Busniess Plan

1-2 page writting. Please follow the requirement and example I attached below. 

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PersonalBusiness Plan Assignment

SAMPLES: ​(courtesy of Prof. Sorah Seong)


The entrepreneurial process is at its core concerned with “the pursuit of opportunity
without regard to the resources already under control.” This process is as applicable
to your career as it is to starting a company. The goal of this assignment is to ​identify
where you want to be and how you will get there​. Do not worry about your current
resources. ​Think entrepreneurially!

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Your personal business plan should include a long-term vision statement, the
“external” opportunities that exist, your “internal” (personal) strengths, and a strategy
for yourself and your life over the next two to three years. ​In addition, please share
one “failure” from your past and what you learned from it in terms of maximizing your
potential for the future.

Deliverables​: The assignment should consist of a ​1-2 page write-up​ that
summarizes EACH of the areas discussed below, as well as the one “failure” (and
what you learned from it) wherever you feel it best fits. This assignment constitutes
10% of your grade.

Vision and Opportunity

● What are your goals (career and/or educational) after you leave UW?
● What is your purpose, your values and your mission? List the 3 key questions

that guide your choices. These should be essential questions that serve as
touchstones to direct your life and work. For instance, how can I have impact?
What do I love? What do I fear? What engages my passions? How do I want
to be remembered? The answers to these questions may well change over
time, but when the questions themselves are fundamental they tend to last a

● What is the market and opportunity that align with your goals? Don’t restrict
yourself to matters of career or work; think more broadly about your
opportunities to make a difference.

Marketing and Implementation Strategy

● Create your market positioning statement. This may be directed at a
hypothetical employer, industry, organization, or the world at large.

● What compelling value will you offer to your employers and society?
● How will you differentiate from other UW students? How about from the

broader populace?

Risks and Mitigation


● What are the key milestones and checkpoints in your plan?
● How will you measure/determine if you have successfully attained these

milestones? How do you define success?
● What external factors might affect (positively or adversely) attaining your

● Develop contingency and risk mitigation strategies.

Personal “Board of Directors”

● If you could assemble any 3 people to advise and mentor you, who would
they be? They may be alive or dead, family or world leaders, friends or

● Why would you choose each? Is it their wisdom, their accomplishments, their
words, their creativity, their character, their heroic deeds…?

What can I do to help? I gain satisfaction from helping the people

around me. My mom has worked her entire career as a hair stylist and her

mom (my grandma) has spent her life as a postal worker. They have both built

their careers around service and helping others, and I have learned from

them the value of giving, serving and providing for others.

Where am I going…? I live by my planner and have a very forward

thinking mind set. I am consistently planning, organizing, researching and

scheduling. I have an organized, systematic outlook on life.

Am I happy? Like I said earlier, I am a very forward thinking person,

and because of this mentality I forget how to live in the moment. I

have a tendency to get caught up in the future, chalking my days full

of activities that I forget to listen to myself and my needs. I want to find

what truly makes me happy because I value my personal happiness

above money or fame.

CAREER GOALS: For my career, I want to mix my

entrepreneurial business skills with my love for fashion. I

have a list of potential careers that I am very

interested in within the fashion industry:

 Buyer/merchandiser

 Personal stylist

 Start a clothing/accessories line

 Open a small clothing retailer/beauty shop.

EDUCATION GOALS: I am very intrigued by

technology and I love to design things, so one of my

goals is to learn how to build websites, basic coding,

and become fluent in Photoshop (and other programs

for design.)

SERVICE GOALS: I want to balance my educational

and career goals with service because I strongly

believe that giving back and being involved with my

community is important. I would love to start my own

non-profit, possibly creating a start-up that involves

working with children.













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VALUES: Service, Planning & Organization, Family,



Personally- my purpose is to lead a successful and

happy life while helping my friends and family

achieve their goals.

Career- my purpose is to share with the world my

unique perspective on fearless fashion and innovative


Education- my purpose is to share what I learn

because I am very fortunate to have the learning

opportunity that I have.

MISSION: Make a difference in my family, community

and world through my love of fashion, service, and


Personal Life Plan

Rachel Zoe- she is my style icon and I admire how she built

a clothing brand from her entrepreneurial styling business.

My Great-Great-Grandma- As a teenager she came on a

ship from Poland to the United States to be married to a man

she had never met before. I would love to talk with her to

learn about her experience and overwhelming courage.

Patti from Millionaire Matchmaker- She has qualities

that I try to emulate, including a bold, outgoing personality

that “tells it like it is.” I would love for Patti to be on my board

of directors because she has the skills to build a profitable

business model and shares similar values with me, including

family, love and service.

Key Check Points:
 Learn how to design clothing

 Gain an internship in the fashion industry

 Gain (or make) a job in the fashion industry

 Start a non-profit organization

 Talk to my Mom and Sister at least once a week

 Help my Sister get into college

 Make an amazing website and blog

 Travel around the world

Internal Factor: One of my biggest struggles is my fear of

failure. I tend to question my personal abilities, especially

because of my failed attempts at getting into the Foster

School of Business. I have learned that failure is inevitable no

matter what I do, and to view failure as a positive learning

experience versus a negative personal flaw or inadequacy.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the

courage to continue that counts.”

-Winston Churchill


I love how TOMS Shoes mixes functional fashion with

philanthropy. I have been looking into their summer

internship and I am considering applying for it.

Gaining the internship would help me achieve my

career goal because I would have exposure to the

fashion industry, and my education goal because I

would have the opportunity to learn more about

social media marketing and product design. Here is

my position statement:

“Your company, TOMS, values both helping others

express their individuality and taking a humanitarian

approach to retailing, and you have, in essence,

started a revolution with the iconic One for One

Movement. You are looking for an intern that has the

drive, motivation and skills to help spread your mission

and continue to create innovative products and I

would like to introduce myself as a potential asset to

your already amazing team. I have the passion for

philanthropy, the creativity to create greatness, and

the communication skills to make my ideas a reality. I

am the perfect choice for your internship program

because I can provide you with the enthusiasm and

dedication your are looking for in an intern, coupled

with a broad knowledge base of both business and

interpersonal skills “

 The market that aligns with my career goal of working in some

aspect of the fashion industry is the everyday woman. I want

to play a role in help “normal” women uncover their personal

style and find ways to embrace their individuality through


 Concerning my goal to be involved in service projects, I see a

lot that can be done as far as helping kids reach their

educational goals. I come from a small town that has below

average schools and not many of my peers went to college.

Because of my experience, I feel strongly that the quality of a

child’s education should not be dependent on their zip code.

I would love to create a non-profit group around this idea.




Sorah Seong

Derek Knies wrote a note Marketing & Implementation Strategy
Derek Knies Home

Derek Knies
Studies at the University of Washington Major in Business Focus in
Marketing & Entrepreneurship Hoping to change the world

Personal Business Plan

Vision and Opportunity
Derek Knies wrote a note

Desired Employers

Goals after UW
• I want to work for a company that is incredibly innovative. My future employer will not only do they listen to their customers, but they build

things that change the way we think and the way that we see the world.
• Eventually I want to start a company that will help people. I believe that I am here on this earth to help bring people together to do powerful

things. I want to utilize the power of technology to organize people, creativity, and ideas to help others around the world.
Purpose of Life & Guiding Questions
• I believe that my purpose in life is to help others.
• What will I be remembered for?
• How will this idea help organize and/or help people?
• Do my actions help others or do they help myself?
Market Opportunity
• I think that there is a huge opportunity, especially in our modern day society, for my goals and desires. In American culture, it is becoming

hugely popular for businesses to become philanthropic and help those less fortunate in society and around the world.For example, TOMS is
hugely successful. I believe that I can organize my generation to change the world through technology.

• As far as being a marketer for a corporation, I believe that there is a huge market of technology companies that want to change the world in
a positive way. For instance, Facebook did not start out as a company that desired social change, but this type of social media is actually
what helped organize civilian revolutions. I believe that technology can unite powerful ideas and people, and I believe that technology will
continue to be an integral part of helping people in the future.

Positioning Statement
• For the people of planet earth who desire to make a positive change in their community, country, and world at large, Derek Knies is a

passionate and technology oriented entrepreneur who will use the internet and his leadership skills to organize people to initiate social
change for underprivileged individuals. Unlike other individuals that hope for change in their society, I will utilize my skills as an organizer and
my love for technology to organize and lead people from all over the world to create change in those places that most need it.

Compelling Value
• The most compelling value that I offer to my employers and society is my passion. When I am knowledgeable and excited about my work,

there is no better person for a job because I will do whatever is needed to accomplish more than what is asked of me.
• I will differentiate myself from other UW students by gaining experience outside of the class room which will entail creating opportunities for

myself, such as internships and research. This will give me the opportunity to gain new experiences and new knowledge to make me more
successful in the future, and make me more attractive to future employers who desire hands on experience.

• I will differentiate myself from the broader populace by gaining a bit of knowledge in many different areas of life. For example, I write and
direct movies, I initiate my own research, and I train dogs on the side. Though unknown to me now, I know that these unique activities and
traits will help me accomplish my destiny.

• Step 1: Graduate from College.
• Step 2: Land a marketing job at one of my desired employers. Work for 5 years, accumulate enough money and experience to start my

own company.
• Step 3: Leave my job to start my own company. Start a philanthropic company that will bring people out of poverty from other countries.
Measurement of Success
• I list only three checkpoints in my life right now because these are the most important milestones of my life. I will measure my success by

achieving each of these three. There is room for change and flexibility in any of my goals except for these.
External Factors
• Time will be a challenge for starting my business. There are very high possibilities that someone will create and develop ideas similar to mine

before I attempt to start my own company.
• The job market will also be a problem if the economy does not get better anytime soon. I will have a harder time finding a job in a slower

Risk Mitigation Strategy
• The risk of time can be mitigated by acquiring patents for my ideas. In this way, I can patent my ideas now and then develop them later.
• I can also mitigate the risk of a poor job market by continuing to develop qualities that differentiate myself from the competition. I believe

that it is very important to be well rounded, and I desire to show that I have a lot more experience in life than just marketing.

Marketing & Implementation Strategy
Derek Knies wrote a note

Risks & Mitigation
Derek Knies wrote a note

Board of Directors

& Dad

The first person on my board of
directors would collectively be
my parents. I have never known
any person to work harder, be
more dedicated, and be more
encouraging than they have been
for me. They support me 100%
and have helped me develop my
ideas into fully fledged plans of


I know this is a little cliche, but I
truly believe that there is no one
more innovative and inspiring in
our generation than Steve. He
has inspired my life
tremendously (I almost cried
when he died) and I know that
his expertise and brilliance in
business would be an invaluable

Winston was one of the most
heroic and charismatic men of
the 20th century. His ability to
spur a nation to fight a
seemingly invincible army and
to encourage people even at the
grimmest hours is so inspiring. I
would want him on my board to
ignite a fire of passion in my
team through his bravery and
fantastic speaking skills.


Vision and Opportunity

Vision and Opportunity

Vision and Opportunity

• My goals after leaving UW are to get a job with a video game company, turn over
management of my small business to employees (not work there anymore in the store),
found and maintain a Seattle women in gaming networking/charitable group

• My non-career related mission is to launch a Seattle Women in Gaming group meant for
women who are employed or wish to be employed in the video game industry. The group’s
goal is to foster positive relationships between women in the industry, and provide the
confidence and tools needed for young women to break into video game careers. In
building this, I have asked myself 3 mission questions:
-How do I want to be remembered?
-How can I help other women succeed in a male-dominated industry?
-How can I share my knowledge and passion in a positive way with others?

• I define my opportunity as a professional career in the operations/community/marketing
side of video games, and also the chance to help other women succeed in this traditionally
male-dominated industry through personal relationships and guidance.

Marketing & Implementation Strategy

• For the video game industry, Kelsey is a highly knowledgeable woman with a
passion for video games and their history. With experience in game industry PR,
event management, and YouTube entertainment, and owning a used video game
retail store, she is committed to sharing her passion and helping other women
achieve their goals.

• My value is in my ambition and hard work. I have been blessed with many things in
my life including the support of mentors and friends, but I would not be where I
am without long, sleepless nights, prioritizing my work and my dreams before
entertainment. I am also a bit of a video game history buff, and have unique
passions within the industry.

• I am different from others because I have the experience and borderline obsession
that others do not. I am always reading, learning, and sharing with others, which
has led me to become a somewhat recognizable face in game communities.

Risks & Mitigation

• Checkpoint 1: Find support for and launch Seattle Women in Gaming
Checkpoint 2: Graduate from UW
Checkpoint 3: Get a job at a video game studio, and cease working at Pink Gorilla

• I will feel successful after each one of these checkpoints, as all are important steps to
getting where I want to be. I hope to inspire other women, but I also hope that someday
nobody is inspired by me because it won’t be out of the ordinary to see successful women
in the game industry.

• Because it is an entertainment-based industry, the game industry is notoriously difficult to
break into. I also have had some experience of not being taken seriously due to my height
(under 5’) and gender.

• I will continue to gain experiences and develop my skills to make sure I can really stack up
with the competition. I try to carry myself proudly and confidently so that no one can
challenge my competence or bring me down. I try to talk to people as often as possible to
improve my confidence and build a great network.


Satoru Iwata

Ambitious and clever, a founding
member of HAL Laboratories at 21.
His focus on consistent quality and
his ability to inspire others saved
HAL from certain bankruptcy. As

president of Nintendo, he
spearheaded development of the
DS and Wii – both of which broke
sales records. Many attribute his

success not just to his brilliant
programing, but to his

commitment to making games fun
and accessible for EVERYONE.

Emmett Shear

The CEO of Twitch, a genius new
platform that has transformed the

gaming industry and created an
avenue for entertainment

“entrepreneurs” to rise to fame,
with the richest of them making
nearly half a million dollars per
year. The creation of an entirely

new entertainment industry is an
enormous legacy and has brought
new opportunities and challenges

to the gaming industry.

Hillary Clinton

Nobody knows the struggle of
trying to make it in a man’s world

like Hillary Clinton. She is the
definition of a strong, driven

woman who has refused to ride on
the coattails of her husband’s

success, working just as tirelessly
to succeed in law and politics.


FAILURE: A mentor of mine hires me for contract event work sometimes, and we had just returned
from New York Comic Con. She took me to coffee and told me that my off-handed negativity was
immature and unprofessional. In addition, I had messed up an important client request, and she

said that she had considered letting me go. I will never forget how mortifying and upsetting it was
to let down a woman that I admire and respect so much. I am thankful that I got to learn this lesson

early before it could jeopardize my career.



Personal Business Plan
Annaëlle Veyrard

> Short-term : After the exchange quarter in UW, I will graduate in my master’s in Management of Cultural Institutions in June 2017. After that, I will
integrate the School of Public Affairs in Sciences, in September 2017 (since I postponed my admission).Doing so, I aim at expanding my skills and
knowledge, in order to broaden the horizons of my professional carreers orientations, having three areas of expertise : Arts History, Arts Administration
and Public Affairs.
> Long-term: I have different options of potencial careers I would like to pursue :
1) Curatorial Carreer: To pursue this path, the next steps would be to intern as a Production Intern (setting up exhibitions and performances),
while launching a cultural webzine, writing articles about Visual and Performing Arts.
2) Public Affairs Career, working towards strenghtening the relationships between the Arts and cities. Working in an Office of Arts and Culture in a
city (in France or abroad) would thus be a long-term objective, while interning in some Consulting agencies specialized in Culture and Public
Affairs, auditing the specificities of various territories and programming cultural offer would be short-terms objectives.

– Impact : Further the link between Culture, Public Spaces and cities. Broadening the access to the Arts. I believe I would be successful if I enrich
peoples’ lives, and contribute to civic and global dialogues.
– Personal Development : Being passionate about what I am doing every day and building in a long term perspective, and always dealing with
new intellectual challenges
– Key questions : Am I passionate about what I am doing ? Do I believe in what I am doing as enriching people lives ? Am I challenging and
improving myself, broadening my horizons and learning new things ?

As regards “Culture in Global city”, there is definitely an opportunity to embrace the complexity of the links between culture and equitable urban
development. It is all the more true since culture now plays a key role in urban transformation projects, emphasizing the role of culture as regards
two dimensions: first, arts and culture as a showcase of the city, contributing to enhance its attractiveness. On the other hand, city global
development,economic shift and town planning can now be built around culturaldevelopment, considering Creativity as a lever for the economic
developement and revitalizations of cities.
As for the curatorial career, I do think that there is some opportunities, since at the same time people are more and more interested in discovering
new ideas, and at the same time it is a necessity to present forward-thinking art and ideas. Nevertheless, I must admit that there are only a few
curatorial positions available and a lot of high-profile applicants. In that regard, considering «B plan» is essential.



I am able to bring my strong curiosity and willingness to always learn new
things and tackle new challenges.
To my employer, I am able to bring my adaptability in combination with
my sense of initiative and creativity: I worked in different types of
organizations and countries, and thus learnt to quickly adapt myself to new
environments, grasp the codes and skills required tocommit myself to a
project. Meanwhile, I can bring the knowledge I aquired from my
background, and thus be able to innovate and suggest new ways of
considering an issue since I havea wide range of elements in mind.
►DIFFERENCIATION: These various experiences, as well as my three areas
of expertise provide me a capacity to dialogue with a wide range of
interlocutors and actors. In addition, I am both strongly commited to
public interest and service while being able to think entrepreneurially.


• My aunt (Director of an Hospital): because she is a very successful and inspiring woman as a professional, and incredibly well managed her carrer. She
is working in a completely different area, but she always gives me really good advice as regards career development and networking. Above all, our
approaches and ways of considering things are very different: she has a very analytical mind, a strategic and long-term vision, and she is very pragma-
tic, while I am more driven by passion and emotions. That is why it is so interesting and valuable to have her as a mentor: she can make up for my
weaknesses, and I strongly value her point of view.
• My sister (master’s student in Publishing and Literature): because she knows me perfectly; and she is always willing to truly listen to me and discuss
until we reach a solution when I have to address an issue. When I feel overwhelmed or stressed, talking to her always has a tremendous positive effect.
In addition, she is working in the same cultural area, thus she is able to grasp the issue at stake when I have to deal with a professional dilemma.
• My ideal mentor would be José-Manuel Gonçalvès, the Art Director of the Public Center I was interning at in Paris, because I do believe in his
social and artistic commitment, and I admire the artistic projects he has launched. His career represents a model of what I would like to accomplish.

• Launching the Cultural Webzine I am currently working on.
• Develop it until it became a reference for the General Public and for
the Professionals (Long-term objective)
Measurement: professional network
• Interning at an Office of Arts and Culture of a city, and
as a Production Assistant, in order to definitely choose between the
two carrer goals I want to pursue (at least which one first):identify
whether I like one of them more than the other, or think strategically –
does one option definitely break down the opportunity to pursue the
other one?-
Measurement : within a year, at the middle of my second master’s ,
having determined which path I will follow in order to find a final
internship (then possibily first job) in an area related to.

►Failure Lesson: one of the most significant failure I had to get through was a
error of assessment : after my PrepSchool, I was accepted at HEC, a very prestigious
Business School, but I chose to rather integrate Audencia, because this school had
a concentration in Cultural Management, and a double-degree with the School of
Fine Arts and the School of the Louvre. Despite advice of professors, friends and
family, I obstinately followed my own opinion. I regretted this choice during several
years; and worked very hard to overcome and compensate for this initial choice.
Since then, I have learnt to ask for and consider the others’ opinion and
avice, especially if they are different from mines and give me another insight. Thus,
I was inspired by this life lesson as one of my guidelines to establish my «Board of

For cities and cultural stakeholders willing to experiment ways to broaden
the access to the arts, diversify the contemporary arts canon and expand the
role arts and culture can play in a growing city, I am a passionate professio-
nal, who is able to bring my sense of creativity and initiative to create and
experiment new projects embracing the complexity of the links between
culture and equitable urban development. To do so, and unlike other
high-profile professionals, I have been living and working in three continents
and thus can provide a wide range of references to further my sense of
creativity and initiative; and I am both strongly committed to public interest
while being able to think entrepreneurially.

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