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Q1- why do you want to join Cybersecurity Bootcamp? 

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‏There’s never been a better time to get into the field of Cybersecurity – there’s a growing demand for these professionals and benefits reflect that growth as well.

Specially , The digital transformation taking place in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the serious steps in enhancing the concept of information security in theory and practice way . It started by establishing cybersecurity Authority and protocols applied to the public and private sectors . 

Then investing in youth through training bootcamp in cooperation with major organizations and companies such as Codingdojo .

My credit card information was stolen through one of the online shopping sites and my computer got infected by Ransomware virus ( It infects your computer and displays messages demanding a fee to be paid in order for your system to work again ) . 

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The reason behind that passion is During the period of searching for solutions to recover the money , files and lost information , I learned important skills in how to ensure the safety of using online shopping sites and how to secure my personal information and devices . 

From here my passion and scientific journey began to be an information security specialist that started in 2016 by attending the Cyber Security conference at Baltimore , then my major in SAP required that I should be familiar with setting policies and user powers in the system , then I started making my plan , and the first step was to prepare for the Security Plus Certificate , then applying to the bootcamp because it will be a strong foundation and move me from the beginner stage to the advance .

‏After I search and talk to professional | found that it’s never late to follow my passion and no matter what skills set and background I have .

I set a plan that focusing on technical skills such as learning programing languages and be more familiar with operating systems . As well as enhancing my brain functions by set a daily routine of playing smart games cuz it helps me be focused and pay attention for small details that makes a huge impact on personal life or the ability of analyzing and solving problems as Cybersecurity specialist needs . 

Finally, as part of the community, I have a social responsibility to promote the concept of cybersecurity through making an educational video series for adults and children. I saw this idea in Think Talk Tech video series, it’s about how to tech and explain technology in simple and effective way. 

One of the video tells story about Alia she enjoys here  computer class because she uses the internet because it is fun and easy to use, she can make friends, playing games.So her teacher teaches her how to use the internet safely and be aware of viruses by only using trusted websites because the internet can get infected with viruses and don’t share her personal information with anyone and how to set strong and complex passwords. 

Q2- Why do you want to change a career from SAP field to Cybersecurity field? 

Actually , I do not want to link my a life job with a specific software because it will limit my development and the possibility of regeneration.

Q3. Tell me about SAP journey

It was really exceptional journey. Understanding the basic knowledge of SAP S/4Hana and Ariba Procurement, Gain globally-recognized associate-level SAP Certifications , I Learned directly from SAP experts, Experience classroom and workshop-based training in SAP Technologies and Develop the soft skills needed to prepare you for successful job applications.

Finally, as part of the community, I have a social responsibility to promote the concept of cybersecurity through making an educational video series for adults and children. I saw this idea in Think Talk Tech video series, it’s about how to tech and explain technology in simple and effective way. 
One of the video tells story about Alia she enjoys here  computer class because she uses the internet because it is fun and easy to use, she can make friends, playing games.So her teacher teaches her how to use the internet safely and be aware of viruses by only using trusted websites because the internet can get infected with viruses and don’t share her personal information with anyone and how to set strong and complex passwords. 
Q2- Why do you want to change a career from SAP field to Cybersecurity field? 
Actually , I do not want to link my a life job with a specific software because it will limit my development and the possibility of regeneration.
Q3. Tell me about SAP journey? 
It was really exceptional journey. Understanding the basic knowledge of SAP S/4Hana and Ariba Procurement, Gain globally-recognized associate-level SAP Certifications , I Learned directly from SAP experts, Experience classroom and workshop-based training in SAP Technologies and Develop the soft skills needed to prepare you for successful job applications.

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