Oral communication skill presentation

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BCO122 Oral Communication Skills Task brief & rubrics

Task: Individual Oral Presentation 1


 You must deliver an individual presentation and submit it as a Powerpoint or PDF document the week before (see below for dates)
 Presentation title: Using examples, how important is intercultural communication in brand management and marketing?
 Content and expectations:

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Your presentation should:
 refer to different communication styles and marketing methods
 refer to different communication settings contexts and the communication process
 refer to intercultural communication competence
 have a clear structure with an introduction, an outline and a conclusion
 answer the question with a coherent argument referring to relevant evidence and examples
 show critical thinking by analyzing and interpreting the evidence
 use appropriate visual aids with correct spelling and grammar and appropriate font, size and colour
 be within the time limit and allow questions and answers at the end


 Presentation length: 8-10 minutes
 Number of slides: 7-10
 The in-text References and the Bibliography must be in Harvard’s citation style.

Submission: Week 4, Sunday 21st February 2021. – Via Moodle

Presentation date: During on-campus classes in weeks 5 & 6 (weeks starting on February 22nd and 1st March).

Weight: This task is a 30% of your total grade for this subject.

Full learning outcomes that will be assessed:

 Outcome 1: To demonstrate the ability to research, organize, prepare and deliver an individual oral presentation
 Outcome 2: To create effective visual aids that will enhance the presentation
 Outcome 3: To demonstrate knowledge and understanding of communication perspectives and intercultural communication
 Outcome 4: To demonstrate effective use of verbal and non-verbal communication
 Outcome 5: To be able to develop a coherent and cohesive persuasive argument and link ideas together with signposting language and cohesive devices
 Outcome 6: To find relevant academic sources which are cited and referenced appropriately to support your argument
 Outcome 7: To analyse and the question, demonstrating critical thinking
 Outcome 8: To show depth of knowledge and ability to field questions


Exceptional 90-100 Good 80-89 Fair 70-79 Marginal fail 60-69
Knowledge &


Student demonstrates
excellent understanding of
key concepts and uses
vocabulary in an entirely
appropriate manner.

Student demonstrates
good understanding of the
task and mentions some
relevant concepts and
demonstrates use of the
relevant vocabulary.

Student understands the
task and provides minimum
theory and/or some use of

Student understands the task
and attempts to answer the
question but does not
mention key concepts or uses
minimum amount of relevant

Application (30%) Student applies fully
relevant knowledge from
the topics delivered in

Student applies mostly
relevant knowledge from
the topics delivered in

Student applies some
relevant knowledge from
the topics delivered in
class. Misunderstanding
may be evident.

Student applies little relevant
knowledge from the topics
delivered in class.
Misunderstandings are

Critical Thinking

Student critically assesses
in excellent ways, drawing
outstanding conclusions
from relevant authors.

Student critically assesses
in good ways, drawing
conclusions from relevant
authors and references.

Student provides some
insights but stays on the
surface of the topic.
References may not be

Student makes little or no
critical thinking insights, does
not quote appropriate
authors, and does not
provide valid sources.


All stages clearly and
effectively signposted.
Visual aids are accurate
and appropriate and used
well. Non-verbal
communication used
effectively and notes only
used as reference.
Questions are handled

Stages signposted well.
Visual aids are accurate
and appropriate.
Non-verbal communication
used well and notes mainly
used as reference.
Questions are handled

Stages mostly signposted.
Visual aids are mostly
accurate and appropriate
and are generally used
well. Non-verbal
communication generally
engages the listener and at
times reading from notes.
Questions are mostly
handled well.

Stages somewhat signposted.
Visual aids contain
inaccuracies and/or
Non-verbal communication
may not always engage
listener and generally reading
from notes. Not within the
time limits. Questions are
adequately handled.

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