Course Project, Part 3: Project Outline

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Part 3: Project Outline

This week you will create an outline of your project. Next week you will use this outline to guide you as your create your presentation.

While creating your outline, keep in mind that you need to address the six questions from Postman. Here they are again.

  1. What is the problem for which this technology is the solution?
  2. Whose problem is it?
  3. Which people and what institutions might be most seriously harmed by a technological solution?
  4. What new problems might be created because we have solved this problem?
  5. What sort of people and institutions might acquire special economic and political power because of technological change?
  6. What changes in language are being enforced by new technologies, and what is being gained and lost by such changes?

Use this resource for assistance on how to create an outline: 

Prewriting and Outlining | UMUC

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Due Date for Part 3: This submission is due during Week 4, with the final day of submission being the Tuesday of the fourth week (11:30pm ET). Please see the Course Schedule for the exact final due date for this submission.

Annotated bibliography

Hogan, Marjorie, and Victor C. Strasburger. “Social media and new technology: a primer.” Clinical Pediatrics 57.10 (2018): 1204-1215.

The authors and researchers of this article focus on social media and its roles among teens and preteens. The technologies have become significantly important to the population, portraying both positive and negative effects on their lives. The technology impacts are seen through social networking and internet use, considering the expected safety measures. Social media plays a big part in many young people’s social and creative lives. Through social media, the teens have fun as part of developing and maintaining friendships. They explore their identities and develop their relationships with their families over the internet.

This article denotes how social media is the cause of some dead cultures as it has also contributed to the growth of new global cultures. The article developed an understanding of how the teens and the preteens connect to the global online communities based on their shared interests. Technology is part of the current economy and economic development. As a result, there are social media the teens and the preteen have better knowledge on digital media literacy, developed creativity, and have benefited through collaborative learning.

Al-Rahmi, Waleed Mugahed, et al. “A model of factors affecting learning performance through the use of social media in Malaysian higher education.” Computers & Education 121 (2018): 59-72.

This article focuses on technology as a major contribution to collaborative learning. The traditional learning cultures, which are the face-to-face or classroom learning method, have been improved through collaborative learning strategies. Social media technology has been used for connectivity and has also contributed to collaborative learning through digital learning systems. The researchers attempt to mitigate the literature gap on social media use for active collaborative learning by conducting a study among learners in Malaysia. The research was conducted through questionnaires.

The article provides a background on how the technology can be used to promote positive results. The author’s argued that social media rough forth a greater level of satisfaction among the learners. It uses other resources of previous researchers. The author illustrates how social media enriches learning and engagement activities among students and facilities and highlights how it encourages higher education learning and teaching processes.

Ha, Louisa et al. “Decline in news content engagement or news medium engagement? A longitudinal analysis of news engagement since the rise of social and mobile media 2009–2012.” Journalism 19.5 (2018): 718-739.

This article’s authors and researchers conducted a four-year longitudinal analysis that focused on social media and phone users in the Midwest US market. The research differentiates news content engagement and proposes four levels of engagement. They also compare them against social media and mobile media, identifying their effect on the news content among the general population and students.

The research indicated a steady decline in political news interest while other types of news were not affected. Social media platforms grow every year, and they are appreciated more in society by more population as a result of their features. It has made the spread of news significantly rapid. To a larger extent, the population focuses more on the news provided by social media technologies and ignores the traditional news platforms. This article also illustrates how social media has made it easier for journalists to write and spread their news to a larger audience within seconds.

Balakrishnan, Janarthanan, and Mark D. Griffiths. “Social media addiction: What is the role of content in YouTube?.” Journal of behavioral addictions 6.3 (2017): 364-377.

Social media has played a major role in connectivity among the general population. However, it has had a negative impact, such as addition. This article’s authors focus on YouTube, online video creation and sharing site that carries both video content looking and content design doings. It is one of the social platforms that young adults are addicted to. The authors of this article try to understand the role of the YouTube content. They also evaluate the causes of behavioral addiction.

This article focuses on the negative impacts of social media, illustrating how its addiction negatively impacts mental health and the relationships of those afflicted. Social gratification was established to have a significant impact, whereas technological gratification did not indicate any influence. The article creates an understanding of the perceived gratifications. It also proposes new ways of exploring customer gratification through YouTube and discusses how the network counters to it.

Jasso-Medrano, José Luis, and Fuensanta Lopez-Rosales. “Measuring the relationship between social media use and addictive behavior and depression and suicide ideation among university students.” Computers in Human Behavior 87 (2018): 183-191.

The level of addition on social media sites is an alarming phenomenon. This article is based on research conducted to analyze the relationship between the use of social media and addictive behaviors. The authors have focused on addictive behavior and their relationships with social media and the use of mobile devices. The addictions are linked to depression and social ideation. The data used to make the argument was made through the questionnaire involving 374 participants.

Based on the research results, addictive behavior can be linked to protective behavior against suicidal ideation concerning depression. The author illustrates measures that can be used to reduce the levels of social media addiction. It also introduces a new perception where it links addictive behaviors to negative psychological characteristics and differentiates the addition of excessive use.

Garcia-Morales, Victor Jesus, Rodrigo Martín-Rojas, and María Esmeralda Lardón-López. “Influence of social media technologies on organizational performance through knowledge and innovation.” Baltic Journal of Management (2018).

The authors of this article focus their research on the widespread distribution of deception in social media, and it has established a lot of attention across the world. The problems in social media have been studied intensively. Through the article, the authors examine the differences between misinformation discovery and classic managed erudition. The text also discusses information diffusion, focusing on how the spenders propagate misinformation in their social networks.

The article provides comprehensive information on the factors that contribute to misinformation on social media. Eradicating these factors is significantly exhaustive, expensive, and impossible to end. It also illustrates the dangers of disinformation in social media since it can influence the users and manipulate them for political and economic reasons. Misinformation can take different forms, and it can negatively impact the public disclose through misleading and manipulation of the readers. It also provides several strategies that can be used to identify fake news and suggests how to combat it.

Running Head: TECHNOLOGY 1




1. What is it?

Social media- It is a technology that is computer-based and which allows people to build virtual networks and communities where they can share information, ideas, and thoughts (Hjorth & Hinton, 2019).

2. Why did you choose it?

I chose this technology because it has been widely adopted. Despite the many challenges that are associated with it, many people are already using various social media platforms.

3. At this point, very briefly state what you think the answers to the six questions below will be. Why?

a. What is the problem for which this technology is the solution?

This technology solves the problem of connectivity. It allows people to connect virtually with people around the world. This way, people know what is happening around the world in the shortest time possible (Hjorth & Hinton, 2019).

b. Whose problem is it?

The problem of connectivity is a problem that affects all people around the world. This is because we all want to connect with others and know what is happening around us.

c. Which people and what institutions might be most seriously harmed by a technological solution?

This technological solution is likely to harm media institutions because people will no longer depend on them to get information. It will be difficult for media institutions to inform people because people will have multiple sources of information.

d. What new problems might be created because we have solved this problem?

After solving the problem of connectivity, social media might create the problem of addiction to social media. It can also facilitate the spreading of false news due to inadequate restrictions in social media (Anderson & Jiang, 2018).

e. What sort of people and institutions might acquire special economic and political power because of technological change?

Companies that manufacture and sell technological devices are most likely to benefit from technological changes. Also, those that offer internet-related services like Google might benefit economically.

f. What language changes are being enforced by new technologies and what is being gained and lost by such changes?

The connectivity created by technology is forcing people to use the languages that are understood by many, for example, English. Through this, people are gaining mastery of these languages. However, they are losing the mastery of their native languages.

4. What steps will you take to answer the questions?

To answer these questions, I will consider the technology I have chosen and the trends in its usage. I will also consider the benefits and challenges of its usage. Doing so will enable me to answer all these questions.

5. What obstacles (if any) do you see in your way to answering the questions?

One obstacle I see is that some of the questions do not specify if the reference is on the technology I chose or technology in general. It will therefore be difficult to establish the most appropriate answer for such a question.


Anderson, M., & Jiang, J. (2018). Teens, social media & technology 2018. Pew Research Center, 31(2018), 1673-1689. Retrieved from

Hjorth, L., & Hinton, S. (2019). Understanding social media. Sage. Retrieved from

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