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When responding to your peers, discuss their insights and offer additional tips and support, pulling from the readings and your own experiences as guidance. Remember, as with the peer workshop in Week 4, it’s important to be thorough and honest here.

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Colleen post  

I feel I did particularly well in the paragraph below because it sets the tone of the paper, is the COVID-19 vaccine safe and effective for everyone. Strong research has shown the medical community has a distrust in the vaccine development process. This paragraph The research found fully supports one key point that more time and research needs to be done on the COVID-19 vaccines. This will help strengthen my essay by identifying some exclusions during the development stages of the two FDA approved vaccines, currently administered in phases to people in the United States.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) studies have shown there is distrust of the vaccine process, even within the medical community, “There is a lot of skepticism in the medical community, and I don’t just mean doctors- I mean nurses and other staff – about the process whereby vaccines will be evaluated both for effectiveness and safety,” says Schaffner, an ACIP liaison member for the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases. (1) The development of the vaccine has so many political undertones and uncertainty about “Big Pharma” influence it raises the question, “were shortcuts taken to get the vaccine out quickly”. One shortcut taken includes bypassing animal testing and going straight into Phase I clinical trials. (3) Another shortcut is the exclusion of individuals from the first wave of vaccine trials. Exclusions included individuals with severe allergies, other underlying medical conditions, several ethnic, religious and minority groups and those planning to start a family (6,8).

I believe I need further improvement on making the two paragraphs below more cohesive and offer more supporting evidence. I feel I am being to “vague” in identifying my audience. I believe there is a need for those 65+ to receive the FDA approved vaccines if they feel it is safe for them because they have been identified as most at risk, even though there is little evidence supporting the long-term efficacy of the two dose vaccines. I will use feedback from my instructor and peers to help strengthen my writing. I am very open and welcome to constructive feedback

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More time and research is needed to ensure the vaccine is effective and safe. Adverse reactions may not be fully acknowledged or known until after large rollout of the vaccines. Especially for those with underlying conditions such as severe allergies, diabetes, heart conditions and more. It takes approximately two months from the time of the first vaccine for potential long-term side effects to show. Phase 3 clinical trials for a vaccine is typically 2 years, whereas the COVID-19 vaccine took merely 6-months. The fastest vaccine prior to COVID-19 vaccine was the vaccine for mumps in 1967 and it took 4 years before vaccinating humans. (6)

There is no doubt SARS-CoV-2 is a real virus and The United States is in the middle of a pandemic, but is it ethical and safe to rush a vaccine development and distribution and expect everyone to fall in line and get the vaccine? Especially when there is still new information about the virus itself coming out almost daily, including the new variant of SARS-Cov-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 as well as new strains coming from the UK, South Africa and Brazil.(4) There is little to no evidence supporting those who get the vaccine will not be susceptible to getting the virus. There is little to no evidence to support the two-dose vaccines currently approved by the FDA will be effective against new strains.

Gerald post

I believe my strongest paragraph is my introduction because it gives you glance of what my essay is about. 

One of the most important components of a Nuclear power facility is its security force. Since 9/11 the security threats towards nuclear power plants have increased dramatically forcing higher demands of training and qualification standards for the security forces. Regulations have changed since 2001 that required power plants to add more training and higher qualification standards for security personnel, while increasing the number of officers on the force, to minimize security personnel fatigue, and to ensure a vigilant and effective security force. A nuclear security force officers should have the highest training available so they can lower the risk of terrorist attacks at a Power plant.

And the  paragraphs I struggle most would be the main argument of persuasive, I having trouble finding a good source that offers a strong statement of your argument.

The argument has never been if we need a security nuclear force but, the cost of the training and who should be required to pay for the attentional cost of the training. A security force is the largest part of the nuclear facility that provides no help in making power. The United States will spend billions over the nine fiscal years on its nuclear forces, averaging increasing every year. (NTI, September 27, 2013).

The NRC requires Nuclear Security Officers to be trained annually in physical security as well as their overall defense plans in protecting the Nuclear Power Plants. Training for Nuclear Security Force Personnel is designed to provide the individual with the knowledge to perform assigned duties and tasks proficiently in accordance with approved procedures. This should include initial training designed to cover all tasks. Requalification training must be designed to cover those tasks that are designated as requalification training.

For Cynthia and

Shronee post

below Be constructive and professional in your responses. This is your opportunity to encourage someone else, apply critical thinking, and move the conversation further. Ask a question to your peer. What else do you want to know about from his/her post.  POST MUST BE A 100 WORDS

Cynthia post

Small business are needed to keep our local communities strive and become bigger. Small businesses show hard work and dedication to their life and community.

I love reading and watching John C. Maxwell’s seminars on leadership and entrepreneurship. He states,” That small businesses should have that “wow factor”.” Which is adding value that is unexpected. Leadership, motivation, and consistancy is very important. He also stated,”Discipline keeps you going.”

Small business owners should do more that is trending. Keeping up with the new era of product and appeal. The businesses should do less of price gouging. Reasonable prices are what customers want. I have work for an owner who was a small business. He would find anyway to raise prices on everything. It was all about the money not the people. I tried to help him with customers. The customers were turned away due to prices and no marketing strategies.

The characteristics I would love to develop is listening, leadership, motivation, and more customer service. I strive to be the best. My fiancée and I have decided to become a partnership for a restaurant one day after we get our degrees. We are in this to learn more. We have worked all the management positions and have seen alot of dos and Don’ts inside of a small business, corporations, and franchise. We feel business owners should have some type of degree to run or start a business. Here is some of John C Maxwell’s tips on becoming a great entrepreneur and leader. If you haven’t heard of him you should search his work.

Shronee post

Small business owners are important for the community. It helps with the economy in the local neighborhoods, by creating jobs. As a small business owner, you have more control of delivering your vision. Also delivering customer support convenient and efficient, that builds credibility and customer retention. Small business owners can enjoy the value of flexibility and job security.

A small business owner must be self-motivated. As a small business owner you must be confident, enthusiastic and passionate. Having these characteristics can inspired your team and others to support your business. In the past, small business owners relied on manually systems. In this day, small business owners must be very savvy and adapt to the advantage of computerized systems. A small business owner must be in tune with today growing technology to be successful.

Communication and collaboration is essential for business to be successful. Using mobile computing devices, small business can communicate effectively at an low cost. Typically most business will travel and have meetings at local hotels or meeting halls. Utilizing technology software like Skype, Zoom, and other software to conduct meetings; are common in today growing small business market.

Attending online school you have to be self -motivated. Being self-motivated is key to being a business owner. At this point of my life, I am more eager to improve my overall business skills, and knowledge. Earning this degree will help me develop sales and marketing strategies.

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