Economics Analysis for Managers

Q1. Utilizing the two sources of information below, explain the factors that can affect the relative value of one currency to another in the global economy.

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    American Express (

    Lumen: Microeconomics (

Again, using the same two sources, explain why U.S. presidents often favor a “lower dollar” over the course of their presidency.

    Explain the relationship between the relative value of the dollar and its relationship to U.S. exports and imports.

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    Posit the effect of the relative value of the US dollar and the impact on US GDP. Using the equation for GDP, GDP = C + I +G + (X-M), which of the various components of GDP would be most affected by changing currency levels? Explain.

Your initial response should be 400 to 600 words in length and include two academic sources that are properly cited. It is due by the end of the fourth day of the workshop.

Q2. In current news publications, find three examples similar to those in Chapter 15, of the strategic responses of individual businesses to globalization and changes in the currency exchange rates. One of these examples may be your own organization.

    Create a table as shown below that compares and contrasts how each firm (including your employer) is reacting to the changing business environment.

        Defend your answers with clear, insightful thinking.

        The table should fit on one page with a reference list on the second page.

    Submit your table and reference list by the end of the workshop.

Company         Question 1: What internal actions is                             Question 2: What external 

                                             the firm taking in response                          actions is the firm taking in  

                                             to changing currency rates?                         response to changing  

                                                                                                                       currency rates?          




Q3 Choose one of the following five global companies and investigate the company’s earnings in its latest quarter. Explain how currency fluctuations across the globe have affected earnings. Search each of the latest financial reports to find such information. Make sure you research the information from the perspective of currency fluctuations on revenue, earnings, and global market share. This will require two to three pages of APA style narrative with at least three sources of information from credible sources. 


    Procter and Gamble

    John Deere

    YUM! Brands (KFC, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut)

    Coca Cola

Your initial response should be 400 to 600 words in length and include three academic sources that are properly cited.

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