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  1. By collaborating with your team members, select one of the communication pieces that you would have used that is listed in your communication plan, and write the communication in a Word document (either the text or the script, if the communication would have been oral). Be sure to review the Week 6 information and the examples of communication plans and types there for more assistance on this piece of the project. If you use any form of communication from templates you find online or in a textbook, be sure to cite your source. Your instructor will grade this based on how well it relates to the audience/stakeholder group to which it is intended.
  2. Use one of the topics from the attached excel sheet to write the plan

Your Grid for Week 6 assignment

or Timeline



Elon Musk email

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Elon Musk

[Click, and type your name.]
Change Plan Grid
Topic Frequency Stakeholders/

Audience Purpose Communicator Message Author Delivery Measure
Increasing Production Capacity Updated versions as needed All employees, shareholders, independent contractors, consultants To keep everyone involved aware of the changes and how it can affect them. CEO Allow for more Tesla cars to be out on the road. Put more pressure on the competetion because Tesla will be dominating the market. Elon Musk Pre-recorded video,

email Numbers – verifying production numbers each quarter
Reducing number of meetings Once All employees To promote productivity Focus on tasks at hand, unless pressing matters arise Productivity and involvement
Ending third party contracts Updated as needed Shareholders, contractors impacted, consultants specifically involved Reduce dependence on outside influence and keep money internal We will be doing more internal and saving ourselves money from outsourcing email and letters Numbers – Fiscal year gains/losses










Topic What is the topic of the communication (a “re” statement)?
How often will this message go out? Regularly? Will there be updated versions? Once?
Who will get this message? Why?
What is the goal of the communication—what should it achieve?
Who is going to actually have their name/voice on this communication?
What is the foundation of the message? (Key points listed)
Who is going to write the communication? (Use the name of the officer/change agent, i.e., the CIO, CFO, CEO or the “CA” (change agent), HR Director, etc.) You don’t actually write a person’s name.
How will the message be delivered, and why that method (i.e., e-mail/phone conference/in person, etc.)?
How will you measure or determine if the message successfully conveyed the information?


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