Health Care Marketing Business Plan Project


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I’m doing a Health Care Marketing Business Plan Project. The 1st step to this plan was the Health Care Organization Selection which is already completed.  

 I had to select a Not-for-profit or For-profit Health Care Organization for this Business Plan. The chosen health care organization will either market a new product or service to a specific target market.  

United Health Group Incorporated is the healthcare organization I selected to use for my project. It is an American profit-making healthcare organization situated in Minnetonka, Minnesota. I’ve chosen to market Dialysis Centers. (I will attach this assignment, so you’ll have the information needed to revise, and finish the 5 phases for this project).  

This plan will include 5 phases which will be broken up. The phases are:  

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Phase 1: Executive Summary  

Phase 2: Company Profile & Industry Overview  

Phase 3: Service Overview, Competitive Analysis, Marketing Mix  

Phase 4: Service Delivery Plan and Human Resources Plan  

Phase 5: Financial Statement and Balance Sheets  

However, for now I only need you to do phase 1 which is the  Executive summary.   

Phase I: Executive Summary   

 • a summary of the planning issue, which includes a new product, new service opportunity, or process improvement issue.   

• A future –oriented, two-page document demonstrating knowledge of the issue and provides the prospective value   

• What to include in the Executive Summary:   

  • An introduction to your business plan which involves a discussion of the new service opportunity, cost saving measure, or process improvement.   
  • Marketing Highlights:   

                 a. Make a list of the distinctive features by answering these questions:   

  • What is the real value regardless of the type of project?   
  • What will the product/service save the organization in dollars? (estimated guess, doesn’t have to be accurate)   

Ex: What savings or profits will it generate by improving efficiency? Or what saving or profits will it generate by developing a new service? Or what will it bring by bringing in paying patients or no-show patients?   

3. Targeting Market Summary: Answer the following questions:   

  • Who is your target market?   
  • Who benefits from this plan?  
  •  Is the market internal, external, or both?  

4. Competitive Analysis (if a new service opportunity):   

  • Who else is doing it?   
  • Provide a competitive analysis.  

5. Key Marketing Strategies – Refer to Chapter 2   

  • What key marketing strategies will you use?  
  •  How will you get compliance of patients, staff, the board, or referral services?   

6. Operational Highlights   

  • Are there any critical legal or regulatory constraints? -Refer to Chapter 3   

7. Intermediary Concerns or Issues   

  •  Are there any noteworthy issues with referrals or other entities?  


Executive Summary (2 pages)   

 • Marketing Highlights   

• Targeting Market Summary  

 • Competitive Analysis   

• Key Marketing Strategies   

• Operational Highlights   

• Intermediary Concerns   


APA Format  

 Use of References  





Health Care Organization Selection

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Health Care Organization Selection

United Health Group Incorporated is the healthcare organization I selected to use for my project. It is an American profit-making healthcare organization situated in Minnetonka, Minnesota. United Health Group was the largest insurance organization by Net Premiums and the second-largest healthcare agency by finance with $242.2 billion. The company’s revenue includes 80 percent of the Group’s total finance(CAMERON & ROGERSON, n.d). The 2020 Fortune 500 ranked the organization at number seven.

I choose to market Dialysis Centers

. United Health Group Inc. is a global leader in assisting people in living healthier lives by creating a beneficial healthcare system that works for everybody. Its mission and values include seeking to enhance the health performance and improving overall health and the well-being of individuals they serve together with their communities (UnitedHealth Group, n.d). With their integrity and values, the company promises to honor their commitments, never compromise their moral code alongside their promise to offer the best standards and deliver on them.

As UnitedHealth Group realized in its 2018 yearly review, the United States is in the early phases of a dramatic healthcare re-envisioning thanks to developments in technology, legislative changes, and more. The organization purposes to be at the forefront of these new improvements(UnitedHealth Group, n.d). As a result, the company aims to introduce artificial intelligence to improve patients’ product offerings and care. The company also aims to develop alongside e-commerce changes, plus retail landscapes, especially regarding OptumRx platform.

The organization has various segments that manage its operations, such as the health benefits department responsible for managing health maintenance organization, point-of-sale plans, and preferred provider organization. Others are Medicaid, Medicare, state-sponsored, and supplemental dental and vision options(UnitedHealth Group, n.d). Additionally, there are UnitedHealth’s Optum health services units. Optum is a leading information and automated healthcare services business devoted to assisting in making the medical care system work better for everyone. They includeOptumRx, OptumInsight, and OptumHealth. They provide care management services and well-being, financial services, pharmacy benefit management services, and information technology solutions. United Health Group Incorporation also works with UnitedHealthcare as its healthcare benefits business.

I choose to market Dialysis Centers


CAMERON, M., & ROGERSON, W. UnitedHealth GROUP INC. (n.d.).

UnitedHealth Group. (n.d.). Welcome to UnitedHealth group.

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