Week 3 Activity


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Many years ago, four states were ahead of the curve and began to require online coursework for high school students. These states were: Michigan, Florida, Alabama, and Idaho. In this assignment, you will explore these requirements.

Research the arguments both for and against such legal mandates. Prepare a 3-page paper in which you present an overview of the current laws and present a point-counterpoint argument about this issue. Introduce a minimum of three supporting references and use APA-formatting to present your paper.

Many years ago, four states were ahead of the curve and began to require online coursework for high school students. These states were: Michigan, Florida, Alabama, and Idaho. In this assignment, you will explore these requirements.

Research the arguments both for and against such legal mandates. Prepare a 3-page paper in which you present an overview of the current laws and present a point-counterpoint argument about this issue. Introduce a minimum of three supporting references and use APA-formatting to present your paper.

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Grading Criteria


Points Possible

An overview of the current laws has been presented.


Arguments supporting mandated on-line coursework have been presented.


Arguments against mandated on-line coursework have been presented.


A minimum of three supporting references have been identified.


Assignment demonstrates creativity and graduate-level writing, including proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar as well as proper APA formatting as appropriate.




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