Discussion 2

  1. Organizational performance is the fifth aspect of the model, reflect on the question, do certain leadership behaviors improve and sustain performance at the individual, group, and organizational level?  Please explain your response.
  2. There were two types of innovation addressed this week (product and process innovation), please note your own personal definition of these concepts and offer an example of both.

Please be sure to answer all of the questions above in the initial post.

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 At least three – four scholarly (peer-reviewed) resource should be used in the initial discussion thread.  Please ensure to use information from your readings and other sources. Use APA references and in-text citations


This is for responses


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Substantive posts will do at least TWO of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Expand on the topic, by adding additional thoughtful information
  • Answer a question posted by another student in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source
  • Make an argument

Student 1

When it comes to talking about leadership, it is a vast topic to cover. Leaders show and encourage their followers towards a common goal. The authoritative and bossy leadership is no longer popular. At such, there are certain behavioral characteristics that can improve the output as a leader. Defining and communicating vision is one of the characteristics. A leader should have an inspiration of an end goal and this is the vision. Without a vision, the followers will work so hard but the only difference is the will not have a defined goal of what they want to achieve if the leader hasn’t identified the vision. A vision is long term and it is measurable.

Leaders should encourage recognition. Employees want to feel appreciated this encourages them to pose better results and encourage others to want to work smart for them to be equally recognized (Sudha, Shahnawaz & Farhat, 2016). They should speak from their heart and not from the income an organization brings. This will make employees feel you got their interest at heart. If leadership makes you feel important, delegate positions for your employees to act as leaders. This will make them have a sense of what you feel, which is importance. Lastly, embrace learning either internally or and externally. There is no end to learning and hence a leader should be open to learning as much as he possibly can.

A product innovation is the introduction of an item or service that is new or an old one but has modified changes made to it hence making it seemingly look new (Sudha, Shahnawaz & Farhat, 2016). An example of a product innovation is in car manufacturing. Car manufacturers make a new car every year. In doing so, they create a better version based on the feedback of their customers. Process innovation is a new or improved delivery method. An example is Henry Ford’s invention of the world’s first moving assembly line.



Sudha, K., Shahnawaz, M., & Farhat, A. (2016). Leadership Styles, Leader’s Effectiveness and Well-being: Exploring Collective Efficacy as a Mediator. Vision: The Journal Of Business Perspective, 20(2), 111-120. doi: 10.1177/0972262916637260

Student 2

Leadership behaviors and performance

Leaders’ conduct impacts the person in various ways of work, just like the people they come in contact with. A pioneer’s social style influences workgroup adequacy. The standard to recall while choosing the best administration style for any circumstance is that the previous exhibition influences the present and future and that subordinates’ practices influence the leader, similarly as the leader’s conduct influences subordinates. The best authority style is where subordinates and errands are durable, just as the leader’s condition. By breaking down past exhibitions, for example, subordinates’ capacities and inspiration, the current circumstance and prospects become clearer (Rahman et al., 2020). Leaders set themselves apart from others inside the organization. They build up and share a dream of their objective for the gathering, group, or association’s eventual fate. They empower others to be fruitful, fill in as good examples. They create activity designs that construct responsibility, dependability, consistency, and steadiness. They make a solid effort to create subordinates so they may thus have the option to delegate. They likewise line up an assignment with criticism. On the off chance that errors occur, they ensure subordinates have gained from experience. They improve things. They create ease by creating trust and building power bases that spur individuals and complete things.

Product Innovation: It is the most surely known and normal type of development and is identified with a new item or another component in a current item or the improvement of a current item. Product advancement is regularly an after-effect of innovation or new bits of knowledge that need (Rahman et al., 2020). There are some clear drivers of item development, such as changes in client prerequisites, the need to build the existing pattern of the item, the desire to tap new markets or portions, or just to improve the look-and-believe and the accommodation of utilizing the item (Ingram, Kraśnicka & Głód, 2020).

Process Innovation: Process innovation is how an item is created or conveyed to the customer. It tends to blend strategies, abilities, and innovations to create, showcase, convey and bolster an item or offer support. There are several approaches to improve a process so that customer sees it as extra worth. For example, process development to deliver the item is a robotized mechanical production system for vehicle fabricating. This was procedure development to discover approaches to decrease human errors while upgrading simultaneously. A case of procedural advancement in conveying an item is how Dell permitted customers to tweak their computers during the request stage. Banks and different associations convey mechanized AI-based chatbots to give smart day-in and day-out help to their customers (Ingram, Kraśnicka & Głód, 2020).


Ingram, T., Kraśnicka, T., & Głód, G. (2020). Relationships between familiness, innovation and organizational performance in Polish family businesses. Creativity and innovation management, 29(4), 701-718.

Rahman, M., Rodríguez‐Serrano, M. Á., & Hughes, M. (2020). Does advertising productivity affect organizational performance? Impact of market conditions. British Journal of Management.

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