need my week 2 project done for ENG2002 World Literature I: from Ancient world to the middle ages


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By the end of the week, comment on at least two of your classmate’s submissions using the peer review questions provided below.

Select one of the following questions to respond to. The answer to the question you select should serve as the thesis to your paper. This thesis should be included in an introductory paragraph. The paragraphs following the introduction should support and defend this thesis by analyzing and discussing specific examples and quotations from the reading you selected.

  1. Antigone clearly scrutinizes the cultural institution of gender, for the play’s debate about the nature of justice and good governance hinges on Antigone’s defiance of the king, making the play one of only a few ancient Greek dramas that put a woman center stage (apologies for the bad pun!). Moreover, there are important moments in the play that underscore its focus on gender inequality. For instance, at one point Creon accuses his son, Haemon, of considering “some women” more important than the rule of law. Creon goes on to complain that Haemon puts Antigone before all others. In another passage, Ismene, invoking the argument that women should obey men, urges Antigone to submit to Creon. Examine representations of gender and the gender conflict in Antigone in detail.
  2. Scholarship developed from the nineteenth century through the present offers multiple interpretations of Antigone’s character. One of the abiding questions about her is whether her desire to bury Polyneices properly is political or if her defiance of the king is motivated, as she claims, solely by divine edict. Advocates of the first position see her as “speaking truth to power” as she engages in civil disobedience. But scholars who support the second explanation tend to consider Antigone’s concerns as primarily domestic—about her family—rather than political. Yet another interpretation of Antigone is that she, like so many other figures in ancient Greek drama, is guilty of excessive pride—hubris—as she tries to impose divine law on Creon. Develop a character analysis of Antigone. You may argue for or against one of the positions stated above or you may take another direction. One thing to consider in your discussion is whether she is successful despite her suicide.

Proofread the rough draft to ensure:

  • The thesis is clear and focused, and the introduction includes all the necessary information.
  • The discussion of evidence includes quotes, paraphrases, or summaries and synthesizes this material and your ideas.
  • The conclusion is appropriate and reinforces the paper’s main ideas without repeating the introduction word for word. The essay is formatted in APA style throughout.
  • It uses appropriate grammar, spelling, and mechanics, and quoted material does not exceed 25% of the paper.

When responding to your peers please answer the following questions:

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  • Locate the paper’s thesis. Is it obvious or unclear? Does it establish an interpretation of a key theme from the play? Is the thesis as specific as it needs to be?
  • Is each paragraph organized around one key point? Do topic sentences clearly indicate the focus of each paragraph?
  • Does the author support each main point with direct quotations that are analyzed and explained? Do you have any suggestions for improvement?
  • Where do you disagree with the author’s analysis? What aspects of the play are left unexplained? 

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