philosophy week 4


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Aristotle and W. D. Ross. Nicomachean Ethics. Generic NL Freebook Publisher, 2000. Nicomachean Ethics.

The text of the Nicomachean Ethics, translated into English by W.D. Ross.

(2) Russell, Bertrand. History of Western Philosophy. vol. [New ed.], Routledge, 2004. Routledge Classics.

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Chapter 20: Aristotle’s Ethics, pp. 168-178


Easterling, Marvin and John K. Roth. “Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle.” Salem Press Biographical Encyclopedia, 2013.

An Introduction to the Nicomachean Ethics.  [ADA: Audio option]



“Aristotle.” Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, 2017, p. 1p. 1.

An introduction to the life and writings of Aristotle. [ADA: Audio option]


“Political Theory.” Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, 2017, p. 1p. 1.

A short introduction to the philosophical study of political theory. [ADA: Audio option]


Greene, Jim, MFA. “Syllogism.” Salem Press Encyclopedia, 2017.

A short introduction to the Syllogism.  [ADA: Audio option]


“PHILOSOPHY – History: Aristotle on the Purpose of Life [HD].” YouTube, uploaded by Wireless Philosophy, 4 Aug. 2014,

PHIL 100: Paper #1: The Philosophy Image (15% of overall grade)

For this assignment, choose a female philosopher from the list below to research. Investigate her biography, and find a quote, saying, maxim, proverb, motto or precept that you find appealing in one of her works listed beside her name (All of the works listed have freely available English translations that can be found on the Internet.)

Take this quote, saying, maxim, proverb, motto or precept and place it on an image that you believe captures or amplifies the meaning of the quote.  On the image, reference the philosopher and the work where you found the quote. (See the example below).

Then, in a separate document ( x), explain your Philosophy Image, why you chose the philosopher, what about her work and life interests you, why the quote and image are important to you, using what you have learned so far in the course.

In your essay…

· 1. Demonstrate that you are familiar with the philosopher’s biography. Your task here is not to repeat an encyclopedia, but to articulate one or two aspects of the philosopher’s histyr. What is it about the philosopher’s life that interests you or is compelling? (Cite all resources and/or library materials)

· 2. Demonstrate that you are familiar with the work in which you took the quote. Read the context of the quote you found compelling. What is the philosopher talking about when she makes the quote you like? Why is this context important to understanding the quote? (Cite Internet resources and/or library materials)

· 3. Explain why your quote and image are important together using your knowledge of the philosophy you have learned so far. (Cite learning materials from weeks 1-3).

· Use MLA to properly cite your sources and references; EVERY PARAGRAPH should have more than one in-text citation

MLA Citation:

MLA Citation Examples:

· Your paper should be at least 600 words, and contain no errors of English spelling or syntax. A grammar-check software like  or Whitesmoke is ALWAYS helpful. I award extra credit to those who use it. Please let me know.

List of Philosophers (should you have a different philosopher suggestion, just let me know).

· Diotima of Mantinea (speech in Plato’s Symposium)

· Hildegard of Bingen (Scivias, “Know the ways of the Lord”, Ordo Virtutum, “Order of the Virtues”)

· Heloise of Argenteuil (The Letters of Abelard and Heloise)

· Elisabeth of Bohemia (Correspondence with Rene Descartes)

· Marguerite Porete (The Mirror of Simple Souls)

· Anne Conway (The Principles of the most Ancient and Modern Philosophy) [you can reference this as The Principles to save space on your image]

· Margaret Cavendish (Observations upon Experimental Philosophy) [can reference as Observations]

· Hannah Arendt (The Human Condition)

· Mary Astell (Some Reflections upon Marriage)

· Edith Stein (Finite and Eternal Being)

· Mary Wollstonecraft (A Vindication of the Rights of Woman)

· Elizabeth Anscombe, aka G.E.M. Anscombe (Modern Moral Philosophy)

· Ayn Rand (Atlas Shrugged)


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