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Critical Issues in Education

Investigate three resources (website, article, video, etc.) on the topic of social development issues in early childhood and complete the following steps.

In an essay of 1500-1750, summarize your findings by addressing the following main points of each resource you selected. You will repeat this sequence for each resource. The word count is for the total essay, not each resource.

• Who was the focus of the resource (e.g., first graders? parents? etc.)?
• What was the resource discussing? What did it suggest? What were the findings?
• Where was the context (learning environment? grade level? home? etc.)?
• Why is this important to the field of early childhood learning environments? Be specific in explaining the connections of your resource to the course materials and topic for this week.
• How will it help you as an early childhood professional in the learning environment? List at least two things you will do in the learning environment as a result of the information you learned from the resource.

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Be sure to include references and weblinks to the three resources you chose. Your essay should be 1500-1750 words and should include at least three (3) citations. The sections should be clearly marked with headings so that your instructor knows which points you are addressing. Follow the guidelines for APA writing style. The title page and references page so not count towards the minimum word amount for this assignment.

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