Humanitarian assistance


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Requirements & Preparing the paper

  • Identify an international humanitarian crisis that has taken place  in the past six months. . You may refer to reports from the UN Office  for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), other UN agencies,  international non-governmental organizations, government agencies,  media, or other sources to identify an international humanitarian  crisis.
  • Draft a memorandum, identifying yourself as a student in the MPH program at Chamberlain University. 
  • Identify an NGO that you will request funding or other assistance  from to be given to a humanitarian organization that is working in the  country experiencing the international humanitarian crisis you  identified.
  • Include in the memorandum the following:

    Name and address of NGO requesting funding or other assistance from, and the humanitarian organization that will receive the aid
    Facts of the crisis
    Humanitarian needs
    Unmet needs/Response gaps

  • Use the attached MEMORANDUM Template to produce your document.
  • The memorandum is to be 2-3 pages long.
  • For help with writing your memorandum, search the internet for the  following document (just copy and paste into your search engine):  Educational Equity. Guide to Writing an Effective Policy Memo. You may find that document here:

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