english writing

Discuss the following questions and any other insights into this week’s reading that seem important to you. Try to answer no more than one or two questions per post, which helps your peers reply to your post. Make an effort to tackle a question nobody else has answered yet. Try to make connections between Lamott, Foley, and Sommers. 

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  1. Analyze the quotations Sommers includes to support her assertion that student writers see revision differently from “experienced” writers. Are the two kinds of writers as far apart as she claims? Is there any overlap? Be specific.
  2. Discuss the students’ concern about repetition. Have you had a similar experience as a writer? Why does Sommers suggest that this concern is unfounded or misplaced? Do you agree with her? Why or why not?
  3. Discuss Sommers’ claim that students believe that revision is complete when they believe that “they have not violated any of the rules for revising.” To what kind of rules is Sommers referring? Is she suggesting that these rules don’t matter?
  4. What are some of the similarities between Lamott, Foley, and Sommer’s description of the writing process?  

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