Organize a Project


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Discover the various responsibilities of a project manager by organizing a project. See Chapter 19, sections 19.9 and Cases. 

Apply project management tools and a PM outline type of your choice to structure and plan the project by defining, planning, and controlling. The project will be a continuation of how to improve the process you chose in Weeks 1 and 2.

Create a 10- to 12-slide PowerPoint (supported by Excel and Word as needed) presentation, with detailed speaker notes, that includes the following:

  • Project description
  • Project Management Charts (Critical Path, Gant Chart, etc.)
  • Improved Process Flow Chart from Week 1
  • Meeting cadence/rhythm and timing
  • Metrics to measure the project’s success
  • Financial and budgetary considerations
  • Description of the project reporting structure

Cite references to support your assignment.

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OPS/574 v1

Process Improvement Flowchart

OPS/574 v1

Page 2 of 3

Process Improvement Flowchart

As-Is Process Flow Chart Evaluation

Select a process from an organization you work for or are familiar with. You will use this process in your Week 2 & Week 4 Signature Assignments as well.

Create a flowchart of the as-is process using Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Vizio, or Excel.

Evaluate the efficacy of your process using process improvement techniques.

The process improvement chart considers the DMAIC Six Sigma phases as part of the improvement techniques. The problem is defined from customer feedback and product inspections before its analysis. The analysis leads to improvements which are communicated to the team before trial and measures. Product control is enabled ensuring customer satisfaction is attained.

Process Improvement Flow Chart

Determine how the process can be improved based on


the results of your evaluation.

The results of the evaluation would be used to identify issues and defects on current products which may lower the quality of products and services.

Define metrics and measure the current process. 

Customer objectives, safety, satisfaction, and productivity will be used as metrics and measures in the process.


Use process improvement techniques to improve the process. Create a flow chart of the improved process using Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Vizio, or Excel. Use your professional judgment to ascertain how the future process will perform according to your metrics. 


Write a 525-word executive summary that includes the following: 

· A brief description of the process based on the flowchart of processes current state 

· The results of your process evaluation and how the weak points can be strengthened. Include a description of the process improvement technique(s) used. 

· A brief description of process improvements based on the process of the future state 

· How you anticipate the future process will perform based on metrics used to evaluate process current state

· A description ofyour process improvement project to achieve the process future state


Undertaking a continuous improvement process will be vital in achieving a higher customer satisfaction. The current flowchart articulates how information obtained from customer feedback as well as product inspection will be essential in identifying areas of improvement. Further, an analysis carried out leading to feedback evaluation will articulate the improvements which can be undertaken to ensure quality of products. Quality-oriented organizations ought to utilize acquired information to facilitate customer satisfaction strategies (Koval et al., 2018). After the evaluation, improvements on the products will be based on information received will reflect in product adjustments to fit in customer specifications and needs.


to all staff to align with the new improvement strategy. Trial and measures will articulate if the products have met customer needs and wants leading to control for quality management.
Using the DMAIC improvement techniques focuses on continuous improvements based on process results. For instance, the definition phase would consider a definition of customer needs and requirements which are not captured in the current products. This could become a strength instead of a weakness in which new satisfactory products are innovated. On the other hand, measurement and trials could validate how satisfactory levels are measured (Beemaraj & Prasath, 2018). This would not only consider how the improvements are to reflect on the product but also on the service. Also, the measures would facilitate a definition of performance objectives and causative relationships during analysis. The control technique stipulates process capability and validation of monitoring attributing to effective procedures (Beemaraj & Prasath, 2018).
The future process state would consider customer satisfaction feedback in improvement reviews. The analyses of both data and the process would narrow done to what improve are more effective in meeting customer needs (Beemaraj & Prasath, 2018). This would consider composite organizational variables which have a direct impact on customer markets and products which create sustainability in the market. Data analysis from the information will translate into improvements in both products and customer processes aligning with the current organizational objectives. Further, the improvements will re-evaluate the potential solutions given through new designed products and operating procedures for solution development. The control process would identify staff procedures as well as quality validation (Beemaraj & Prasath, 2018). This would continuously be evaluated and monitored besides been integrated in the existing control plans.
Based on the metrics, it is considerable to stipulate the process will be successful in current and future states. Integration of different metrics and measures would target several performance objectives. Customer perspective, business perspective, and learning/growth perspective are dependent on improvement process based on data analysis obtained (Looy & Shafagatova, 2016). Nonetheless, the measures can act as indicators on customer satisfaction and performance. For example, customer objectives would be geared towards improvements which lead to attraction and retention of existing customers while safety would consider product security during use. Meanwhile, satisfaction would articulate customer repeat business and productivity consider quality procedures and management. Achieving a future process state would be associated with process changes focusing on product design and measurement systems. The link between organizational and business performance extends to the measurable metrics and data analysis as obtained after the first control management process (Looy & Shafagatova, 2016). Testing and using the measurements will effectively elicit desired changes in the process.


Looy, V. & Shafagatova, A. (2016). Business process performance measurement: a structured literature review of indicators, measures, and metrics. Springer plus 5.

Beemaraj, R. & Prasath, A. (2018). Six sigma concept and DMAIC implementation. International journal of business management and research 3(2).

Koval, O.,Nabareseh, S., Chromjakova, F. & Marciniak, R. (2018). Can continuous improvement lead to satisfied customers? Evidence from the services industry. TQM Journal 30(2).

Customer feedback and product inspection



Trial and Measure



Customer satisfaction




End process

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Copyright 2020 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

OPS/574 v1

Statistical Process Control Methods

OPS/574 v1

Page 3 of 3

Statistical Process Control Methods

Process Evaluation

Evaluate your process using 1of the following:


Use the lean concept to find ways to eliminate waste and improve the process

· SPC or Six Sigma to reduce defects or variances in the process

Finding ways through the lean concept would consider mistake proofing and visual management techniques. Waste management would be enabled by creating a workflow and training employees.
Reducing variances through SPC in the process will be associated with inspection and regular production of products.

Evaluation of Control Chart and Process Metrics

Complete the following in Excel:

· Calculate the defined process metrics including variation and process capability.

· Develop and display a control chart for the process.

Evaluate the control chart and process metrics using Statistical Process Control (SPC) methods. Determine whether the process could benefit from the use of Six Sigma, Lean, or other tools. (Include all calculation and charts.)

The process would benefit from the use of SPC and Six Sigma tools in evaluating variation and process capability. This is because control metrics and regular inspections are carried out continuously ensuring variation sources are identified.

Executive Summary

Writea 700-word executive summary that includes the following:

· A summary of the Process Evaluation (using either Lean or SPC or Six Sigma)

· A summary of the Evaluation of Control Chart and Process metrics based on SPC methods

· A summary of your evaluation of whether the process would benefit from the use of Six Sigma, Lean, or other tools

· A description of the SPC project and recommendations for improvements

The use of Six Sigma in process evaluation would ensure the achievement of a continuous improvement process in which defects and capabilities are identified as early as possible. After the definition phase, goals are defined in which current process capabilities are calculated (Altintas et al., 2016). This translates in the effective translation and analysis of the data and variations which have occurred. The evaluation of such variables will provide additional information on the effective factors and reasons for variation. This is only attainable through the analyses process after the measurement of variables and how they are likely to impact customer satisfaction. Improvement activities in the improve stage during process evaluation articulate viable solutions which can be implemented (Altintas et al., 2016). The current solutions would be evaluated against future workable solutions which can be applied to reduce the problem and variations. On the other hand, control phase effectiveness only can be approved through evaluation. This has a consideration on the approval of standards and procedures set maximizing on defect elimination and customer satisfaction.
SPC application in the evaluation of control charts assist in differentiating sources of variation. For instance, common sources and special sources identified would undergo continuous evaluation and monitoring to control variations (Jin et al., 2019). Statistics and paradata analysis, in particular, identifies estimates which are based on data quality. Control limits established in the control chart will enable evaluation by monitoring performance over time. In addition, control chart estimates allow survey of values which can impact measurement errors in quality. Visual graphic changes are represented and recorded on the control charts and how the changes have been facilitated by solutions (Jin et al., 2019). Follow-up on the chart representations would be carried out in process evaluation maintaining control quality and efficacy of measures. The evaluation will be carried out over time to enable effectiveness and accuracy of detection metrics. Ongoing production processes utilize the control charts to detect significant changes (Jin et al., 2019). This would translate into desirable process metrics which ensure process capability. Therefore, a stable process is attained through the evaluation of control charts through SPC.
The process would benefit from the use of SPC and Six Sigma tools in evaluating variation and process capability. This is because control metrics and regular inspections are carried out continuously ensuring variation sources are identified. Standardization of procedures and representations in control charts would continuously provide quality control and management. Positive impacts on the evaluation of both processes monitor quality characteristics while providing the identification of nay variations (Gejdos, 2015). Statistical control and DMAIC integration would also be able to quantify problems and solutions which create a stable process enabling a stable production process. While statistical control focuses on random and definable causes, the DMAIC process focuses on viable solutions which could influence acceptable variations. Capability index and control charts as tools of quality improvement can be used simultaneously for high quality performance (Gejdos, 2015). This is facilitated by processes in each tool improvement individual stage. With the continuity of each tool, management is simplified subjecting the entire process into continual improvement. Stability of performance provides the analysis results and possible solutions in controlling quality. Both graphical presentation and capability indexes as obtained from DMAIC and Six Sigma, respectively, work to increase process benefits.
The SPC project establishes process stability through the control of statistics. This considers the application of control charts to enable conformance with requirements while meeting customer expectations. Inspection and observation of production process for quality control would eliminate waste, variations, and complaints (Gejdos, 2015). Process stability metrics calculate the desired stability of process for quality management and control. Recommendations for improvements on the SPC process would consider a focus on the right control characteristics and managing the charting process. Having the right control characteristics will predict on variations which are at times costly and challenging. Meanwhile, effective management of the charting process would provide timely identification of issues and process changes (Gejdos, 2015). Empowering operators to seek improvements would provide solutions in the control of the stability process. Also, employing effective control strategies in the process would reflect on the processes success and handling causative factors with viable and sustainable solutions.


Jin, J., Vandenplas, C. & Loosveldt, G. (2019). The evaluation of statistical process control methods to monitor interview duration during survey data collection.

Atlintas, M., Erginel, N. & Kucuk, G. (2016). Determining the criteria and evaluating Six Sigma projects via fuzzy ANP method in group decision. IFAC papers online.

Gejdos, P. (2015). Continuous quality improvement by statistical process control. Procedia economics and finance 34.

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Copyright2020by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

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