Teacher intern project through ACP: assignment 2. 3. 4, 5

Who can do internship project for me. Each assignment has to  be related with teaching a class  along with  gather data and lesson plan base on 3 students. One of student is Deaf.   I will pay $10 for each assignment total of $40.  

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Preparing for the Teaching the Lesson Project

In this narra�ve, I will reflect upon the teaching of this par�cular lesson

specifically how I supported and engaged my students during this class. I will discuss

how I promoted a posi�ve learning environment and how I engaged all students in their

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development of understanding of the lesson. This narra�ve will also include things I

would change about the lesson delivery and things I would want to improve upon in the


Promo�ng a posi�ve learning environment is very important in order to cul�vate

an environment in which students feel safe to learn and feel comfortable making

mistakes along the way. Some specific ways I promoted a posi�ve learning environment

in this class in par�cular include star�ng off class with a smile and asking the students

how their week is going. This lesson is special in that this was the first class period this

year in which students actually got to stand up and start moving in the space.

Moving or dancing can be an uncomfortable experience for some. To make them

feel more comfortable, I did all the movement ac�vi�es with them and gave them all an

opportunity to par�cipate. I also encouraged a posi�ve learning environment in this

class by providing posi�ve feedback as well as construc�ve cri�ques. I also taught

proper e�que�e on how to watch and support one another in dance class.

My instruc�on in this lesson strived to engage all students by ini�ally presen�ng

the material in several different ways. In this class, we listened to the song that many

students struggled to count the day before. I clarified the proper way of coun�ng this

par�cular song for all the auditory learners. I then explained the same song example

with a visual illustra�on on the white board for all the visual learners. We then did a

physical ac�vity for all the kinesthe�c learners.

The ability to listen and coun�ng music, physically interpret the music, and dance

on the counts is an impera�ve skill to have as a dancer. Giving all students the

opportunity to par�cipate in the physical applica�on of their understanding of this

concept will help develop their ability to perform dance sequences with musical

accuracy. This also encouraged student engagement because all students were


Students got several opportuni�es to march to the beat of a song, clap to the

beat of a song, and march to the beat and clap on the downbeat of a song. All songs in

4/4 �me signature. We then did several ac�vi�es with songs in 3/4 �me signature.

Students had the opportunity to clap to a 3/4 song in sixes and they also prac�ced

swaying ini�ated by the downbeats. We also prac�ced coun�ng how many sets of

eights and sixes in a segment of music. Students were all engaged with all the physical


During this lesson, as well as using informa�on from the previous lesson, I used

several students’ responses and ques�ons to promote thinking and understanding of

this material. The first set of responses I used was from the lesson the day before. The

students completed a Schoology Ac�vity sta�ng whether the given songs were in 4/4 or

3/4 �me signature. The responses elicited what I should be focusing on the following

day. One song in par�cular, the students struggled to count and determine the correct

�me signature.

Many �mes throughout the lesson, I asked for ques�ons. One student asked

about the different types of �me signatures we would be using in this class. I replied

that we would only be using 4/4 �me signature and 3/4 �me signature. I used this

ques�on to segue into the idea that as dancers we generally are not looking at the sheet

music for the songs we are using. Because of this, many �mes we are just using our best

judgement to determine the �me signature so that we know whether to count the song

in eights (4/4 �me signature) or in sixes (3/4 �me signature). I men�oned that a song

we count in sixes may not be 3/4 �me signature but may in fact be 6/8 �me signature

but for the purpose of our class the most important thing is that we know whether to

count in eights or sixes.

In general, I do my best if a student raises a ques�on that brings up an

important idea that has not been addressed to the en�re class, to make sure that I

answer that ques�on in a way that everyone can hear me. In the same way, if I have

several students ask me the same ques�on, clearly I did not do a great job giving all the

vital informa�on. In that case, I will also get the a�en�on of the en�re class to share

that ques�on and answer. Also, I use the students to help answer other student

ques�ons. If I know I have covered something in the lesson and a student asks a

ques�on about it, I may see if another student would like to answer the ques�on for

his/her peer.

Overall this lesson was very successful and I think the students were engaged

and learned the intended objec�ves. In future, a few things I will take more �me

developing for this lesson include explaining the misconcep�on equa�ng slow tempo

with 3/4 �me signature upfront so students don’t make that mistake. This was the

biggest reason so many students missed one of the songs in the Schoology Ac�vity the

previous day. Also, pacing is s�ll something I am working on. Figuring out how much

�me each concept or ac�vity takes to teach and complete. I had planned to introduce

“and” counts in this lesson as well but we did not have �me to even start that new

concept. Most important thing is to base pacing off the students and be prepared to

adjust lesson plans as needed.

Also, I s�ll need to work on balancing giving all the informa�on for an ac�vity

before the students start moving and working on the ac�vity with physically walking the

students through the movement part of the lesson so they know what I am talking

about. Because movement is new for many of these students, just explaining it and not

showing them, is not efficient for them. It is more helpful if they are able to see what

they are going to be doing but also when they start moving without direc�on students

tend to loose focus. It is all about finding the balance for each lesson.

Considering the big picture this was a successful lesson in which students were

addressing the learning inten�ons for the day and mee�ng the success criteria.

Students were engaged throughout the lesson and deepening their understanding of the

concepts. This included the physical applica�on of the meaning of beat, downbeat, and

�me signature. Although this was a successful lesson there is always room for growth. I

will con�nue to frequently reflect and adjust my lessons as needed.

Teaching The Lesson Project
Special Education

1. How did you promote a positive learning environment for all students? Provide

specific examples.

All students are in an environment where they have a voice. All students are in

an environment where relationships have been built and cultivated. The students in

class have also built a rapport with each other in which when they see each other in

need they feel the need to help one another.

Example: During the lesson, I asked the class, “ How do you communicate, I am hungry?

“. While asking that question one of my students rose up from his seat and went and

grabbed the feeding bag and tube for another student. Indicating to us that, that

particular student may be hungry and this what they used to eat. By demonstrating this

it showed us he understood what we were asking, if he was answering it from the

perspective of another student.

Example: While asking the same question, “ How do you communicate, I am hungry? “,

my student who avidly uses their IPad to communicate, used his device to tell us he

had chips and apple juice for lunch.

The interaction from the students lets me know they have no problem communicating

with one another in their own way. The students also have no problem communicating

to the best of their abilities with the class. Students like to be celebrated for their right

communication, by doing this also helps them better to try end express themselves

during a lesson.

2. How did your instruction engage students in developing understanding of

concept(s)/skills of the lesson?

Checking for consistent understanding throughout the time of instruction. While

teaching the lesson throughout every stopping point, I checked for understanding asking

the same question in various ways, and checking for comprehension of what was being

asked. The students with the lowest comprehension, I would rephrase the question to

the simplest form so comprehension was not overly complicated and the students could

be active in the lesson. By simplifying the question the students still feel as though they

can participate and be involved in the lesson even the follow up questions. Checking for

understanding by asking the same question in various ways and with various assistive

supports helps to see if the students are comprehending what is being taught.

3. How did you elicit and build on student responses to promote thinking and

develop understandings of concept(s)/skills of the lesson?

When the basic communication and phrase lesson was introduced, communication

seemed very limited on responses and participation. A few students weren’t really

having the best day in order to participate and some students were not fully grasping

what was being asked of them. I was asking them to communicate a little past their

verbal norms. While teaching this lesson I had to use the concept of differentiation to

really teach the different levels of kids and also teach to the different communication

types present in the classroom. By taking the time to understand the kid’s different

communication types from our previous introduction lesson, it made getting them to

respond this time around much easier and more exciting when I got the responses.

When the kids could grasp what was being asked it made the lesson more fun and

talkative for the students and for myself as well. The visual aids were a great help as

well in allowing kids to choose options as a form of communication.

4. What changes would you make to your instruction—for the whole class and/or for

students who need greater support or challenge—to better support student learning of

the central focus (e.g., missed opportunities)?

I do feel like throughout the lesson I leaned on more of my moderate and higher

functioning children to answer many of the questions. I feel as though some of the

questions my lower functioning kids could answer, if having taken the time and

executed proper time management. I could have used better time management so that

we could spend more time in certain areas of the story that I felt could have been super

beneficial for student learning and follow up (As a way to follow up on those specific

areas that could be used for future lessons on communication).

Example: During the lesson while being asked, “ How do we congratulate one another?

“. I have a student who we call the classroom “ Cheerleader “, she literally cheers

everybody on all day long. While asking this question, she said “ Shut Up “, and we

instantly told her not to repeat that and had to reiterate the question in Spanish (Her

dominant language), and once said in Spanish she went back to her usual cheerleading


I missed the opportunity here, because I had prior knowledge of the students’ dominant

language. I also had prior knowledge that the student usually has a hard time

comprehending the English language fully. I acknowledge that all of my students

communicate differently and in this setting it can get a little hard trying to understand

all of them. I also understand that while trying to teach a lesson, we sometimes are

moving so fast that we forget which student we are speaking to at each moment. I

should have taken more time and focused properly on my student to avoid such

miscommunications like that from happening during a lesson like this one.

Individual instruction is needed for those who need greater supports. In order to

implement individual instruction, I must provide more teacher time with those students

who need more supports. A group setting does not work for those students who may

need more comprehending practice and need more practice in simplifying verbal

communication. I did notice throughout the lesson some students who were of the

lower functioning group need more supports and teacher time to gain better

understanding of simple comprehension.

I do feel the lesson was a success overall, even due to behaviors that are daily and

normal occurrences for the classroom. Students were more engaged and actively

participated. I could have managed my time better, definitely felt like I rushed this

lesson a little. I also missed certain moments for positive feedback, due to not using

prior knowledge of students and previous data received from lesson introduction. I will

be making a note of that while teaching, to make the necessary time to fully

acknowledge the student I am speaking too, so I do not make the mistake of

miscommunicating with the students.

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