Research Paper- First Draft about Holy Basil Plant

need to write a research paper about a Holy Basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum). 

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Content Meets expectations Adequate Minimal effort
Format elements

Title page

The title page should include:the name of the author.
A concise and informative title. The affiliation(s) of

the author(s), i.e. institution, (department), city,
(state), country. A clear indication and an active e-

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mail address of the corresponding author. missing 1item missing 2+ items

Running header and

each page has a short title and author name at the
top as a header; each page is numbered at the

bottom; line numbers present missing 1item missing 2+ items


minimum of 7 pages, maximum of 10 pages
(excluding bibliography and supporting figures in

page count)
either too short or too

long by 1/2 page
length 1+ pages too long

or too short


tone and style appropriate to audience; paper
displays control, variety and complexity of prose;

written in a professional manner;

occasionally uses slang;
overly uses vague

adjectives (i.e. good,

slang use common;
common use of vague

does not adhere to past


uses clear transitions that connect sentences and
paragraphs; each paragraph has a



(typically the first sentence of each paragraph);
Funnel-like flow (start with big opening then

proceeding to narrower and narrower). End each
section (and/or paragraph) with bridge to subsequent

subtopic (and/or paragraph)

flow somewhat
disjointed; lacks


some paragraphs lacking
topic sentences;

stream of consciousness,
lacking organization,

US English use
proper grammar and punctuation, no noticeable


1-3 errors in grammar or
punctuation (e.g. ending
sentence in preposition)

3+ errors in grammar or

1 inch margins on all side; 12pt Arial font; double

spaced; left-justified 1 error 2+ errors


Clear rationale for paper with specific aims. gives an
overview to set context. Broad overview (gives

necessary context for reader to understand your
reasons for reviewing the subject and overarching

aims of review)

vague goals, logic gaps
for reasoning behind


little reasoning given for
review or logic so sparse
that reader must make

logical leaps

Body, overall

The level of detail is appropriate, the number of
examples justified; Support the central concepts;

advances the field; propositions clearly justified by
theory and past empirical findings

could use a bit more
detail or a bit less detail

for 1-2 cited studies;
some logic disconnect

between paper cited and
support of central concep

way too much detail
given for several cited
studies; too little detail

given so that the reason
for several cited studies

is unknown


Round things up, gives the “take-home” message;
emphasizes the added value of the review,

summarizes main points.

summarizes but lacks
conviction, statements
not quite supported by

lacking concluding


Plant uses

use finely detailed either in text or summary table

with relevant citations given

described but not
attributed to a source or
broadly given without

details lacking

use finely detailed either in text or summary table

with relevant citations given
described but not
attributed to a source or
broadly given without
details lacking

use finely detailed either in text or summary table

with relevant citations given
described but not
attributed to a source or
broadly given without
details lacking

use finely detailed either in text or summary table

with relevant citations given
described but not
attributed to a source or
broadly given without
details lacking

essential oils
use finely detailed either in text or summary table

with relevant citations given
described but not
attributed to a source or
broadly given without
details lacking

use finely detailed either in text or summary table

with relevant citations given
described but not
attributed to a source or
broadly given without
details lacking


use finely detailed either in text or summary table

with relevant citations given
described but not
attributed to a source or
broadly given without
details lacking

use finely detailed either in text or summary table

with relevant citations given
described but not
attributed to a source or
broadly given without
details lacking

fumitory & masticory
use finely detailed either in text or summary table

with relevant citations given
described but not
attributed to a source or
broadly given without
details lacking


use finely detailed either in text or summary table
with relevant citations given; active chemicals


described but not
attributed to a source or
broadly given without
details lacking


use finely detailed either in text or summary table
with relevant citations given; see “if medicine” section


described but not
attributed to a source or
broadly given without
details lacking


use finely detailed either in text or summary table
with relevant citations given; images are given when


described but not
attributed to a source or
broadly given without
details lacking

use finely detailed either in text or summary table

with relevant citations given
described but not
attributed to a source or
broadly given without
details lacking

use finely detailed either in text or summary table

with relevant citations given
described but not
attributed to a source or
broadly given without
details lacking
use finely detailed either in text or summary table
with relevant citations given
described but not
attributed to a source or
broadly given without

details lacking
Special considerations

impact of
collecting/harvesting described with supporting citations

not described well and/or

lacking citations lacking

myths/legends described

with supporting citations
not described well and/or

lacking citations lacking

differences depending on

gender or age described with supporting citations
not described well and/or

lacking citations lacking

different names described with supporting citations
not described well and/or

lacking citations lacking

chemical analyses described with supporting citations
not described well and/or

lacking citations lacking
if medicine

what does it cure
finely detailed, case studies cited when possible,

relevant citations given
not described well and/or

lacking citations lacking
what portion(s) of the

plant employed for each

described in detail and included in the figure (plant

not described well and/or
lacking citations lacking

how prepared

protocols for preparing and using medicine given (eg
masticated and placed on surface of skin) in detail

with supporting citations
not described well and/or
lacking citations lacking

active chemicals
potential or scientifically studied chemicals and what

they treat detailed with relevant citations
not described well and/or

lacking citations lacking

wild/cultivated how are the plants grown prior to harvest
not described well and/or

lacking citations lacking

where grown
does where they grow matter (shade vs sun for

not described well and/or

lacking citations lacking

where occurs what is the distribution like, rare, common
not described well and/or

lacking citations lacking
what time of year

described in detail and included in the figure

not described well and/or

lacking citations lacking
case studies for
medicinal uses described with supporting citations

not described well and/or
lacking citations lacking


Summary table lists uses and relevant citations in a pleasing format

some items mentioned in
text that are not included
in the table, some uses

lack citations

well-known uses left out
of table, very few

citations listed

Chemical analyses table
or figure

chemical compounds listed with where collected in
the plant (included in “plant pieces” figure and what

they are used for (eg pesticide) and what they do (eg
paralyze autonomous nervous system)

missing information or
chemicals that are

mentioned elsewhere in
the paper lacking or very few given

Plant pieces
figure of plant is denoted with human uses and all

indications are correct
some errors in pointing
out plant parts and use

figure is displeasing and
lacks many of the uses
mentioned in the paper



figure in which plant life cycle is shown with relevant
time frame of collections finely-detailed and correctly

some of the collection

times are lacking

very little collection
information aligned with

plant phenology


map of where species can be found, with indication
of density (is the plant rare or common), indicate

whether it is endemic
map with distribution but
no indication of density

map of only a small
region without details

includes images of local peoples using the plant or

plant products

lacking local people
images or not actively

using plant/plant product lacking
LIterature cited

quantity at least 20 peer-reviewed journal articles used
<18 total references

used all peer-reviewed

<15 references were used or some were not

peer reviewed

In-text citation
Each reference was used and cited correctly within

the body of the paper

references were
occasionally cited

incorrectly; occasional
slip in format; in-text
citation given witout

corresponding reference
in bibliography

no consistency in
formatting; more than

one in-text citation given
witout corresponding

reference in bibliography


Each reference was used and cited correctly within
the body of the paper. one journal format chosen and

used throughout in bibliography, matches in-text

1-2 errors in
bibliography; one of

reference left-out of in-
text citation

bibliography with 3+
formatting errors; more

than one reference failed
to be cited in text

Reviewed quality

well-balanced; span age range of relevant literature
(foundational paper(s) included and current papers

with current state of knowledge

lacking a few critical
papers in review that

would have supported or
refuted central concept


only supports central
concept does not

address criticisms; does
not span age range of


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