2500 word paper on Samsung Cross-cultural management.

 Central idea: Cross-cultural management by Samsung will prove to be a blueprint for other multinational companies with the continuity of the learning community and the extension of cultural instruction to the entire workforce.

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This assignment requires that you explore a key aspect of cross-cultural management, and prepare a substantive outline detailing the program that you intend to design, develop, implement, and maintain for the benefit of the organization identified.

Topic: Samsung’s need for cross-cultural management training of expatriates continues to grow in order to appreciate and honor the culture of the host country


Cross-Cultural Management

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Samsung’s Cross-cultural Management

General Purpose:

To persuade

Specific Purpose:

To persuade my listeners that the foundation of global business relations is cross-cultural management.

Central Idea:

Cross-cultural management by Samsung will prove to be a blueprint for other multinational companies with the continuity of the learning community and the extension of cultural instruction to the entire workforce.


I. Attention Material

A. Samsung

1. In many ways, Samsung is a world pioneer and most of its advancement could be attributed to its organizational culture.

2. Samsung joined the electronics arena in 1968 and by numerous mergers until 1977, when it eventually became Samsung Electronics Industry Corporation Ltd. (Samsung, 2020).

3. This international expansion forced Samsung to expand its focus from local culture to international culture. Training was needed for expatriates, management in particular, in cross-cultural management.

B. Samsung’s cross-cultural management to expand globally

1. Samsung has grown internationally quite rapidly, needing a large knowledge base in local and global culture to ensure its continued growth.

2. Samsung not only recognized the value of culture, but also concentrated on the consistency of the organization and its goods.

3. This involves ongoing cross-cultural training for staff and managers, family cultural training and a mentorship program.

II. Orienting Material

A. It is important to know the culture of the region or country in which business is conducted for a positive outcome.

B. From its creation, Samsung has retained a cultural importance on consistency that has evolved over time.

C. The Samsung focused on the quality of three things, its products, persons, and management (Shin & Kim, 2015).

D. Dialog takes place only after the sides agree to exchange information to ensure that the transmission of information takes place.

(Transition: Over the years, as national cultural values shifted, the corporate culture of Samsung changed with it.)


I. During the 1990s, Samsung launched what it called “new management” (Samsung, 2020).

A. The focus of this cultural change was to establish a new management that held the same ideals and the same vision of corporate culture.

1. Samsung was expanding internationally at this period, and management was forced to travel to locations around the world.

2. The Samsung system enables workers to stay in a different country for up to two years in order to study the region and history, making them experts in the region’s language, cultures, and business.

3. Samsung sent more than 5,000 foreigners to more than 170 locations in more than 80 countries from 1990 and 2014.

(Transition: Each organization has training plans, but the nature of the training differs between companies.)

II. Better approaches for the effective implementation of the change

A. Global organizations need extra preparation for expatriates, and cross-cultural management should be protected by a specific starting point. Dialog can minimize tension in cross-culture problems.

B. A number of expatriates have been at the managerial level and cultural training is necessary when planning to move to a foreign country with a culture other than one’s own.

C. As a multinational player, Samsung has done business successfully in 61 countries so setting up a new guideline to assess the success of the employee is key.

(Transition: Ask for feedback.)

III. Recommendation and possible outcome.

A. Consultation with stakeholders, due to opposition to reform, is necessary to minimize confrontation.

B. Offer small benefits to boost productivity of jobs. Bagels will show staff that they are valued by the organization without having a dent in the end result on Friday, a quarterly team picnic, or even a basic t-shirt. Best of all, ask them what they will really desire.

(Transition: Conclusion.)


I. Summary

A. Cross-cultural management is a crucial component of a competitive organization.

B. It is a field of study that has been heavily researched, and companies, particularly global enterprises, attach importance to it.

C. In particular, Samsung’s need for cross-cultural management training of expatriates continues to grow in order to appreciate and honor the culture of the host country.


Beugelsdijk, S., Kostova, T., & Roth, K. (2017). An overview of Hofstede-inspired country-level culture research in international business since 2006. Journal of International Business Studies, 48(1), 30–47. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41267-016-0038-8

Burris, M. (2020, February 03). The History of Samsung (1938-Present). Retrieved May 17, 2020, from


History: Company: Samsung US (2020). Retrieved May 17, 2020, from https://www.samsung.com /us/aboutsamsung/company/history/

Matthews, L. C., & Thakkar, B. (2012). The Impact of Globalization on Cross-Cultural

Communication. Globalization – Education and Management Agendas, 325-340.


Shin, W., & Kim, C. (2015). Samsung’s journey to excellence in quality. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 7(2/3), 312–320. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJQSS-03-2015-0036

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