Lab Work – Phys

Lab Work – Phys;

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304/314 LAB: Simple pendulum

Student name: ………………………………… ID: …………………………………… Objectives:

1. To verify the formula







2. To determine the gravitational acceleration by using a simple pendulum.

Part 1:

1. Select a suitable initial length and mass for the pendulum (for which the pendulum does not swing too fast or too slow) for example 30 cm and 1.0 kg.

2. Start by displacing the pendulum through a small angle (less than 10o) then release it.

3. Complete the table below.



= __________(s)


= ________________(s)


% error = || x 100 =___________________



Part 2 : Determining the acceleration due to gravity (gexpt) by using the simple pendulum

1. Choose a single pendulum with a mass of 1.0 kg.

2. Select a Non friction and the earth gravity.

3. Start with a 30cm length of the pendulum then pull it slightly with a small angle then release it.

4. Record the periodic time.

5. Change the length to 40cm and record T.

6. Repeat step 5 with another lengths; 50, 60, 70cm, ……

7. Record the data in the following table.


0.30 m

0.40 m

0.50 m

0.60 m

0.70 m

0.80 m



Plot the graph (T2 vs L) using a graph paper or Microsoft Excel and find the slope.

Substitute value of the slope from above in the following equation


𝑔𝑒𝑥𝑝 = 𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒 = ___________________

Calculate the % 𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 = |


−𝑔𝑒𝑥𝑝| 𝑥100 = ___________________________




Summary Template

Lab #_____

Experiment Title_____________________________________

Objective [5 points]

The purpose of this experiment was to determine …………………………

(here, state the goal(s) for performing this lab. What were you trying to measure or investigate?)

Experimental Procedure and Data Analysis [5 points]

Describe in your own words how the experiment/simulation was carried out step by step. Simply copying and pasting from the lab manual will not earn you any points. Your description should be brief but detailed enough to the extent that anyone reading your summary would be able to repeat the experiment or simulation. Remember that your whole summary must not exceed 1 page.

Sources of Error [5 points]

(here, document the possible sources of error that may limit the accuracy of your measurements. Generic phrases like: “Human error”, “Calculation error”, “machine error” do not count)

Precautions [5 points]

(here list all the necessary precautions that should be taken to ensure the most accurate results/measurements)

Conclusion [5 points]

(here mention which specific physics concept(s) you learned from this lab and make a comment on the level of accuracy based on the percent error if the percent error was calculated)


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