Discuss why you have decided to complete your BSN at this time, and the concerns you have about completing your baccalaureate degree. Based on the readings in the course materials, what strategies can you implement to be a successful student?

Elizabeth Couturier

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I decided to complete my BSN to further my education and continue working toward becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner. For now, my interest is in the hospital setting. I like the fast pace and constantly changing environment. I work with many FNPs and I enjoy everything about them, their professionalism and knowledge is aspiring and makes me eager to work towards their level of education. The BSN program has interested me since I finished my ADN program, however sometimes life happens so quickly. When I was contacted by a recruiter from GCU that I was working with in the past, it seemed to me that must be a sign to jump right in!

Some of my concerns about completing the program center around the fact that it is mostly online based. I am worried about staying on task. Being a newer mother, I haven’t experienced going through school with a baby. I know sometimes it is going to be difficult to juggle home life with school and I am hopeful that I am able to manage my time wisely. I also feel that for me, writing papers is not my strong suit. The many resources GCU has available for writing papers eases my worries a little. I have the most difficult time with wording my papers. I am hopeful that this program will help me master these skills and prepare me for further education.

The article about “7 Habits of Highly Effective Nursing Student” will be most helpful in the BSN program as all 7 habits are very good habits to have. Thinking back to nursing school I feel I mastered some of these well, however at that time I had less responsibilities. I was very fortunate to have a husband and parents that helped support me and no littles to rely on me. This time around is a little different. As it talks about focusing and eliminating distractions, this will be my biggest challenge.


Murphy, P. (2015, October 13). 7 habits of highly effective nursing students. Retrieved February 23, 2021, from 

7 Habits of Highly Effective Nursing Students

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