CMIS 342 Team Project: D5 Analysis Section Draft Instructions

In a Word document you will complete four items for this deliverable. (10 points)

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(1) Provide a one (1) page (single-spaced, Times New Roman 12 font, standard margins) summary, including in-text citations. This is a draft of the Analysis section, which gets into details and will include a lot of citations (but other sections will use citations too!). First, include any cost estimates you can obtain from good sources. Then move into benefits, limitations, and risks; I recommend you make each of those a subsection within the Analysis section. Try to include some numbers with dollar signs in the Analysis section, from some good sources.

(a) Cost estimates – specific and measurable

(b) Benefits should convey specific benefits that companies have reported (with citations).

(c) Limitations should speak to aspects of the IS/IT that users report to be lacking, or cumbersome, or in need of improvement or extension in some way (with citations).

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(d) Risks are the things that need to be on management’s radar screen as they move forward in their consideration of the IS/IT: potential pitfalls that have been reported, problems that can arise in implementing the technology, other issues (e.g., is there a dark side to this technology, socially speaking?). Most risks and potential pitfalls will be gleaned from your sources (with citations), but if your team has additional thoughts on potential issues or pitfalls be sure to include those too (making clear that it is your own thinking).

*Note: you are writing this from an objective point of view. Therefore, you cannot use terms like “we”, “you”, “us”, etc. in this section.

*Note: refer to the
Common Writing Issues
document to improve your chances for a good score on this deliverable.

(2) On a second page include an APA formatted Reference list for this section. See the
Source Instruction
document for more details.

Business Case (Vets for Pets) and Topic List


Vets for Pets is a veterinary clinic that has been in practice for 10 years. They recently opened two new clinics, bringing the total number to three. The clinics operate within a 50-mile radius. Each clinic has the following pertinent attributes:

· Staff:

· 3 full-time and 2-part time veterinarians (vets)

· 8 full-time and 3-part time vet technicians (techs)

· 2 reception/check-out/scheduling staff

· Technology

· 2 desktop workstations at reception

· 2 desktop workstations at the techs’ stations

· 5 desktop workstations, one in each exam room

· 8 docked iPads for in-house use by vets and techs only

· 2 dedicated servers and 1 back-up server in an IT room

You and your team are charged with solving one of the following business problems. Only one team can address each problem. Your team MUST have requested and received confirmation of your requested topic! Now, you are ready to help Vets for Pets.

Business Problems

1. Cloud computing: Now that there are 3 clinics, Vets for Pets employees are wondering if utilizing the cloud would enhance their information storage and sharing, and thus aid in improving business function. Research cloud computing and make a recommendation.

Team 4

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing is used by many functional areas, including accounting, marketing, and operations. In the accounting area, many individuals use this to keep data/information updated and available to all people in the cloud. The marketing area uses cloud computing through marketing automation. This “is a cloud-based service that massively reduces the time that business owners need to spend on such routine tasks, thereby ensuring precision and optimization of business resources” (Blaisdell, 2015). In operations, cloud computing is used to keep information flowing and up to data when needed. All of the individuals in these functional areas use cloud computing. The business processes that are impacted with cloud computing are purchasing, operations, and sales. Cloud computing is a real time continuous software that will keep all the information up to date.

One way that cloud computing is being used is to reduce IT costs. By using cloud computing you can use resources from your service provider, rather than buying pricey equipment and systems. Another positive to using cloud computing is the possibility of reducing operating costs. You can reduce the cost by less staff, less energy consumption, and no longer needing to update the system (Employment, 2020). Flexibility of work practices is another benefit to cloud computing. With cloud computing you have the ability to work anywhere during anytime of the day (Employment, 2020). While there are many benefits to cloud computing, there are some negatives to adapting to it. One of the main risks to cloud computing is having less control and visibility to your data. In the article, “Why Your Business Should be Adopting Cloud-based IT Services”, it mentions that “The cloud provider may store some of your data on their servers” (2020). This is giving a third-party access to your information, giving it a better chance for your information to be leaked. Another risk to cloud computing is not having complete control of your data. In some cases, cloud service providers store data in various places. “When you delete data, this makes it more difficult to know whether all instances of it have been erased” (2020).

Cloud computing services have a wide range of services that they provide. They range from full application to virtual desktops. Some of the top cloud computing service providers are Amazon Web Services, Kamatera Cloud, and Linode (2021).

Many companies use cloud computing to improve their business process. One example is, “The platform enables building, deploying, and managing applications, as well as offering access to online tools, frameworks, and services of Microsoft or Non-Microsoft services. Microsoft operates a global network of partners distributing the Dynamics products to clients” (Nieuwenhuis 2018). Nieuwenhuis demonstrates the capabilities of what Microsoft’s cloud computing can do to benefit a busines by giving the business the tools needed along with the expertise to teach businesses how to use the tools.

Another instance of cloud computing is the use in the banking industry. International Banker states banks use cloud computing for agile innovation in which it helps banks by enhancing agility, efficiency, and productivity. Cloud computing also helps lower risk by helping with security issues. Lastly, there are cost benefits by allowing the banks the option to not create their own IT infrastructure, and instead they purchase from the cloud only the amount the bank needs (Umansky 2018).


Blaisdell, R. (2015, February 04). Uses of cloud computing in marketing.

Retrieved February 21, 2021, from

Employment, S. (2020, December 01). Benefits of cloud computing.

Retrieved February 21, 2021, from

Lambert J.M. Nieuwenhuis, Michel L. Ehrenhard, Lars Prause, (2018 April). The shift to Cloud Computing: The impact of disruptive technology on the enterprise software business ecosystem, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 129, 2018, Pages 308-313

Top 25 cloud computing service provider COMPANIES (2021). (n.d.).

Retrieved February 21, 2021, from

Umansky, M. (2018, September 03). The impact of cloud computing on the banking sector.

Retrieved February 22, 2021, from

Why your business should be adopting cloud-based it services. (2020, November 30).

Retrieved February 21, 2021, from

Project Scope Statement



The final solution will give clinic how to use and operate cloud computing. Cloud Computing is an on-demand computer system resources. Especially for data storage and computer power, without direct active management by the user. 


The final product will be delivered on 12th March,2021 

Other sub-deliverables that will lead to final presentation will be  

· Project Definition (Scope Statement) Due by 31st January 2021

· Project Outline and Project plan (Work Breakdown structure) Due by 7th February 2021

· Trends Draft Due by 21st February 2021  

· Analysis Draft Due by 26th February 2021

· Introduction Draft Due by 7th March 2021  


Some of the sources that we will use are:


Employment, S. (2020, December 01). Benefits of cloud

computing. Retrieved February 01, 2021, from


Strickland, J. (2008, April 08). How Cloud Computing Works. Retrieved February

01, 2021, from


Advantages of Cloud Computing for Businesses: LeadingEdge. (n.d.). Retrieved

February 01, 2021, from


Why Your Business Should Be Adopting Cloud-Based IT Services. (2020,

November 30). Retrieved February 01, 2021, from





Our goal as a team is to Analyze Vets for Pets veterinary clinic’s problem and develop Cloud Computing Solution for the clinic. 



The purpose of this project is to gain in-dept knowledge about Cloud Computing and to develop an effective solution to Vets and Pets Clinic which will allow them and addition two new clinic to store and their data and perform managerial duties efficiently. 


Vets and Pets Clinic is a renowned Clinic in the area with more 10 years of active recognition. As of now, they have opened two new clinic and they need a effective way to manage and store their data effectively and efficiently.   


As a team we all assume each member will contribute to the project equally and will stay loyal to the deadlines. For the recourses to complete the project we all assume all the member as a working computer device and access to internet. We also assume all the group member will communicate and contribute wilt integrity.  


Communication Plan 

Our main communication will be through text messaging app called group me and secondary mean of communication and communication with project sponsor  will be Microsoft teams and e-mails.   


Documentation Plan 

Project documents will be kept in Microsoft teams. 



and Signatures 

of Acceptance 

Identify who the key stakeholders are, by name.  Be sure to include: 

Project Sponsor: Dr Connie S. Barber 

Project Client: Vets for Pets 

Project Manager: Andrew Bretman  

Project Team Members: 



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