Lab2 Until today Until 6PM

I need these answers because I want to have answers, If I do not get answers then I will not be able to have a good grade:((. Please someone help me. 

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I need to write it in a computer way {for example: like netbeans}

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Lab2 2D Arrays & Outer/Inner Loop

Q1) Make the grades array.

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Q2) Using an ehanced for loop, add up the numbers in the last array [1,3,2,1,1].

Q3)Do the same but with a traditional for loop.

Q4) Write code to swap the 2 arrays [3,1,2] and [1,7,2]. // Look at the shoelace pattern

Q5) Using a traditional for loop, add up the first elements of each array (3 + 4 + 1 + 1).

Q6) Do the same but with an enhanced for loop.

Q7) Replace the array [4,3] with the array [1,2,1].

Q8) Add up all the numbers in the 2D array using an outer enhanced for loop and an inner traditional for loop.

Q9) Add up all the numbers in the 2D array using an outer traditional for loop and an inner enhanced for loop.

Q10) Make grades refer to this new 2D array => { {1,2}, {1,1,1}, null }.


a) scores is a 2D array of Integer, some of the arrays are null and some of the elements inside some arrays are null. Add up all the Integers without making your program crash.

b) loop scores and remove any arrays with a length less than 3 (avoid nulls)

Q12) Data is a 2D array of double (there are no nulls). Write code to add up its diagonal elements using only one traditional for loop (see pic.)

Note: pic is an example, its size is not necessarily 8×8


a) Write a static method called calc that has one parameter that is a 2D array of int called data (some of its arrays can be null). Your method should return a 1D array of Integer, with each element being the sum of its corresponding array in data. If any of the arrays in data are null, use null as the value for the corresponding element. You must use a traditional outer for loop and a traditional inner for loop.

e.g if data is => { {1,1,2} , {6} , {7,1} , null } , then calc should return => { 4 , 6 , 8 , null }

b) The above method is in a class called Util. Write code to create the following 2D array of int and called nos, then call your method above using nos and save the results in a variable called ans (declare it).


a)Make a 1D array of String called words to store these words => “Java” , “is” , “fun” , “but” , “arrays” , “are” , “tricky”

b) Covert your 1D array of String to a 2D array of char using outer/inner loops

“Java” => ‘J’ , ‘a’ , ‘v’, ‘a’


Q15) words is a 2D array of String, write code to print out numbered lines of text

e.g. if words => { {“The”, “time”, “has”, “come”} , {“The”, “walrus”, “said”},

{“To”, “talk”, “of”, “many”, “things”}, etc.. }

Then your code should print out=>

1. The time has come

2. The walrus said

3. To talk of many things


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