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For the Reference

The Uni

ted States Hea


Care System: Combining Busi

ness, Health, and Delivery

Third Edition

Austin, Anne and Wetle, Victoria

2017.0 Pearson







Use Google

search, and

/or one of the approved websites posted in the Web Resources section of

the Course Resources page to find a research article(s) (no older than 2001) related to nonprofit



profit healt

hcare an

d organizations. Analyze the characteristics of each type of

organization and the factors that impact operations.

Discuss options to improve the financial and operational performance of nonprofit organizations

and the criticisms leveled at for

-profit healt

hcare organizations. Your resultant written paper

should be 3

4 pages, double spaced, and in APA or other approved Devry

Keller format/style.

Your primary text and the journal/website research article must be used as references to support

your analysis/sum

mary paper.


Private Insurance

(half Page)

Let’s consider the general concept of insurance. How does health insurance differ from other

kinds of insurance? What are the similarities and differences between them?

Next, let’s consider what might happen if value

based reimbursement comple

tely replaces


based (i.e., fee


service) reimbursement. What are the implications for providers? For

patients? For healthcare managers and administrators?


The Uni


(Half Page)

Despite numerous efforts to minimize or eliminate the high number of Americans with no hea


insurance, the ever

increasing costs of insurance is the primary obstacle in achieving this goal. If

you were in charge, what would you propose to minimize or eliminate Americans with no health

insurance other than a nationalized system such as many ot

her countries have (e.g., Canada,

England, France, Japan, etc.)?

Why do you think a nationalized system of healthcare and insurance is not likely a reality in our


Book For the Reference

The United States Health Care System: Combining Busi
ness, Health, and Delivery

Third Edition

Austin, Anne and Wetle, Victoria

2017.0 Pearson




Use Google
search, and
/or one of the approved websites posted in the Web Resources section of
the Course Resources page to find a research article(s) (no older than 2001) related to nonprofit
versus for

profit healthcare an
d organizations. Analyze the characteristics of each type of
organization and the factors that impact operations.

Discuss options to improve the financial and operational performance of nonprofit organizations
and the criticisms leveled at for

profit healt
hcare organizations. Your resultant written paper
should be 3

4 pages, double spaced, and in APA or other approved Devry

Keller format/style.
Your primary text and the journal/website research article must be used as references to support
your analysis/sum
mary paper.


Private Insurance

(half Page)

Let’s consider the general concept of insurance. How does health insurance differ from other
kinds of insurance? What are the similarities and differences between them?

Next, let’s consider what might happen if value

based reimbursement comple
tely replaces

based (i.e., fee


service) reimbursement. What are the implications for providers? For
patients? For healthcare managers and administrators?


The Uni

(Half Page)

Despite numerous efforts to minimize or eliminate the high number of Americans with no hea
insurance, the ever

increasing costs of insurance is the primary obstacle in achieving this goal. If
you were in charge, what would you propose to minimize or eliminate Americans with no health
insurance other than a nationalized system such as many ot
her countries have (e.g., Canada,
England, France, Japan, etc.)?

Why do you think a nationalized system of healthcare and insurance is not likely a reality in our

Book For the Reference

The United States Health Care System: Combining Business, Health, and Delivery

Third Edition

Austin, Anne and Wetle, Victoria

2017.0 Pearson

Q.1 Written Assignments (3/4 Pages)

Use Google search, and/or one of the approved websites posted in the Web Resources section of

the Course Resources page to find a research article(s) (no older than 2001) related to nonprofit

versus for-profit healthcare and organizations. Analyze the characteristics of each type of

organization and the factors that impact operations.

Discuss options to improve the financial and operational performance of nonprofit organizations

and the criticisms leveled at for-profit healthcare organizations. Your resultant written paper

should be 3-4 pages, double spaced, and in APA or other approved Devry-Keller format/style.

Your primary text and the journal/website research article must be used as references to support

your analysis/summary paper.

Q2. Private Insurance (half Page)

Let’s consider the general concept of insurance. How does health insurance differ from other

kinds of insurance? What are the similarities and differences between them?

Next, let’s consider what might happen if value-based reimbursement completely replaces

volume-based (i.e., fee-for-service) reimbursement. What are the implications for providers? For

patients? For healthcare managers and administrators?

Q.3 The Uninsured (Half Page)

Despite numerous efforts to minimize or eliminate the high number of Americans with no health

insurance, the ever-increasing costs of insurance is the primary obstacle in achieving this goal. If

you were in charge, what would you propose to minimize or eliminate Americans with no health

insurance other than a nationalized system such as many other countries have (e.g., Canada,

England, France, Japan, etc.)?

Why do you think a nationalized system of healthcare and insurance is not likely a reality in our


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