652 DQ W 11-12


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Instructions for Answer to 4 Question

1- After Each DQ (question), write down references

2- 300 minimum words for every DQ, you can go up to 800 words but answer should be complete.

3- 2-3 Peer Reviewed/ scholarly references for each question

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4- References should be within 4 years

5- I am in acute care nurse practitioner program.

6- The response to the DQ is expected to be a minimum of 300 words. A minimum of two peer reviewed/ scholarly  resources are expected. These need to be appropriate for a clinical professional to guide decisions about patient care. If a textbook is used for one of these responses, the other needs to be journal or professional-level website. The references need to be correctly formatted, as do the citations for those references.  “ Question words” don’t count towards 300 minimum count”

Question 1

You are an AGACNP practicing as an oncology nurse practitioner on a 20-bed inpatient oncology unit at a tertiary care center. You are tasked with admitting a patient with a chief complaint of an acute oncologic disease state (Lymphomas).

Lymphomas Summarize the pathology, etiology, modifiable and nonmodifiable risk factors, pertinent signs and symptoms, diagnostics, treatment regimens to include both pharmacological and nonpharmacological, and nutritional approaches for one of the following.

Question 2

Cancer and the associated side effects of cancer treatments are often devastating and exhausting for both the patients and their families. Discuss the patient-centered, family-inclusive, and Christian-oriented approach that you will use in your future practice when working with cancer patients. Include your approach to revealing a new diagnosis, respecting nontraditional or alternative treatment regimens, adhering to a patient’s wishes for nontreatment, palliation, and end-of-life care.

Question 3

1. You are an AGACNP practicing as a hospitalist nurse practitioner in a 200-bed community hospital. You have pulmonology and critical care consultant teams available, as well as a 15-bed critical care unit. You are tasked with admitting a patient with a chief complaint of an acute pulmonology state.( Pulmonary Fibrosis)

Pulmonary Fibrosis Summarize pathology, etiology, modifiable and nonmodifiable risk factors, pertinent signs and symptoms, diagnostics, treatment regimens to include both pharmacological and nonpharmacological, and nutritional approaches for one of the following.

Question 4

Compare and contrast BIPAP and CPAP as pulmonary interventions

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