Lead and Manage Organisational change
Student Name [INSERT NAME] Attempt number [INSERT NUMBER]
BSBINN601 Lead and Manage Organisational change
Assessment Task 1: Written Questions
Student Name: NAME
Student ID: NUMBER
Submission number: NUMBER
Task summary
This is an open-book test, to be completed in the classroom or in your own time as advised by your trainer.
If in class, a time limit of 1.5 hours to answer the questions applies.
Your answers must be word processed and submitted in Brighton College e-learning system (Moodle).
Criteria to be marked competent
You need to answer ALL questions
to pass this task and be considered competent.
· Access to textbooks and other learning materials (e.g. lecture slides and study guide)
· Computer with Microsoft Office and internet access.
· This document DR803 AT1 Questions – Instructions (available in Moodle)
· BSBLDR803 AT1 Responses Template (available in Moodle)
You must submit the assessment by the
due date
specified in the unit plan.
Submit in Moodle your completed document in PDF format and correct FILE NAME
YOUR NAME AT1 Questions Responses S#
MARY SMITH AT1 Questions responses S1 for first attempt
MARY SMITH AT1 Questions responses S2 for second attempt
Refer to video or written instructions in your Student Pre-Requisite course in Moodle for instructions on how to submit assessments in Moodle
Resubmission (also called reattempts) – important information
You may be allowed to resubmit if you were marked NOT SATISFACTORY on your first attempt provided you submitted your assessment by the due date. Your trainer will advise you if you can resubmit and the resubmission date. Your trainer will provide you with feedback to help you improve your revised answer.
To provide a revised answer, put a heading REVISED ANSWER under the question/section you must re-answer and type your new answer. Look at the example at the top of your template.
Refer to video or written instructions in your Student Pre-Requisite course in Moodle for instructions on how to submit a subsequent attempt Moodle.
If you need to revise your answer and resubmit, add a Heading “Revised Answer – V X ”
UNDER your existing answer and write your answer
Q1 – Why are the colour of the Australian flag?
The colours of the Australian flag are red, blue, and green
Original answer
Revised Answer attempt 2
Revised answer
The colours of the Australian flag are blue, white, and red
Read this information to know HOW to answer the questions
The questions use a range of “instructional words” such as “identify” or “explain”, which tell you how you should answer the question. Use the definitions below to help you answer the questions correctly.
when a question says to analyse, you should do so in detail, and identify important points and key features. Generally, you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.
when a question says compare, show how two or more things are similar, ensure that you indicate the impact of similarities or differences. Generally, you should write a response one or two paragraphs long
when a question says contrast, show how two or more things are different, ensure that you indicate the impact of differences. Generally, you should write a response one or two paragraphs
when a question says describe, state the most noticeable qualities or features. Generally, you should write a response two or three sentences long
when a question says discuss, point out important issues or features and give some critical judgement. Generally, you should write a response one or two paragraphs long
when a question says evaluate, state arguments for and against something. Generally, you should write a response one or two paragraphs long
when a question says examine, this is similar to “analyse”, and you should provide a detailed response with key points and features and provide critical analysis. Generally, you should write a response one or two paragraphs long.
when a question says explain, make clear how or why something happened or the way it is. Generally, you should write a response two or three sentences long
when a question says identify, briefly describe the required information. Generally, you should write a response two or three sentences long.
when a question says list, briefly state information in a list format.
when a question says outline something, give only the main points, Generally, you should write a response a few sentences long
when a question says summarise, it is like “outline”, give the main points. Generally, you should write a response a few sentences long.
Assessment Task 1 Instructions
Provide answers to all questions below:
Explain the key phases of a change management process
Explain three reasons why an organisation might initiate change
Explain what force-field analysis is and explain how it can be applied in the change process
Explain the key points of the Burke & Litwin organisational change model and its application to the change process.
5) Discuss the purpose of Kotter’s 8-step change model and the steps involved. Explain EACH step.
6) Explain two strategies that can be used to effectively communicate and embed change during an organisational change process.
Explain how external environment can impact on change strategies.
Explain the importance of a participative management style when implementing organisational change.
Explain two aspects of organisational behaviours that can impact on organisational change. Comment by Agnes Marsault: same as question 9 – is this a mistake
Describe five components that may be included as part of
a change management plan. Comment by Agnes Marsault: Replace by in
11) Explain three reasons why individuals or groups within an organisation may resist change. Include at least one suggestion of how resistance can be overcome for each of the areas you identify. Comment by Agnes Marsault: For each reason, provide at least one suggestion on how to overcome resistance
12) Discuss at least three barriers to organisational change.
13) Discuss at least two strategies to address barriers to organizat
ional change. Comment by Agnes Marsault: organisational
Save your file in both Word and PDF format
Use correct file naming convention
[YOUR NAME_ID] AT1 Knowledge questions S#
MARY SMITH_12345 AT1 Knowledge questions S1
This is an individual assessment
Assessment Task 1 Checklist
Student’s name:
Did the student provide a sufficient and clear answer that addresses the suggested answer for the following?
Completed successfully
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
Question 9
Question 10
Question 11
Question 12
Question 13
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