Submit a detailed report to your potential investors and other stakeholders


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  • Describe how managerial accounting supports management information systems
  • Utilize managerial accounting techniques and models to support an organization’s strategic plan
  • Explain how managerial accounting is used to make decisions about short-term business opportunities, capital investments, and evaluating operational performance


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:

Describe how managerial accounting supports management information systems

Utilize managerial accounting techniques and models to support an organization’s strategic plan

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Explain how managerial accounting is used to make decisions about short-term business opportunities, capital investments, and evaluating operational performance


Your business has been open for a month, and you have prepared an income statement and completed a variance analysis on the data. Now you will meet with investors and a few other internal stakeholders to share your company’s progress over the past month and how it has performed with respect to your cost and budget projections. The investors would like to see the thought process behind your financial strategy and how your company has performed in its first month. They have therefore asked you to present a report that includes the costing and income data from your Project Workbook.


Submit a detailed report to your potential investors and other stakeholders to explain and defend your costing strategies and to share your business’s performance to date. Your report can be in the form of a PowerPoint presentation or a Word document (based on the templates provided in the

What to Submit

section). In either format, be sure to effectively communicate with your stakeholders by breaking down concepts and using investor-friendly language to build their trust and confidence. If you choose to do a PowerPoint presentation, you’ll need to include speaker notes for each slide.

Introduction: Provide a short overview of your company and the purpose of this report.

Business Overview: Name your company and describe its business and your vision for its future.

Purpose of the Report: Explain the purpose of the report and describe why the information is important.

Methods and Approach: Explain the management accounting methods you used for generating the information that you are about to share in terms of your adherence to industry standards and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) code of ethics.

Financial Strategy: Review your original business plan and costing strategies.

Costing System: Justify the use of job order costing for this business. Be sure to compare and contrast the various costing systems you learned about in this course as part of your defense.

Selling Prices: Share and explain the selling prices you established for each of your products. Be sure to reference your cost-volume-profit analysis in your defense.

Contribution Margin: Share and explain your contribution margin per unit. Be sure to reference your cost-volume-profit analysis in your defense.

Target Profits: Identify your break-even points for achieving different target profits. Then explain the target profits you selected for each area of your business. Be sure to reference your cost-volume-profit analysis in your defense.

Financial Statements: Using the information in the Milestone Two Market Research Data Appendix, assess your financial performance to date.

Statement of Cost of Goods Sold: Share the statement of cost of goods sold and logically interpret the business’s performance against the provided benchmarks.

Income Statement: Share the income statement and logically interpret the business’s performance against the provided benchmarks.

Variances: Illustrate all variances for the direct labor time and the materials price.

Significance of Variances: Evaluate the significance of the variances in terms of the potential to impact future budgeting decisions and planning.

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit the following:

PowerPoint Template: Investor Report

Use this template to submit a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes. Sources should be cited according to APA style.


Word Template: Investor Report

Use this template to submit an 8- to 10-page Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

[Insert Company Name]

Investor Report

Prepared by [Your Name]

Instructions: Replace all text in brackets with your own information.



[Outline your company’s business and your vision for its future.]


Introduce the company and its business. What is your vision for the future of the business? What do you hope to achieve? Where do you see the company in five years or ten?

[Explain the purpose of this report and what you hope to convey about the company and its financials.]

[What do you plan to communicate, and why should your investors pay attention? In other words, try to persuade your investors that the accounting information you are about to share is important.]

Methods and Approach
[Explain some management accounting methods and how your report and the data it represents adheres to industry standards and the AICPA code of ethics.]

[Explain some management accounting methods you used to determine your costing strategy, evaluate your financial information, etc., and explain how your methods of generating information adhere to industry standards and AICPA’s code of ethics. In other words, why should your investors trust that you are delivering accurate financial data and that your decision-making process has been ethical?]

Financial Strategy


Costing System
[Outline why the job order costing system works best for the business.]

[Explain in detail the use of job order costing for this business. Why is it suited for your business? Be sure to compare and contrast the various costing systems you learned about in this course as part of your defense.]

Selling Prices
[List the selling price you chose for each product.]

[Explain and defend the selling prices that you established for each product. Why did you choose these selling prices? Be sure to reference your cost-volume-profit analysis in your defense]

Contribution Margin
[Copy and paste your completed table from the “Contribution Margin Analysis” tab of your Project Workbook.]

[Share and explain your contribution margin per unit. How did you arrive at these numbers? Be sure to reference your cost-volume-profit analysis in your defense. ]

Target Profits
[Copy and paste the completed table from the “Break-Even Analysis” tab of your Project Workbook.]

[Specify the break-even points you determined for achieving different target profit levels. Then, explain and defend the target profits you selected for each area of your business. Be sure to reference your cost-volume-profit analysis in your defense.]

Financial Statements


Statement of Cost of Goods Sold
[Copy and paste your table from the “COGS” tab of your completed Project Workbook.]

[Compare the actual cost of goods sold over the last month and evaluate the company’s performance against the budgeted benchmarks. Are the numbers close to what you expected? Interpret the performance and explain what happened.]

Income Statement
[Copy and paste your table from the “Income Statement” tab of your completed Project Workbook.]

[Based on your income statement, logically interpret the business’s performance against the provided benchmarks. Did the company do as well as expected? Explain what happened.]

[Copy and paste your table from the completed “Variances” tab of your Project Workbook.]

[Illustrate the variances observed between the planned and actual values for the direct labor time and the direct materials price for collars. What changed?]

Significance of Variances
[Share a summary of your variance analysis. Were the variances favorable or unfavorable?]

[Evaluate the significance of the variances. Are the variances favorable or unfavorable? What does it mean? Explain whether and how your evaluation will affect your budgeting and planning decisions for the next month or quarter.]

[Include any references cited in your paper in full APA format. Don’t forget to include in-text citations as well.]

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