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Patient-Centric Health Care Practices


Imagine you are the CEO of a health care organization. You would like to implement a patient-centric health information management system (HIMS) within the organization. This system needs to take into consideration health care costs and safety. You need your executive team on board to ensure successful implementation of this patient-centric health care technology information system. You plan to present a detailed report to your management team about the patient-centric approach, its benefits and challenges, and why your organization needs to embrace this approach.


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You will write a 5–6 page research report in which you address the following:

1. Taking into consideration patient safety and health care costs, explain why a patient-centric approach is important in today’s health care system along with the challenges involved in implementation. Provide specific examples to justify your reasoning.

2. Analyze the benefits derived by health care organizations that practice a patient-centric approach, stating their unique characteristics. Provide at least two examples to support your ideas.

3. Identify two examples of a patient-centric health care practice and propose three ways patient-centric technology could increase patient access to quality health care.

4. Suggest three ways that HIMS can improve the patient experience within a health care organization or with a health care provider.

5. Predict three ways you would use patient-centric health care practice principles to improve quality care measures within your organization.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

· Propose how patient-centric health care practices and technology and a HIMS can improve health care.

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