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Topic 3 DQ 1

Hello Classmates and Professor,

Using Sternberg’s triangular theory of romantic love we can see the vital role that these three items play: passion, intimacy, and commitment when it comes to love (Howe, 2018). This chapter was, genuinely, very interesting and required me to delve deep into one of my past relationships and thoroughly examine it. I choose to examine one of my past relationships that was almost 8 years long. I can truly see how these three key components evolved over the years. In the beginning, I feel like we had what would be described as a romantic love with great passion and intimacy. That love were you want to talk all hours of the day and night and you can’t wait until the next time you will see each other and you try to do everything possible together. I believe that lasted about a year or two and then, fairly quickly after, we shifted into a consummate couple. I was on cloud nine and living my best life. It really felt as though this stage in the relationship revolved around, as the book states, “high intimacy, commitment, and passion” (Howe, 2018). However, those feelings were short lived. Life happened and I was snapped out of my perfect bubble of happiness. Then came along multiple losses of loved ones, grieving, changes in careers, schooling, 2 jobs, 2 moves, and 2 young foster children. So many things changed in such a short span of time and really for a lack of a better way of saying it complicated everything that had once been so simple. We did our best to make it work. In order to cope with all the drastic changes I found myself focused on my work and school. Those were the two main things that distracted me from everything else. While he, sort of, spiraled into a very nasty, dark whole that led to an unfortunate addiction. I tried to help and did everything I could to get him on the right path but you can never make someone do something they are unwilling or not wanting to do.

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There are so many things I wish I would have done differently or things I would have changed. There were so many factors that were just out of our control. However, looking back, the strategies I think that could have benefited us the most were grief counselling and possibly couples therapy.



3 posts

Topic 3 DQ 1

Hello Class & Professor,

Sternberg’s theory is just one of many typologies of love characterized by three key parts which include passion, intimacy and commitment. After reading this week’s chapters, I can see how my marriage was set up for failure, we did not discuss relationship expectations and simply assumed. My marriage was based on infatuation we had a strong physical attraction to one another, were married six after dating but he was never able to stop seeing his ex-girlfriend and we just were unable to form a commitment and because of this lacked intimacy. To help this relationship would have been for him to stop seeing his ex-so we could have opened up to one another on an intimate level which would have then blossomed into a committed relationship.


J. Ortiz

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