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Recommending courses for the local community college

Memo of transmittal

Local community college





Local college



I submit herein a recommendation in support of research that I have carried out on the local community. I have identified the role that the community college plays and the skills that are required in the job industry. I have recommended the courses which the community college can offer and at what level. I hope that this report will help in improving the quality of education offered at the college. Thank you.

Memo of transmittal


List of illustration








List of illustration

Figure 1: Image of the importance of a strong college community



The local community is a place where employers can send employees to improve upon their skills. It is also the place where young students out of high school can acquire knowledge and be prepared for the job market. The local community has been able to fulfill this responsibility, for the young students, internships, and connecting them with potential employers has helped in the smooth transition from being a student to being a worker. There are skills which are increasingly becoming more important and they are in the fields of human resource and information technology. Adding courses in these fields will help the community college to better serve the local community.


Figure 1: Image of the importance of a strong college community

The local community college has provided conducive employment for people to upgrade their skills. In employment, there is development in technology which may lead to some people becoming redundant in their places of work. However, with the local community college, this challenge can be eliminated by people obtaining knowledge and improving their knowledge in their areas of expertise. In the business world, advancements take place in the areas of information technology and accounting. These are the areas where employees can be easily rendered redundant as they may not be able to keep up with emerging technology. However, by providing courses in these areas, the local community college is helping the workers in the local community to stay employed.

The population at the community college is also comprised of young individuals who have not entered the job market yet. In addition to educating them and equipping them with the skills required in the job market, there are other approaches that it is taking to prepare them. First, they have internship programs where the students can work at local organizations during their study period. This way, they can obtain firsthand experience and translate the theory they learn into a practical way. This way, the students are aware of what to expect when they enter the local job market. Additionally, the local community college helps to connect the graduating students with potential employers. This way, the students can be able to acquire gainful employment after they have graduated.

In the modern world, the most in-demand skills are in the area of information technology. This is a wide field and a small local community college cannot be able to cover all the areas associated with it. There are courses in this field that are offered and it is helping the community to stay up to date with the technological developments taking place in the world. The field of human resource has also become increasingly important and the community college should offer courses in this field. The level of courses offered at the community college are certificates and associate degrees. Local community colleges are not accredited to offer degree programs.

This is an important institution in the local community as it offers many benefits to the local community. It embraces both the students who have not entered the workplace and those already in the workplace. For the community college to remain relevant within the community, it should carry out periodic studies to determine the skills required within the community. This way, they can adjust the courses they offer to reflect the skills which are required within the community.


Alekseeva, L., Azar, J., Gine, M., Samila, S., & Taska, B. (2020). The demand for AI skills in the labor market.

Baker, R., Bettinger, E., Jacob, B., & Marinescu, I. (2018). The effect of labor market information on community college students’ major choice. Economics of Education Review, 65, 18-30.

Melton, E. K., & Meier, K. J. (2017). For the want of a nail: The interaction of managerial capacity and human resource management on organizational performance. Public Administration Review, 77(1), 118-130.

Stange, K. (2012). Ability sorting and the importance of college quality to student achievement: Evidence from community colleges. Education Finance and policy, 7(1), 74-105.

Annotated bibliography

Alekseeva, L., Azar, J., Gine, M., Samila, S., & Taska, B. (2020). The demand for AI skills in the labor market.

This article highlights the fact that the demand for AI skills has increased over the years. This is demonstrated by the increase in the number of online postings that require AI skills. AI is an area in information technology. These jobs are also associated with higher wage premiums.

Baker, R., Bettinger, E., Jacob, B., & Marinescu, I. (2018). The effect of labor market information on community college students’ major choice. Economics of Education Review, 65, 18-30.

The article states that the primary role of community colleges is to prepare the students for the labor market. It highlights the factor that determines the major choice made by the students. Additionally, the perceptions of the labor market by the students are also highlighted. The data shows a lack of preparedness on the part of the students. It is the community college’s role to ensure that this is carried out.

Melton, E. K., & Meier, K. J. (2017). For the want of a nail: The interaction of managerial capacity and human resource management on organizational performance. Public Administration Review, 77(1), 118-130.

There is great importance for public organizations to manage human resource and capacity effectively. Without this department, the operations within the organizations would not be smooth. This is a field whose skills are ever required in the labor market.

Stange, K. (2012). Ability sorting and the importance of college quality to student achievement: Evidence from community colleges. Education Finance and policy, 7(1), 74-105.

The quality of an institution has an impact on the educational attainment of its students. In many institutions of higher learning, the quality of the institution is often determined by the student’s capability. This is because more capable students end up in better colleges compared to the less capable students. It is therefore the mandate of the community college to ensure that it has a high standing and improving its quality.

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