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BUSI 511

Research Project (Annotated Bibliography) Grading Rubric (50 Points)


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Levels of Achievement

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Content 70%




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Total Points


Points: 10

· There is a clear, well-focused topic for each entry.

· Every annotation has sentences that demonstrate high-level critical thinking skills in summaries, opinions, and applications.

· All supportive facts are reported accurately with proper use of quotation marks for all sources.

Points: 8 to 9

· Most entries contain a focused topic.

· Most annotations have sentences that demonstrate well-developed critical thinking skills in summaries, opinions, and applications.

· Most supportive facts are reported accurately; use of quotation marks for all sources is evident.

Points: 1 to 7

· Some entries contain a topic; focus or clarity of entry needs some development.

· Some annotations have sentences that demonstrate basic critical thinking skills in summaries, opinions, and applications.

· Some supportive facts are reported accurately; use of quotation marks for most sources is evident.

Points: 0

· Focus is unclear or missing based on the entries provided.

· Does not fully demonstrate critical thinking skills in summaries, opinions, and applications.

· Supportive facts are not reported accurately; use of quotation marks for all sources is not evident.



Points: 10

· All sources used for quotations and facts are credible.

· Minimum of 20 sources that are less than 10 years old.

Points: 8 to 9

· Most sources used for quotations and facts are credible.

· Only 10–19 sources provided.

Points: 1 to 7

· Some sources used for quotations and facts are credible.

· Only 5–9 sources provided.

Points: 0

· Sources are not credible

· Less than 5 sources are present.



Points: 14 to 15

· All citations follow current APA formatting with no errors.

Points: 13

· Sources are cited with 1–2 errors in current APA format.

Points: 1 to 12

· Sources are cited with 2–4 errors in current APA format.

Points: 0

· Sources are cited with 5 or more errors in current APA format.

Structure 30%



Spelling/ Grammar

Points: 14 to 15

· Spelling and grammar are correct.

Points: 13

· Spelling and grammar are mostly correct with only 1–2 errors noted.

Points: 1 to 12

· Spelling and grammar require further review with 3–6 errors noted.

Points: 0

· Spelling and grammar review is not evident or incomplete; 7 or more errors are noted.


BUSI 511

Research Paper – Annotated Bibliography Instructions

After choosing a topic for the Research Paper, your group will complete an Annotated Bibliography using the template provided. The Annotated Bibliography cannot be completed until the instructor approves the topic submitted by the group. This assignment must be used as a beginning point in the research for your project. It may also be used to help you begin exploring ideas or concepts you find interesting within the realm of the topics covered in the course. Use the

Jerry Falwell Library Research Portal

and identify at least 20 scholarly articles from peer-reviewed journals addressing your topic. All references must be less than 10 years old. The assignment must be in current APA format. Use the Group Discussion Board to divide up the work among group members. When using the provided template, delete current material and replace it with your own material. Refer to the Research Paper – Annotated Bibliography Grading Rubric for assignment expectations. When the assignment is returned, read all instructor feedback in order to implement it on future assignments.

One group member must submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 3.

BUSI 511


Research Project – Annotated Bibliography Template

Criterion prompts to consider for bibliography content:

· A brief statement regarding the author and his or her credentials as an authority.

· A concise statement regarding the relevance of the article for your topic.

· A salient or meaningful quote from the article that you would likely cite if you were to write an essay on this topic.

Do not include this first page of the instructions in your Annotated Bibliography—it is provided here only for instructional purposes. Your Annotated Bibliography will have the above title and start with the below section.

Annotated Bibliography

(All Group Members’ Names)

Liberty University

Statement of Topic

Kiyonaga (2004) suggests that “the aging of the largest generation the United States has ever known will affect every social institution from employment to health care. Precisely what the impact will be is, like all future events, still a matter of prediction. That there will be a major impact is not” (p. 357). This paper will seek to provide a perspective on the aging of the workforce with specific attention given to: the potential roles available for the aging worker, the training available and offered the aging worker, an exploration of implications for the organization, and finally the role the strategic HR function plays in propelling the organization forward in dealing with this issue.

Kondrasuk, J. N., Moore, H. L., & Wang, H. (2001). Negligent hiring: The emerging

contributor to workplace violence in the public sector. Public Personnel

Management, 30(2), 185. Retrieved from

This article contributes significant and relevant statistics which confirm the pervasiveness of violent incidents in general. The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) found that 20 persons were murdered at work every week. Nationally, homicide is the second highest overall cause of workplace-related deaths; for female workers, homicide is the leading cause of workplace deaths. Workplace violence now accounts for 15 percent of the more than 6.5 million violent acts experienced by U. S. residents who are age 12 or older (para 7). Kondrasuk provides information also related to a suggested cause or contributor to the violence—negligent hiring practices. Numerous suggestions are given throughout the materials researched for the paper, giving additional thought to the causes of workplace violence. However, Kondrasuk gives weight to not only a passing platitude, but supports the concept of negligent hiring with law and concurrent tort law claims.

Smith, S. J. (2002). Workplace violence. Professional Safety, 47(11), 34. Retrieved from

Smith (2002) gives critical analysis to the topic of workplace violence and highlights how ill-prepared most U.S. companies are when faced with the reality of violence. In the research, she provides several real world examples of workplace violence, the behavioral backgrounds and pre-incident behaviors of the employees committing the violent acts. Smith (2002) further contends that “employers have both a legal duty and moral obligation to provide a safe workplace” (p. 39). In addition to this insight, the article contributes to the impact, causes, and prevention of workplace violence. The suggestions are pliable to almost any organization.

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