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Module 6 – Home

Integration and Reflection

Modular Learning Outcomes

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Upon successful completion of this module, the student will be able to satisfy the following outcomes:

Reflect upon and integrate course concepts.

Participate in a Discussion in which you will reflect on course concepts.

Course Overview

As your study of this course content draws to a close, it is important to step back and reflect on new levels of understanding, skills, and knowledge that you developed as a result of your efforts throughout this course. It is particularly important to reflect on the course outcomes (what you were intended to learn in this course).

Course Outcomes

Describe the stages of organizational innovation, and identify different strategies for adapting to change. (Module 1)
Evaluate the need for, and support available for, creativity in different types of organizations. (Module 1)
Complete a draft of the literature review section for your doctoral project proposal. (Module 1)
Distinguish between product and process innovation, and compare how each type interacts with various parts of the organization. (Module 2)
Complete a draft of the literature review section for your doctoral project proposal. (Module 2)
Distinguish between product and process innovation, and compare how each type interacts with various parts of the organization. (Module 3)
Complete a draft of the literature review section for your doctoral project proposal. (Module 3)
Critique the concept of “disruptive innovation,” and evaluate its effects in different kinds of organizations. (Module 4)
Complete a draft of the literature review section for your doctoral project proposal. (Module 4)
Describe the implementation of change as a socio-technical problem, and outline different organizational strategies that may be used to institutionalize changes. (Module 5)
Complete a draft of the literature review section for your doctoral project proposal. (Module 5)
Prepare and submit a Reflective Essay. (Module 6)

Module 6 Assignment

Participate in a Discussion in which you will reflect on course concepts.
Prepare and submit a Reflective Essay.

To close out this course, proceed to the Module 6 Discussion forum and then the Reflective Essay.

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Module 6 – Reflective Essay

Integration and Reflection

Your Module 6 Task

Prepare a Reflective Essay in which you address each of the following

Describe how you improved your knowledge, skills, abilities, and yourself in
this session through this course.
Evaluate the work you did during the session for the class and explain ways
you could have performed better.
Identify topics you did not understand or successfully implement and suggest
how to improve the course material on those topics.
Identify ways to measure the future effects of what you have learned in this
course or your future progress/improvement.
State whether you achieved the course outcomes (listed on the Module 6 Home
page and course Syllabus page).

This Reflective Essay is a required course component (but not part of your
final grade).

Upload the essay when it is completed.

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DOC660 Innovation and Creativity in Business (WIN2021-1) – Module 6: Integration and Reflection
1. Home

2. Essay

Week 6

In this final module discussion, please reflect on the sequence of SLP assignments that you have completed, that are intended to enable you to complete the draft of your literature review for your project. Please discuss the clarity of the assignments and any difficulties that you had completing them. Please also suggest any changes that you feel might make these assignments more useful for future classes.

NOTE: Feel free to be honest and direct here; you won’t be judged in any way for any criticisms that you may offer!

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