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— Monthly depreciation

Date Account Name Debit Credit

— Monthly depreciation if life was 4 years

Name: Jatavis Scott Section: 16136
#: 0216157
Problem 7-1
Purchase and Depreciate a New Delivery Truck
Requirement 1 — March 1 truck purchase
Date Account Name Debit Credit
3-1 Cash 64,800
Requirement 2
Requirement 3 — March 31 depreciation adjusting entry
3-21 Accumulated Depreciation 13,000
Requirement 4 — Balance in “Accumulated Depreciation – Truck” after 18 months
Requirement 5

7-2 A

Name: Section:

Date Account Name Debit Credit

Date Account Name Debit Credit

Date Account Name Debit Credit

Problem 7-2 Pg. A
Purchase and Depreciate Two Items of Property, Plant, & Equipment
Requirement 1 — April 1 office building purchase
Requirement 2 — Monthly depreciation for the office building
Requirement 3 — April 30 depreciation adjusting entry for the office building
Requirement 4 — May 1 computer system purchase

7-2 B

Name: Section:

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Problem 7-2

Purchase and Depreciate Two Items of Property, Plant, & Equipment

— May 31 depreciation adjusting entry for the computer system

Date Account Name Debit Credit

Date Account Name Debit Credit

Pg. B
Requirement 5 — Monthly depreciation for the computer system
Requirement 6
Requirement 7 — May 31 depreciation adjusting entry for the office building
Requirement 8 — Total Depreciation Expense on the May Income Statement

7-3 A

Name: Section:

Pg. A

1 purchase of supplies

Date Account Name Debit Credit

Debit Credit

Date Account Name Debit Credit

Problem 7-3
Purchasing Supplies and the Monthly Supplies Adjusting Entry
Requirement 1 —

Requirement 2 — July 31 supplies on-hand
Requirement 3 — “T” Account Analysis for July 31 adjusting entry
“T” Account Analysis for Asset and Liability Accounts
Account Name ð Supplies (asset account)
(1) What is the current balance?
(3) What adjustment is required to
adjust from the current balance
to the should be balance?
(2) What should be the balance?
Requirement 4 — July 31 supplies adjusting entry

7-3 B

Name: Section:

Problem 7-3 Pg. B

Purchasing Supplies and the Monthly Supplies Adjusting Entry

31 supplies on-hand

“T” Account Analysis for Asset and Liability Accounts
Account Name ð Supplies (asset account)
Debit Credit
(1) What is the current balance?
(3) What adjustment is required to
adjust from the current balance
to the should be balance?
(2) What should be the balance?

Date Account Name Debit Credit

Requirement 5 —

Requirement 6 — “T” Account Analysis for August 31 adjusting entry
Requirement 7 — August 31 supplies adjusting entry
Requirement 8 — Total $ amount of supplies consumed during first 2 months of operation

7-4 A

Name: Section:

Pg. A

Adjusting Entry

Date Account Name Debit Credit

31 (the last day of the four month rental period) have already been entered.

July August


ñ ñ ñ

Problem 7-4
Paying Rent in Advance and the Monthly

Prepaid Rent
Requirement 1 — June 20 advance payment of rent
Requirement 2 — Prepaid Rent timeline
In the boxes above the timeline, indicate the amount of remaining Prepaid Rent for each date
on the timeline.
Note that the amounts of Prepaid Rent for June 20 (the date the contract was signed) and

In the boxes below the timeline, indicate the amount of Prepaid Rent that expires
(is used-up) during each of the four months.
$12,000 $0
ïJune 20 ïJuly 1 ïJuly 31 ïAug. 31 ïSept. 30 ïOct. 31
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4

7-4 B

Name: Section:

Problem 7-4 Pg. B

Paying Rent in Advance and the Monthly Prepaid Rent Adjusting Entry

“T” Account Analysis for Asset and Liability Accounts

Account Name ð Prepaid Rent

Debit Credit
(1) What is the current balance?
(3) What adjustment is required to
adjust from the current balance
to the should be balance?
(2) What should be the balance?

Date Account Name Debit Credit

Requirement 5
Requirement 3 — “T” Account Analysis for the July 31 adjusting entry
Requirement 4 — July 31 Prepaid Rent adjusting entry
Amount of Prepaid Rent on the August 31 Balance Sheet
Amount of Rent Expense on the August 1 to August 31 Income Statement

7-5 A

Name: Section:

Pg. A

and the Monthly Prepaid Insurance Adjusting Entry

Date Account Name Debit Credit

ïSept. 30 ïOct. 31

September October

ñ ñ ñ
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3

In the boxes above the timeline, indicate the amount of remaining Prepaid Insurance related

In the boxes below the timeline, indicate the amount of Prepaid Insurance that expires
(is used-up) during each of the four months.

ïSept. 1 ïSept. 30 ïOct. 31 ïNov. 30

September October November

ñ ñ ñ ñ
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4

Problem 7-5
Prepaid Insurance
Requirement 1 — September 1 advance payment of the two insurance policies
Requirement 2 — Auto and Truck Prepaid Insurance timeline
In the boxes above the timeline, indicate the amount of remaining Prepaid Insurance related
to the Auto and Truck insurance policy for each date on the timeline.
In the boxes below the timeline, indicate the amount of Prepaid Insurance that expires
(is used-up) during each of the three months.
ïSept. 1 ïNov. 30
Requirement 3 — Business Liability Prepaid Insurance timeline
to the Business Liability insurance policy for each date on the timeline.
ïDec. 31

7-5 B

Name: Section:

Problem 7-5 Pg. B

Prepaid Insurance and the Monthly Prepaid Insurance Adjusting Entry

“T” Account Analysis for Asset and Liability Accounts

Account Name ð Prepaid Insurance

Debit Credit
(1) What is the current balance?
(3) What adjustment is required to
adjust from the current balance
to the should be balance?
(2) What should be the balance?

Date Account Name Debit Credit

Requirement 6
Requirement 4 — “T” Account Analysis for the Sept. 30 Prepaid Insurance adjusting entry
Note that the Prepaid Insurance account contains the total amount of prepaid insurance
for both the Auto and Truck insurance policy and the Business Liability insurance policy.
Requirement 5 — September 30 Prepaid Insurance adjusting entry
Amount of Prepaid Insurance on the October 31 Balance Sheet
Amount of Insurance Expense on the October 1 to October 31 Income Statement


Name: Section:

Date Account Name Debit Credit

Requirement 2

Date Account Name Debit Credit

Date Account Name Debit Credit

Problem 7-6
Weekly Wage Payment Entries and the Month-End Wages Payable Adjusting Entry
Requirement 1 — Wage payment on Friday June 25th
Total amount earned by the employees for:
Monday June 28th + Tuesday June 29th + Wednesday June 30th
Requirement 3 — June 30 Wages Payable adjusting entry
Requirement 4 — Wage payment on Friday July 2nd


Name: Section:

Date Account Name Debit Credit

Date Account Name Debit Credit

Date Account Name Debit Credit

Date Account Name Debit Credit

Problem 7-7
Take-Out a Loan — Accrue Interest on the Loan — Pay Interest
Requirement 1 — April 1 get the loan from the bank
Requirement 2 — April 30 interest accrual adjusting entry
Requirement 3 — May 31 interest accrual adjusting entry
Requirement 4 — Payment of the April, May, and June interest to the bank


Name: Section:

Date Account Name Debit Credit

Date Account Name Debit Credit

Date Account Name Debit Credit

Problem 7-8
Accrue Rent Payable — Pay Rent the Following Month
Requirement 1 — September 1 entry to record signing the contract
Requirement 2 — September 30 rent payable accrual adjusting entry
Requirement 3 — October 5 payment of September’s rent

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