Wk 4 – Reports, Request for Proposals, and Proposals

HCS/321 v1

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Reports, Request for Proposals, and Proposals

HCS/321 v1

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Reports, Request for Proposals, and Proposals

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Complete the worksheet.

Part 1: Email Response

Read the email below and compose a professional email response to Sofia acknowledging her request and informing her you have attached an informative summary with the information requested. Please note that you do not need to respond to Sofia’s question in the email as that will be discussed in the attachment written in Part II.

Date: 3/21/2015

From: Sofia Johnson, Office Assistant

To: Rick Longhorn, Senior Office Director

Hi Rick,

Do you have a moment? I was asked by Lucy to train the new office assistant. She asked me what the difference between reports, requests for proposals, and proposals was. Can you please assist me? I’m not sure how to properly respond to her question and would like to get your input.

Thanks, Sofia

Type email response below:

Date: 3/21/2015

From: Rick Longhorn, Senior Office Director

To: Sofia Johnson, Office Assistant

[Insert email response to Sofia]

Part 2: Informative Summary

Write a 350- to 700-word informative summary that provides Sofia with the information requested. This summary will be attached to the email.

Include the following in your summary:

· Explain the difference between reports, request for proposals, and proposals.

· Identify the effective process for conducting research to support business communication.

Cite 1 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your summary.

Type informative summary below:


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