HIS is NOT a  PERSONAL  SWOT. This is about your unit/job. Look at your place of employment, select ONE (1) problem that is currently being addressed; or, one that you think needs to be addressed. 

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SWOT  information in Module 3

Assignment (two parts)

For the first part of this assignment, use your work-unit to fill out the attached SWOT grid and then analyze your unit’s results.

Link here for SWOT Analysis Worksheet

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Type directly onto the worksheet using the ‘add text’ button (see screeenshot below on this page to learn how to ‘add text’).

  • For the second part of this assignment, using at least three references, you will1. Analyze each area of the worksheet.
    2. Write an analysis of each SWOT area of the worksheet. Your summary should be a 3-5 page APA essay with a title page, headings, citations, and references (at least two (2). There is no word count for this assignment.
  • Write a brief introduction to the nursing organization/unit.
  •  Explain at least three major strengths and two major weaknesses of the organization/unit. o For each weakness, discuss what the organization could do to minimize that weakness.
  • Include in your analysis an explanation of how each of the opportunities and threats will likely impact the organization/unit.
  • Briefly summarize your SWOT analysis. (conclusion)

    Discuss how the organization/unit can capitalize on the opportunities that are occurring from within the general environment;
    How the organization can neutralize the threats that are occurring.

    • To organize your  3-5 page APA essay, (title and reference pages are not part of the essay page count).

      Use the headings in the rubric to help organize your essay. 
      Three (3) scholarly references.
      See rubric below for APA criteria


    1. SWOT worksheet and
    2. your 3-5 page analysis/summary to the SWOT analysis dropbox 
    • (50 points for the Worksheet and 50 points for the summary paper)

    Screenshot for SWOT auto-fill:  To auto-fill the SWOT worksheet, look on the upper right side of downloaded worksheet > find >T Add Text > click on it > move cursor into chosen box and type.


    SWOT Analysis Worksheet
    • For instructions on using SWOT Analysis, visit www.mindtools.com/rs/SWOT.
    • For personal career or life strategy, visit www.mindtools.com/rs/LifePlanWorkbook.

    What do you do well?
    What unique resources can you draw on?
    What do others see as your strengths?

    What could you improve?
    Where do you have fewer resources than
    What are others likely to see as weaknesses?

    What opportunities are open to you?
    What trends could you take advantage of?
    How can you turn your strengths into

    What threats could harm you?
    What is your competition doing?
    What threats do your weaknesses expose you

    To learn more skills like this, subscribe to the free Mind Tools newsletter: http://www.mindtools.com/subscribe.htm.

    © Copyright Mind Tools Ltd, 2007-2011. Please feel free to copy this sheet for your own use and to share with friends,

    co-workers or team members, just as long as you do not change it in any way.




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    1. What are others likely to see as weaknesses:
    2. 0:

    3. opportunities:
    4. 0:

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