BA 2 Part Assignment

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APA Formatturnitinpolitical science

· Due on 2/21/21 Sunday @7pm EST

· APA Format

· Length: Cover letter to Congressman should be only 1 page (Part 1)

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· Length: Term Paper should be 4 – 5 pages (Part 2)

· Submit through Turnitin and provide a report


Part 1: Cover Letter

The first part involves assuming the role of a lobbyist, attempting to convince a legislator to see the merits of your position on an American political issue at hand. The “issue at hand” can be any issue related to American government and politics, such as health care reform, immigration policy, gun control, abortion rights, among many, many others. This should take the form of a formal letter, addressing any government official that represents you (typically, students choose to address their respective member of the House of Representatives). The letter portion of this assignment is to be one full page of content, single-spaced. In addition, it should be addressed to the member of the House of Representatives that represents your congressional district or to one of the two United States Senators that represents your home state. Please – do not address your letter to a member of your respective state government. I understand, as well as respect, the idea that you may not agree with those who represent you in the United States Congress. However, that is part of the challenge of this assignment; to attempt to convince whoever it is that represents you in Congress of your point of view. 

Cover letter should:

· Follow a standard business format

· Correctly address your Congressperson

· Use the correct postal address

· Explain your choice to write to this representative in particular, and provide your pamphlet. For example, maybe your research showed that this representative sponsored legislation on this issue in the past.

Part 2: Term Paper

The second part involves you putting together a four to five-page term paper, double-spaced using 12-point font, which is to serve as a background guide on the issue. Put more simply, this paper is to be a background analysis of the issue you chose to advocate a position on; tell me the “who, what, where, when, why, and how” of the issue. Also, provide a brief history of the issue, as well as explain why the issue is so important. Please make sure you are concise and thorough with this part of the assignment; this is where many students get tripped up. Some of you will end up writing more than four to five pages – that is OK! Remember, this is worth nearly two letter grades towards your overall final course grade. 

Term Paper should:

· Define the problem. Tells us exactly what the problem is. Detail its urgency and provide data. Be objective.

· Analyze the problem. Provide relevant data. Tell us how to make sense of the data. Provide any findings

· Offer a recommendation. Do not generalize. Be specific.

· Must be persuasive.

· Cite FOUR scholarly sources and provide link to the FULL journal or article

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