
Select, read and report on four articles or resources from the following credible sources:

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· Dr. Jill Kerper Mora’s MoraModules, available online at (Links to an external site.)

 – Some of the material is available for free, but a more full course of modules is available for $10 for 60 day access.

· Alternately, you may choose articles and resources available at 

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Post a two to three paragraph summary of which articles or modules you selected and what you learned.

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Grading Rubric





Module Summaries

Candidate has provided a summary of at least four modules, making appropriate connections between modules and other course information.

Candidate is able to locate his or her home state’s ELL policies within a broader policy framework, and/or apply knowledge gained from modules to specific classroom scenarios.

Candidate has provided a summary of at least four modules, making appropriate connections between modules and other course information.

Candidate has provided a summary of four modules, but the information provided is limited in depth or scope.

Candidate has summarized three or fewer modules.

Spelling and Grammar

The work is written at a graduate level or post-graduate level. The writing is well-organized and clear.

The work contains no spelling or grammatical errors that interfere with the clarity of the work. The work is written at a graduate level.

The work contains 1-3 spelling or grammatical errors, or the writing is basic in sentence structure. The lack of proofreading or writing mastery detracts from the clarity of the work but the writer’s overall meaning is still clear.

The work contains 4 or more spelling or grammatical errors, or the work is not written at a graduate level. The lack of proofreading or writing mastery significantly interferes with the clarity of the work.

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