
As the newly promoted vice president of human resources (HR), you are an influential member of the decision-making team that will select a country for global expansion.

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For this assignment, follow the instructions below.

Develop a chart to compare and contrast the cultures of two specific countries to which your organization is looking to expand. The two countries must be on different continents, and you must use a minimum of 10 criteria from established cultural frameworks.

Write a 500-word synopsis of how culture impacts HR management in a global organization.

Identify two employment laws for each of the two countries you are considering for expansion.

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Explain the significance of the laws and how they differ from U.S. laws or laws in your state.

Evaluate how each law could affect your hiring process and/or organization in general.

Identify which of the two countries you will recommend for the global expansion of your organization. Write a 500-word synopsis in which you summarize why you selected that country.

Explain how this choice will benefit your organization.

Finally, develop a hiring strategy for the new location, taking into consideration what you have learned about the country’s laws and culture.

You must use at least three sources to support your project. All sources must be properly cited. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment.

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