Develop a Research Proposal

 Imagine you are a junior researcher at a world-renowned, high-tech laboratory that receives millions of dollars in government grants each year. You have been assigned the task of writing a proposal for the  DARPA-BAA-15-54 research grant from the United States Defense Advanced  Research Projects Agency (DARPA) that will focus on a topic within the software-defined networking, mobile computing, Internet of Things, or related domains.

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Your proposal must be in APA format, contain at least ten academic references, and be of the quality expected of doctoral-level work. The proposal may be an extension of a previously written problem-statement paper that intrigues you (and is research-worthy) or a completely new topic derived from the readings and research. 

Write  a ten-page research proposal (not including the title page, table of  contents, and reference list) that contains the elements listed below:

  • Title Page

    Title: The title of your work should be concise and describe what your research will entail.
    Student Name
    Course ID and Name

  • Table of Contents
  • Background

    This section will provide enough information so that the reader understands the general context, settings, and basis for the proposed research. A  non-expert may read the proposal, so ensure there are sufficient framing and discussion of the underlying concepts.

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  • Problem Statement

    This section will focus on the presentation of a literature-supported, open  research question or problem that must be addressed. Additional areas should include detailed discussions of its scope, nature, what the problem is, how it developed or evolved into a problem, why it is a  problem, and a brief discussion as to the other works that establish it as a problem within the literature.

  • Goal

    This section provides a concise definition of the goal of the study, what it will accomplish, and how it will be measured. That is, how you will define the success and failure of the study (if applicable).

  • Relevance and Significance

    This section provides additional support for the problem statement and goal  by discussing why the problem exists, who is affected by it, and the  impact of the problem. Additionally, discussion of the study’s  significance, the promise of its outcome, and its outcomes will address  the stated problem.

  • Literature Review

    This  section will focus on clearly identifying the major areas that the research will focus on to establish a foundation of the study within the  body of knowledge. The presentation of literature is an expansion of an  annotated bibliography that justifies the problem, hypothesis, impact,  and significance of the study.

  • Approach

    A  detailed explanation of how the study will be undertaken and how the  goal will be achieved. This should take the form of a discussion of the  methodology used, each step, milestone, and an explanation of each.  Ensure that the approach is supported by the literature, as it cannot be  based solely on opinion or experience.
    Threats and Hurdles
    What  threats (both technical and non-technical) will your resource be faced  with? How will you plan on mitigating these challenges as they arise?  What resources can you use to mitigate these threats?

  • References

 Length: 10-12 pages, not including title and reference pages 

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