Week 4 English Essay


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Week 4 Assignment: Revised Persuasive EssayIn week three, you composed a plan for your 

persuasive essay. Remember the instructions from week three: This assignment is based on research. It is not simply an expression of your opinion. A persuasive essay requires you to investigate a topic by conducting research,  evaluating evidence; and establishing a position based on what you have learned.  Each claim in your thesis should be supported by reliable evidence. The goal is to persuade a reader to adopt a certain point of view using sound reasoning and solid evidence by stating facts, giving logical reasons, using examples, and quoting experts. Final Persuasive Essay should be a polished error-free document.  It is recommended that you review and complete the revision worksheet  before finalize submission.

  • The Final essay should include a thesis statement, clear position on chosen topic, acknowledgment of the opposing view, clear purpose and direction, and effective conclusion.
  • Revised essay should be error free and consistent in tone, point of view and verb tense.
  • Three reliable sources are required to support your position.
  • Reliable sources include Keiser Library, Google scholar, and others approved by your instructor.
  • See Revision Worksheet and Rubric for guidance and assessment of you work.

Choose one of the following Writing Suggestions or you may choose a topic relevant to your career or studies.  The topic must be debatable (have two opposing sides), research based (use facts, not personal opinion) and relevant to your career.  See page 172 for further guidance.

  • IMMIGRATION: Should the U.S. offer a path to citizenship/legal residency for illegal immigrants?
  • MINIMUM WAGE: Should the minimum wage be raised from its current $7.25 per hour?
  • ENVIRONMENT: Should the US support initiatives that restrict carbon emissions (or carbon pollution)?


  • 1000 words (minimum) persuasive essay
  • Minimum of three sources with in-text citations
  • Microsoft word  document in APA format including title page, reference page.
  • Submission to OWL is recommended

Please review attached document for the proper format for your papers.  Please note the following:

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  • All papers must be Microsoft Word documents.
  • The paper is double-spaced in Times New Roman, size 12, and has no extra spaces between the paragraphs.
  • The paper uses one-inch margins and half-inch indentions for the beginning of paragraphs. You can set this up in Microsoft Word to automatically default to these settings for your paper.
  • Paper should include title page, body text and reference page.


  • Title the Word document JonesA_ Persuasive Essay (change JonesA to your last name and first initial). If you have a title for the essay, center it as a double-spaced half-line just above the text.
  • At the top of page click on Week 4: Persuasive Essay
  • A new page will open where you can submit your document as an ATTACHMENT.
  • Do not paste your essay into the comment box.
  • Make sure that you have actually attached the document.

English Composition

I: Persuasive Essay Worksheet

Johnny Andino

Keiser University

English Composition

Mr. Johnson

In order to complete this assignment, respond to each prompt alongside the symbol

The following questions will ask you to consider the following elements necessary to compose your essay.

· Thesis statement

· Supporting claims

· Sources

· Opposing view

· Audience

· Goal (conclusion)

To compose your thesis statement, follow this example

Topic MINIMUM WAGE: Should the minimum wage be raised from its current $7.25 per hour?

Argument: I think it should not be raised.

#1 Reason that supports your argument: Increasing the minimum wage per hour is not a solution to eradicate poverty

#2 Reason that supports your argument: Increasing the wage limit also means that the economy risks saturation

#3 Reason that supports your argument: Increasing the minimum wage limit also affects the skill level that companies require when hiring.

Compose your thesis statement:

Minimum Wage should not be raised because increasing the minimum wage has numerous adverse effects on the economy and the people. The current minimum wage limit has been beneficial to many people in the United States. Despite there being a lot of low-income individuals, they can still afford necessities to run their lives

Write your topic sentence #1 here

Increasing the minimum wage per hour is not a solution to eradicate poverty. People understandably feel oppressed by the standard income rate. However, this is the best solution to stabilizing an economy.The current $7.25 wage per hour is enough at the moment. Consideration for increasing the wage will eventually be put up at some point. However, the process is gradual as it is subject to numerous algorithms. An abrupt increase in the minimum wage limit per hour pushes most companies out of businesses.

Write your topic sentence #2 here

Increasing the wage limit also means that the economy risks saturation. When there is a lot of cash flow in the economy, the price of goods consequently increases to balance the economic scale. Therefore, even with low-income people earning highly, the cost of living will be too high for them to afford. The result is an increased level of poverty and a wide gap between the poor and the rich.

Write your topic sentence here #3

Increasing the minimum wage limit also affects the skill level that companies require when hiring. When companies are forced to pay their employees highly, they result in raising the bar in terms of qualifications. High academic qualifications and many years of experience will be a requirement for hiring members of the staff (Gorry & Jackson, 2017). Most young people under the age of 24 will be shut by the move as they have no years of experience nor high academic qualifications.

Identify, summarize and align your sources.

Source (APA reference) #1:

Bradley, D. H. (2017). The Federal Minimum Wage: In Brief.

This source supports the sentence #1 because increasing minimum wage can cause many companies to go out of business as they will require more funds to pay the salaries.

Source (APA reference) #2:

Gorry, A., & Jackson, J. J. (2017). A note on the nonlinear effect of minimum wage increases. Contemporary Economic Policy, 35(1), 53-61.

This source supports sentence #2 because increasing minimum wage will increase the gap between rich and poor and therefore, it will cause unbalance when comes to lifestyle. There will be a high rise in terms of security in that at the end they have to earn a living and therefore, when there is no balance between the poor and rich in terms of wage there is a high crime rate for the society. The source points out the disadvantages of raising wages when also comes to high cost of living.

Source (APA reference) #3:

Gorry, A., & Jackson, J. J. (2017). A note on the nonlinear effect of minimum wage increases. Contemporary Economic Policy, 35(1), 53-61.

This source supports sentence #3 as it says that increasing the minimum wage will affect the skill set that companies consider when hiring. This is because at the end the company has to make profit and therefore, thy have to raise their skills proportional to the wages. This scenario will actually result to unemployment for the youths who have newly graduated. It therefore make sense that increase of the wages affects not only the company but also the clients. I therefore, reject the proposal of increasing the wages unless there is a convincing reason to do. Secondly, unless there is an assurance that when the wage is increased, it does not interfere with the company and the employers.

A persuasive essay presents a debatable topic. State the opposing view to your position.

The opposing view of this topic is that the minimum wage should be increased in order to improve quality of life. The perception of better life should be accompanied with increase wages does not add up. This however has caused a lot of misinformation and has resulted to increase in cost of living.

Define your audience. Audience is not the instructor or your peers (necessarily) but the persons or group you would like to convince that your position is valid and should be considered.

Audience of this essay are the persons who think that the minimum wage should be increased.

In the conclusion, you will restate the main argument. What is the goal of your essay? Write a statement that communicates the outcome or change you would like to see based on your argument.

The minimum wage should not be increased as it will adversely affect the economy. It will increase the gap between rich and poor and many people will less skill set will become jobless.

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