Reflection 1

You must participate in one of the following Apps or Videos for a total of 3-consecutive-days, then report on your experience.

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(Choose ONE from the list at the bottom of this post.)

During the week you choose, keep a log on paper or in a separate word document that you can cut and paste for your discussion post. Please pay attention to detail, as you will be graded accordingly.

For each session, you will need to list the date and the technique you practiced, then give feedback on each session that you completed. After you have completed your list, post it along with a summary paragraph explaining your overall 3-day experience and how you can apply it to your life to help decrease your stress. (See example outline of what to post, shown below)

Apps or Videos (Choose ONE) and practice/perform for a total of 3 days BEFORE posting

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  • Deep Breathing Exercises for Stress Relief, Energy, & Health with Rhoda Shapiro
  • Headspace (Free Trial)
  • Calm (Free Trial)
  • Moments of Mindfulness (YouTube)
  • You may choose another video from YouTube or meditation app, as long as it is similar to the others listed and you must provide the name and link of your resource.



    Technique used: 
    Session feedback:


    Technique used: 
    Session feedback:


    Technique used: 
    Session feedback:

  • Overall Summary:

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