Case Study Psychology

Attached you will find al the requirements in order to complete this assignment.  Please ensure that you read and understand everything  Im available for questions if needed  

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[Note: To complete this template, replace the bracketed text with your own content. Remove this note before you submit your paper.]

Intervention Paper: LAPC Model and Kendrick

[Your Name]

Running head: LAPC MODEL 1

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Southern New Hampshire University


[Insert your content. Note that, unlike your intervention papers, this paper will be written in case note format. To do so, consider that you are documenting what occurred in session with you and Kendrick relative to each step of the LAPC model. Please make sure you are using the questions from pages 12 and 13 of the Crisis Intervention text to help guide you in completing each of these sections. You will need to make up parts of your response (i.e., not rely solely on the case study) to complete some of the steps. To do so, envision that you are having this session with Kendrick and working through each step of the LAPC model. Document what occurred and what was decided, based on the requirements of each step. Your responses should be consistent with the case study and reflective of the elements of the LAPC model.]


[Insert your content.]


[Insert your content.]


[Insert your content.]

COU 680 Week Four Case Study: Kendrick

You are a counselor at the on-campus counseling center.

Kendrick is a 22-year-old African American college senior who has come in to see you as a result of his
recent breakup with his fiancé, Stephanie. Kendrick reports that he is unable to cope, has not been to
class in the past two weeks, is not eating, and only sleeps when he cries himself to the point of
exhaustion or when he self-medicates with large quantities of alcohol. Kendrick lives alone, having
shared his apartment with Stephanie prior to the breakup. He acknowledges that he is in complete
despair and has now been contacted by his academic advisor, who let him know if he does not rebound
quickly, he is at risk of failing his final courses, not graduating on time, and losing the job he has already
been hired for post-graduation.

Despite his struggles to cope, Kendrick denies any current suicidal ideation or desire to harm himself or

Kendrick is a National Merit Scholar who came to college on a full academic scholarship. He majored in
aerospace engineering and has spent the past two summers interning for a company that has already
offered him a full-time position upon graduation at the end of the term.

Kendrick met Stephanie in one of his first-semester engineering courses. They sat next to each other in
class and soon became study partners. Within two months they were dating exclusively and spent nearly
every moment together. While both lived in the university dorms their first year, they chose to get an
apartment together starting their sophomore year, and they lived together until two weeks ago when
Stephanie moved out.

Since the beginning of his relationship with Stephanie, Kendrick has been socially isolated. While he did
come to college with a few close friends and is only two hours away from home, he has not maintained
connections with his high school friends and has not made regular visits home. In fact, Kendrick reports
that his parents came to “resent” Stephanie because they saw her as “keeping him away,” so he has
largely cut off communication with them. Kendrick reports that he did not feel coerced to cut out his
relationships with others, but simply preferred Stephanie’s company over others.

Kendrick reports that the relationship felt happy and healthy to him, although he did feel Stephanie
growing more distant in the past couple of months. He states that he and Stephanie had plans to get
married in the fall, once he settled into his new job and she could start graduate school. Kendrick
reports the relationship ended after Stephanie decided she wasn’t ready for marriage and realized she
had “wasted” her entire college experience being in a relationship rather than “going and doing.” After a
heated argument and “lots of begging,” Kendrick was unable to persuade Stephanie to reconsider, and
she immediately moved out of their shared apartment and in with a coworker from her part-time job.
They have not had contact since she moved out, although Kendrick has tried calling daily.

Developmental Considerations
Kendrick had no significant health or developmental issues as a child. Cognitively, he was advanced at an
early age and his parents elected to have him skip second grade. While he continued to excel
academically, he struggled with socialization resulting due to the difference in age and often preferred

to play alone in elementary school. By middle school, Kendrick made good gains in psychosocial
development and had a small group of very close friends that he maintained through high school,
although he remained shy.

Relational Considerations
Kendrick is an only child and, prior to attending college, was very close to both his mom and dad. His
parents had wanted more children but had been unable to conceive again after his birth. Instead, they
worked to support his academic success and played the primary support role for him in his elementary
years. In addition to his parents, Kendrick has a large extended family in his hometown, and weekends
were often spent together at his maternal grandmother’s house with his many aunts, uncles, and

Outside of his family and his small friend group, Kendrick kept mostly to himself. He was kind and people
liked him, but he did not seek others out and dated very little in high school.

Multicultural Considerations
Kendrick comes from a large and family-oriented African American family. His decision to go away to
school was significant, as many of his cousins opted to stay at the local university. However, his parents
supported his academic success and wanted to see him take the opportunity to get outside of his
comfort zone and succeed at more prestigious university. Given that, they did have initial expectations
that he would come home most weekends and became increasingly concerned when he began pulling
away in the second semester of his freshman year. They made many attempts to call him, come visit,
and ultimately “demand[ed]” that he come home, but his resistance and preference to spend time with
Stephanie ultimately created a barrier in communication. His extended families’ statements that he had
“sold out” only furthered his desire to pull away.

Diagnostically, Kendrick is displaying symptoms consistent with adjustment disorder with depressed
mood (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).


American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.).

Washington, DC: Author.

COU 680 Week Four Intervention Paper Guidelines and Rubric
LAPC Model

Overview: In this assignment, you will explore the fundamental counseling skills for crisis assessment and intervention using the four-step LAPC crisis
intervention model and applying it to a crisis case study. This practice opportunity will help prepare you to respond to clients in crisis and will give you a working
model from which to pull from when you move into field experience.

Unlike other weeks when you will be asked to seek out trauma-based interventions or resources, this week is focused specifically on crisis intervention.

Prompt: Requirements for this assignment are as follows:

 Review the Week Four Case Study Kendrick.

 Apply the LAPC model as outlined in Chapter 1 (pp. 12–13) of Crisis Intervention: A Practical Guide to the case study, and explain how you would address
each of the following steps in a client session with Kendrick:

(1) listen
(2) assess
(3) plan
(4) commit

Make sure to address all of the questions outlined in the template on pages 12 and 13, but feel free to add anything else that seems appropriate to each
step, based on your reading of Chapter 3. You may also make inferences or embellish the case study as appropriate, so long as this is consistent with the
case study presented.


Guidelines for Submission: This short paper should use the LAPC Model template. It should be 1 to 2 pages in length with double spacing, 12-point Times New
Roman font, and one-inch margins. All references should be cited in APA format.

Critical Elements Excellent (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Listen Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
description of how to address the
“listen” step is detailed and
demonstrates exceptional insight
or analysis

Describes how to address the
“listen” step with the case study
client and addresses all questions
outlined in the template

Describes how to address the
“listen” step with the case study
client, but description contains
gaps or inaccuracies or lacks detail

Does not describe how to address
the “listen” step with the case
study client


Critical Elements Excellent (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Assess Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
description of how to address the
“assess” step is detailed and
demonstrates exceptional insight
or analysis

Describes how to address the
“assess” step with the case study
client and addresses all questions
outlined in the template

Describes how to address the
“assess” step with the case study
client, but description contains
gaps or inaccuracies or lacks detail

Does not describe how to address
the “assess” step with the case
study client


Plan Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
description of how to address the
“plan” step is detailed and
demonstrates exceptional insight
or analysis

Describes how to address the
“plan” step with the case study
client and addresses all questions
outlined in the template

Describes how to address the
“plan” step with the case study
client, but description contains
gaps or inaccuracies or lacks detail

Does not describe how to address
the “plan” step with the case
study client


Commit Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
description of how to address the
“commit” step is detailed and
demonstrates exceptional insight
or analysis

Describes how to address the
“commit” step with the case study
client and addresses all questions
outlined in the template

Describes how to address the
“commit” step with the case study
client, but description contains
gaps or inaccuracies or lacks detail

Does not describe how to address
the “commit” step with the case
study client


Articulation of

Submission has no major errors
related to grammar, spelling,
syntax, or organization

Submission has some errors
related to grammar, spelling,
syntax, or organization but they
are minimal and do not negatively
impact readability and articulation
of main ideas

Submission has major errors
related to grammar, spelling,
syntax, or organization that
negatively impact readability and
articulation of main ideas

Submission has critical errors
related to grammar, spelling,
syntax, or organization that
prevent understanding of ideas


Total 100%

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