My Curriculum Development W2

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How Do We Define Curriculum?
Curriculum is that which is taught at school.
Curriculum is a set of subjects.
Curriculum is content.
Curriculum is a sequence of courses.
Curriculum is a set of performance objectives.


How Do We Define Curriculum?
Curriculum is all planned learning for which the school is responsible.
Curriculum is all the experiences learners have under the guidance of the school.
John Delnay (1959.)

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How Do We Define Curriculum?
According to Bandi & Wales (2005), the most common definition derived from the word Latin root, which means “racecourse.”
Bandi & Wales (2005) also stated that “ for many students, the school curriculum is a race to be run, a series of obstacles or hurdles (subjects) to be passed.”


How Do We Define Curriculum?
It is important to keep in mind that schools in the Western Civilization have been heavily influenced since the fourth century B.C. by the philosophies of Plato and Aristotle and the word curriculum has been used historically to describe the subjects that are being taught during the classical period of Greek Civilization.


How Do We Define Curriculum?
The interpretation of the word curriculum has broaden in the 20th century to include subjects other that the Classics. Today school documents, newspaper articles, committee reports, and many academic textbooks refer to any and all subjects offered are prescribed as the curriculum of the school.


Curriculum as a Discipline

Curriculum as a discipline is a subject of study, and on the Graduate level of Higher Education a major field of study.


Curriculum as a Discipline
Graduate and undergraduate students take
courses in:
Curriculum development
Curriculum theory
Curriculum Evaluation
Secondary School Curriculum
Elementary School Curriculum
Middle School Curriculum
Community College Curriculum
Curriculum in Higher Education


History of Curriculum

Three focus points for Curriculum Decisions


History of Curriculum
1. The Nature of Subject Matter
Content of the curriculum, and what subject matter to include in
the curriculum.
The subject matter of history should be based on evens that
actually happened in the past.
2. The Nature of the Society
If the curriculum is to have utilitarian values, then it must lead the student not only to knowledge of the external world for its own sake, but also to knowledge that can be applied in the world.


History of Curriculum
The Nature of the Individuals
The third basic focal point around which decisions about curricula can be made is the nature of the individual.
The curriculum is also a set of suggestions to the teacher about how to take advantage of the present opportunities worthwhile, growth for each student in the long run.
The History of Curricula of American school during the 20th century is, therefore, a history of these three focal points for deciding on content ad making other curriculum decisions.


History of Curriculum
Colonial Era and the Early United States
Curriculum was not an issue in Colonial America during the early years of the United States.
Colonies along the Atlantic seaboard were under British control during the 17th/18th centuries. These immigrants were from many European nations.
Despite their differences the settlers shared common assumptions about education.


History of Curriculum
First Common Assumptions:
Few people needed formal Education.
Mass Education was not heard.
Second Common Assumptions:
Formal Education should be directed at bringing people into conformity with some prevailing idea of what and Educated person should be.


History of Curriculum

Given these assumptions about education and how
they worked out in schools of colonial America, the
focus point of the curriculum was the nature
of subject matter.


Colonial America
The Harvard Curriculum
Literacy Studies


Colonial America
Franklin’s Academy
1749. Benjamin Franklin challenge prevailing beliefs about education and the curriculum.
Curriculum –focused on Latin & Greek for those preparing to
be ministers
French, German, and Spanish for those preparing to be merchants.
Everyone would study English, through reading, writing, and orating.


19th Century
Common School Movement
The expansion of the curriculum. Reports of the National Education Association.
1876. A course of study from primary school to university.
1893. The Committee of Ten
1895. The Committee of 15


20th Century
The Cardinal Principals of Secondary Education
Seven Objectives:
Command of fundamental process
Worthy Home Membership
Worthy use of leisure
Ethical Character


20th Century
Franklin Bobbit Actively Analysis
Curriculum Organization
New principles for guiding curriculum decisions
Child Center Pedagogy
1927 Yearbook
The Eight Year Study
New Idea about curricula


Foundations of Curriculum Planning
Social Forces
The Treatment of Knowledge
Human growth & development
Learning as a process


20th Century
After World War II
Progressive Education influenced curriculum and practices
Sputnik and the National Response
Curriculum Reform movement
A Nation at Risk


Foundations of Curriculum Planning
Social Forces
The Treatment of Knowledge
Human growth & development
Learning as a process


Philosophy and Curriculum Design
Philosophies and curriculum leaders
Five Educational Philosophies


Eight Common Curriculum Design
1. Content-based instruction
purpose: knowledge, acquisition
activity: facts, data, and representative form
2. Shell Based Instruction
purpose: process and manipulation
activity: practice, ordering application
3. Inquiry Approach
purpose: awareness, interest
activity: unknown, sampling
4. Conceptual Learning
purpose: understanding
activity: big ideas, familiarity


Eight Common Curriculum Design
5. Interdisciplinary Learning
purpose: making connection
activity: application
6. Cooperative Learning
purpose: coordinating social skills
activity: group work
7. Problem Solving
purpose: apply skills
activity: current events
8. Critical and Creative Thinking
purpose: construction of new forms
activity: model building, imagination


Curriculum Development W2

Learning Objectives

· What is a goal-based model of curriculum planning, and how does one determine the locus of planning decisions and organizational structures that are needed?

· What is the importance of establishing a curriculum framework?

· How can we identify and allocate leadership functions as well as align goals with curricular fields?

· How do we organize, evaluate, change, and provide curriculum resources?

Assignment Two

Select a college or university and provide the information listed below for the university.

· History of the Institution

· Mission Statement

· Accreditation Status of the Institution

· Institutions Goals and Objectives

Discussion Board 2

How can community members be involved in curriculum planning?

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