CASE 8-2


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Improving a Personal Development Plan at Brainstorm, Inc. Part II 


Joe, one of the Partners of Brainstorm, Inc., has been looking into development plans as a possible way of increasing the productivity and 

morale of the company’s sales force. To help him in this project,Cathy has adapted a development plan form from a business magazine she has recently seen and asks you for feedback. Since Cathy is unfamiliar with the characteristics of good development plans, she is particularly interested in your critique of a development plan that she developed for a sales representative, Jay. Note: Brainstorm, Inc., may not be able to finance much in the way of outside learning; however, the company could provide some paid time off and may be able to negotiate some better rates for attending classes or conferences, based on various industry memberships. 

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1. How would you improve and/or change the following form and its content? 

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