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Learning Outcomes

In the class I have demonstrated all the outcomes through the essays and other assignments. I have been able to comprehend all of the articles we had read and analyze them. Before this class, I couldn’t not read the assigned readings and understand them. I have shown proficiency in analyzing and evaluating my peers’ essay and I learned a lot from what my peers said about my rough draft essays. Now, I think I am able to Think Critically and Read Analytically: carefully interpret and evaluate claims, beliefs, arguments or issues, reading various texts critically for purposes of interpretation, analysis, synthesis, or evaluation. In college, I have shown that I met each outcome, by the small exercises and the activities we did in class.

I have met the second learning outcome with the assignment about audience and voice exercise I think I was able to Compose and Revise in Context: shape written responses for–and employ style, tone, and mechanical conventions appropriate to–the demands of different audiences and purposes, using various methods of development such as illustration, comparison and contrast, and analysis, and balancing their individual voices with those from other texts.

I was also confused with the MLA citation at first, but after reading the Purdue article it really helped me to understand how to use it properly.

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