection in organizational data management. In the modern world, where business competition is increasing because of the emergence of technology and innovation, every business, regardless of its size, accepts the need for technology.

MovieFlix is confronting some challenges that question the validity and reliability of the company’s services and products. MovieFlix is a leading movie provider in the market founded in 1998, fails to maintain the quality of its products and services. Numerous competitors are emerging in the market that is challenging the position of MovieFlix because it was the only free movie provider since 2011 (ERIN, 2020). Although the company maintains its standard in the market by providing various products, they need to integrate modernization over time; thus, integrating IBM DB2 will be beneficial.

IBM DB2 is a sound database system is designed to retrieve, store and analyze data effectively and efficiently. The database is available in different versions that would help the company find the best performance that fulfills the company’s needs. The database is designed for mid-size and large-size organizations; thus, MovieFlix is one of those companies that can use MovieFlix to get an advantage and integrate modernization in information management. Two major strengths of this database include well-designed products and an easy migration process. The migration process is easy, and for this reason, it can be used at any physical or virtual organizational system regardless of the size of the configuration (IBM, 2019).

The use of a full-featured database will help the company enhance its underlying culture and transform it with a modern and innovative design. I have selected this database for the MovieFlix because it facilitates the company from all dimensions from where it is lacking. The IBM DB2 is a modern database that helps organizations use reliable and valid data to bring advancement to the company. Research over market trends and consumer preferences helps MovieFlix to come up with desired services and products. It is a management software that will help the company keep on track all the organization’s datasets and make sure that it is secured. MovieFlix remained successful in the market because the differentiation strategy was strong enough to take hold. The AI-powered features are of the IBM DB2 helpful for the management and modernization of structured and unstructured data across multi-cloud environments.

Along with making data easy and assessable for the company, the database will also help the positioning of the company to pursue applications of AI for business success. The integration of artificial intelligence would help MovieFlix transform business operations on the cloud and target many customers. The transformation of data on the cloud through IBM and AI would make the management of data convenient and secure. An integrated data management platform would help the company remove all the flaws and ensure data validity. In this way, MovieFlix will access data over different locations of the company through virtual platforms.

The selected software would also help MovieFlix enhance its compliance with the industry/society’s legal and ethical rules and regulations of the industry/society. Enhancement in the compliance of the company will bring more customers to the company. Because for customers, insurance is crucial that the company is offering legally and ethically accepted products and services.

Along with the benefits of the IBM DB2 database, some consequences might affect the overall performance of MovieFlix. These consequences include mediocre service, high cost of implementation, and training required to understand the database’s features and efficiently practice it. The workforce training regarding the use of the implemented database will cause a financial burden to MovieFlix.

Implementing the IBM DB2 database for the modernization of the company’s information system and data management will be a costly process. Still, investment in the integration of modernization is crucial because to meet market standards and overcome challenges. It is essential to invest once and get an advantage by competing with market standards and huge customer lead. As stated above, there are different versions of the IBM DB2 database, and thus, the implementation cost of each performance is different. The pricing starts from $1000.0 as a one-time payment and varies based on the need of companies and expectations.

The management of structured and unstructured data to enhance the information system and effective data management for the midsized (MovieFlix) organization would cost a higher investment as a one-time payment that would put more substantial pressure on the company. Along with the cost of the database implementation, the company can suffer if its performance consequences will occupy its benefits. The spending on the database’s implementation will not be a loss because the cost will be cut down when the company will gain huge profits in return for it. Higher customer lead and their satisfaction would be ensured to make sure by the effective management of data. The database cost will be incurred when the company will have more customers than before, and there will be a higher profit compared to the previous performance. Sales streams and the company’s overall growth will be ensured with the company’s data and information practices. As it is a virtual operating company, targeting huge customers through AI and the cloud will make expectations accurate and achievable.

ERIN. (2020). MoviesFlix: Top 36+ Best Alternatives & Similar Sites Like MoviesFlix.
IBM. (2019). What is Db2?

Running head:




Business Ethics

Mika Vandaveer

Rasmussen College

Finding the right staff and retaining them is one of the essential aspects of business management in an ethical way, which speaks for a business’s good practices and benefits the business in different ways (Endenich & Trapp, 2020). MovieFlix has been facing specific business issues regarding finding the right staff, retaining them, and being particular about the ethical practices that it follows in doing so. In this regard, the essay shall discuss specific recommendations that MovieFlix should abide by certain ethical business practices to tackle staff selection and inform the negatives of recruiting staff through unethical practices.

Recruitment as per ethical standards shall help the company reduce its risk of liability and protect its goodwill. Effective staff recruitment by following ethical principles benefits the business as customer reliability increases towards ethical brands, thereby enhancing its reputation in the market and subsequently boosting the overall profitability or revenue generation (Bussin & Mouton, 2019). Corporate social responsibility and ethical business practice help the business discern as a member of the society that bears the responsibility and obligation towards the environment where it operates (Suriyankietkaew & Kantamara, 2019). By strategizing its copyright purchases and distribution of shows and introducing policies for judicious recruitment and retention of staff, MovieFlix could reduce its cost to a great extent without investing unnecessary funds to run recruitment programs frequently. A productive and skilled team set shall help reduce the organization’s burden through equal distribution of workload, thereby facilitating performance and production of the business (Tikhonov, 2019). Ethical considerations in terms of selection and recruitment of staff thereby play a vital role in defining the company, its policies towards the workforce that aids in revenue generation, and its nature of evaluating human skill and effort, irrespective of the gender of the employee.

In this context, it is incredibly vital to address the evils of following unethical business practices in business operations, staff selection and recruitment process, and subsequently in making staff retention policies. Pay gaps, gender discrimination and discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation among the recruited candidates, undisclosed job description, inadequate salary structure that is lesser than the industry standard, violation of employment laws, ineffective employee retention policy et cetera, are some of the most common unethical ways in which the business could hire and fire people, thereby facing a constant issue in business operation, chaos amongst the workforce due to discrimination, shortage of employees due to short-lived tenure of the newly recruited candidate who does not feel like continuing their career with organizations that feasts on unethical business practices, especially towards hiring and subsequently managing the workforce.

Therefore, a well-balanced Human Resource department is a mandate for Movieflix to ensure a seamless selection and recruitment process for benefitting the organization in the long-run, like increasing profitability, retaining loyal employees and goodwill in the industry.


Bussin, M., & Mouton, H. (2019). Effectiveness of employer branding on staff retention and compensation expectations. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 22(1), 1-8.

Endenich, C., & Trapp, R. (2020). Ethical implications of management accounting and control: A systematic review of the contributions from the Journal of Business Ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, 163(2), 309-328.

Suriyankietkaew, S., & Kantamara, P. (2019). Business ethics and spirituality for corporate sustainability: A Buddhism perspective. Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion, 16(3), 264-289.

Tikhonov, A. I. (2019). The use of networking in staff recruitment: recommendations and referral programs. Amazonia Investiga, 8(19), 521-528.




Team Building

Mika Vandaveer

Rasmussen College

Business Capstone


Team Types

Team building encapsulates fundamental activities to ensure effective business management, process improvement, automation, process mapping, optimization, modeling, and accommodating technology and workflow within an organization. Similarly, the Rasmussen Consulting accommodating team embraces fundamental advantages, including team motivation and efficiency in product promotion for the MovieFlix Company to establish fundamental leadership and team building in strategic planning, counteracting management and leadership problems practical and strategic competition. According to the authors, building an effective team embraces objectives and expectations, clarity, perspective, dedication, capacity, contracts, power, corporation, communication, creative improvement, responsibility and accountability, harmonization, and cultural changes (Fapohunda, 2013). Similarly, in Rasmussen Consulting, an effective team building to manage the MovieFlix Company problem in competition, leadership, and team-building training requires fundamental articulation on team building concepts and determining the team’s need in the Rasmussen Consulting for effective delivery and performance. There are notable team types that Rasmussen Consulting needs for effective implementation. Significantly, Rasmussen Consulting accommodates teams including functional work team, inter-working team, project team, and task force team to provide particular articulation on the MovieFlix Company problem for product and services improvement competitive advantage over the rivalry companies. Therefore, articulating each team member’s roles for Rasmussen Consulting to manage the MovieFlix Company problem is underscoring.


The functional work team member articulates to members of the same functional areas and responds to a single manager for the entire group management. Significantly, the team members will be responsible for managing movie collection to counteract repeated and unnecessary movie collection to accommodate communication and team management techniques. Similarly, the inter-working team members work with multidisciplinary functional areas for effective knowledge sharing and complement to evaluate discrepancies in a diversified workforce within the MovieFlix Company. Admittedly, the team members provide underscored roles in strategic planning in product development towards effective competitive advantage. The project team will cover a wide range of Rasmussen Consulting activities to manage product development for improved quality and service delivery, ensuring competitive advantages and effective leadership and management at the MovieFlix Company. Finally, the task force team members consist of experts and specialists for analyzing, investigating, and solving a specific problem such as competition, leadership, and communication in the MovieFlix Company. Therefore each team member is necessary for team building and effective performance for the MovieFlix Company’s problems.

Teams important for Rasmussen Consulting to manage MovieFlix Problem

In any business organization, team building s fundamental in managing the organization problems that facilitate productivity and performance (Tripathy, 2017). Similarly, teams such as functional work teams, inter-working teams, project teams, and task force team types give manifold benefits for Rasmussen Consulting to provide solutions to the MovieFlix problems. Firstly, the team members are significant in enhancing creativity and learning. For example, the functional work team members will be responsible for managing movie collection to counteract repeated and unnecessary movie collection to accommodate communication and team management techniques. The team members are significant in issues including trust building, conflict solution, promoting ownership, and healthy risk-taking in business organizations (Tripathy, 2017). Team building for Rasmussen Consulting accommodates fundamental needs, including decreased productivity, innovation, compliance on reduced services delivery, and quality improvement. Therefore, in team building, the Rasmussen Consulting determination for team building resonates with the MovieFlix need for quality improvement, managing competition challenges for productivity and performance.


Fapohunda, T. M. (2013). Towards Effective Team Building in the Workplace. International Journal of Education and Research, Vol. 1 No. 4. Pp.1-12

Tripathy, M. (2017). Building Quality Teamwork to Achieve Excellence in Business Organizations.
International Research Journal of Management, IT & Social Sciences, Vol. 5 No. 3, Pp.1-7

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