2 page Essay

I don’t have any questions this are other attachments. Use examples from the readings and video to describe how people construct their reality in regard to women. How do men speak about women? Don’t only focus on the men, but keep in mind how women speak about themselves. Be sure to use accounts (review Scott and Lyman mentioned in introduction to module) to describe how people explain mistreatment and violence against women. What cultural factors contribute to the acceptance of these accounts and to the “mainstreaming” of the language used? (2-3 pages

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Please watch the streaming video “Sex Slaves: The Global Sex Trade and Its Victims” (2005):

To access this video, which is available (to all MTSU students) for streaming through the MTSU Library:

There are other videos as well if you wish to peruse and use slightly different information in your discussions, but only this video is required.

Go to the MTSU Walker Library Homepage: 

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Click the “Catalog” Tab

In the search box type in “Kanopy Streaming Sex Slaves”

That should bring up a list with the correct link as the first item listed.

Click on “CONNECT” 

That should bring you to the streaming video.

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